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I’m FINALLY able to share with you some behind the scenes while filming the ELLE Mexico Diseña TV series. It makes me so happy to share this experience with you, specially because some of you have been following my journey ever since I started the blog almost 6 years ago.
Sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize all the huge opportunities I’ve had in the past few years. I cant help but to feel incredibly grateful and excited to be able to do what I love and even beyond my expectations.
I never in a million years imagined I would end up on Television, let alone be in 2 different TV series in a matter of a year, specially for a network like E! Entertainment Television. It has happened and although the thought is very surreal, I am so freaking excited about it!
Cheesy but true, dreams can come true.

114 Responses

  1. Hi Andy!! Is it possible to follow "elle mexico diseña" on the web?? I´m from spain and I have no chance on TV.I love your blog.Belen xxx

  2. Hola tenia mucho que no te comentaba pero te sigo visitando, yo conoci tu blog, como en oct del 2008, nos comentabamos y hasta me tenias en tu blogroll¡¡¡ no creo que te acuerdesahora con mile de seguidores, viejos tiempos jajaja , me da mucho gusto de lo que has logrado, te felicito mucho y no me perdere elle mexico diseña. saludos¡¡¡www.elestiloimporta.blogspot.com

  3. Chica de verdad me encanta tu trabajo y me alegra que seas juez, pero como critica constructiva, escribe en español por lo menos esto que va dirigido a un mercado mayoritariamente latino.

  4. That is so amzing Andy, wish I could view the show I really love watching these shows and the design process. Will the show be posted on-line to view?Marcela

  5. wooow!! congrats!!im very happy for you! great success!i hope to see more more posts soon!www.h-illa-rious.blogspot.com ———– what about CHANEL GIVEAWAY on my blog? :)xxx illa

  6. Andy! Jajaja "la culpa la tiene lamde rojo" tu guapisima y la mas linda y buena onda de los 3 jueces, felicidades por todo tu exito y que venga mucho mas un abrazo desde Guadalajara muero por ver el resto de los vestidos! El primero de los acrílicos wow! Saludos!

  7. Congratulations Andy, I love shows like that. I got soo hooked to Project Runway. I hope it can wacthed here in the UK. xoxoIvyhttp://www.purrpleivy.com/

  8. You look absolutely stunning in your outfit Andy. You must be so proud & excited!!Have a wonderful weekend Hun xoxohttp://www.intotheblonde.com/

  9. Congratulations! I'm so incredibly happy for you that your dreams have come true :D BTW, you looked gorgeous in the pictures! :Dxoclothesanddreams.blogspot.com

  10. So happy for you. Can't wait to see the first episode!Can you post it on your blog?www.lips2lagerfeld.comwww.lips2lagerfeld.com