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Dress: Rolando Santana  |  Shoes: Senso  |  Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim  |  Jacket: ZARA
Today is a very special day because the TV show I’ve been filming alongside Sara Galindo and Rolando Santana finally airs on E! at 9:00 pm tonight (Mexico Time).
On the show, we are searching for the next big Mexican Designer and we toured around the country auditioning extremely talented people. During the audition tour I laughed, I cried, I sat in shock, I was surprised, I was moved and I pretty much went through most emotions you can imagine so I cant wait to be able to see the auditions, but this time on TV as I was sitting on the panel of judges and its always interesting -and fun- to see things from the other perfective, the audience.
I am flying to Mexico again at the end of the month as we are filming the final of the show at the beginning of June.
Cant wait to be back in my homeland!
Hoy es un dia muy especial ya que el programa de televisión que estuve grabando junto a Sara Galindo y Rolando Santana sale al aire hoy en la noche por E! a las 9:00 pm (hora de Mexico).
Durante el tour de ELLE Mexico Diseña, viajamos al rededor de la republica Mexicana auducionando concursantes en búsqueda de nuevos talentos en el Diseño en Mexico. El viajar por mi pais, poder conocer a tanta gente y sobre todo, descubrir tanto talento fue una experiencia increible. Durante las audiciones lloré, me dieron ataques de risa, me sorprendí, me quede en shock y todas las emociones que se puedan imaginar, así que me muero de ganas de ver como se tradujo todo esto en la serie y por primera vez verlo no desde la mesa de los jueces, sino como audiencia.
No se pierdan el gran estreno hoy a las 9:00pm por E! Latino America :D

147 Responses

  1. Congrats Andy! I'm so happy for your achievement =)I guess life would be boring if it's monotonous and through all those emotions, we learn to be wiser =)Unfortunately, I'm unable to watch it from my side of the world. Would be great if I can see it from your blog. I'll be waiting for you to post it up =)

  2. Great leather jacket! And the dress is so interesting…I love the architecture of the skirt :). Veloria in velvetwww.veloriainvelvet.wordpress.vom

  3. Very cool. I'm going to try to find it on my E! channel. Congrats and love today's look. xoxo

  4. Hey Andy,Ik zag net een agenda op de V&D pagina met de naam Style Scrapbook en met hetzelfde logo als jouw pagina. Heb jij toevallig me ze samengewerkt en de agenda ontworpen?Hier is de link voor als je wil kijken:

  5. Sound amazing, I would love to watch the show a bit, will it be able too watch here in Holland or not?! :) Great look as well! xoxoSaranda @ Sarandipity

  6. Me encanta el look y tú te ves guapísima!!Espero que pongan el programa online.. tengo ganas de verlo! xxx- Laura

  7. Can't wait to see the episode! :)Can you please post it on your blog?

  8. I find that cobalt blue box pleat skirt so adorable, I am super happy you wore it, thanks for the recommendation! <3 Btw, I just posted my new outfit featuring gold forefinger rings and hand chains, quite an interesting take on a new arm party! Do tell me if I have successfully PROVOKED you ;)xx The Provoker

  9. Oooh WOW!I shot one of my looks at the exact same location a little while ago!I live right around the corner from there!You can see it right here Andy:) is so fun to watch what others do on the same location.Well done on the styling dear! Such a well picked outfit.Tamara Chloé


  11. You must be sooooo excited the programme is airing tonight. Hope you're happy with the result.Love the detail on the dress.Have a fab Thursday Hun xoxo

  12. Wow:) really beautiful pics, you're so pretty♥and your outfit also – very nice:)totally like your jacket! you look so good in it! great postand maybe you would want to visit my blog while having some free time?:)) NEW POST