Pics by Fred from Easy Fashion

Thank God is Friday! Have fun and me safe!



100 Responses

  1. you're beautiful, your blog entries are beautiful too! keep on making these great posts! take care and have a good day:-)checkout/follow my blog at:vyile.blogspot.com

  2. Hi Andy,if you are still looking for red leather pants, you may want to check out in Amsterdam Hifa at the Nieuwendijk or Kalverstraat. Not a very nice shop, but at the back end they have leather pants in different colors they they design themselves and are produced in Turkey.Good luck!Sofie

  3. Oh wow, your pants and shoes from the first picture literally gave me heart palpitations. I the velvet texture of the shoes.

  4. Oh, God seriously Andy, if there is a prize for the most stylish and best blogger ever somewhere in the world you will definitely win it! Have a fantastic weekend :)-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com

  5. faboulous outfit, I love the way you put together animal printed pants and gray jacket, well done !love your blogkisswww.tokyoblondes.blogspot.com

  6. Every time I see those shoes I want them more and I love how you styled the whole outfit. It looks great. Oh those pumps though to die for literally.

  7. Love the first pants,( the printed ones) they look like some that Chloe Sevigny used in a party!! xxNatywww.comomequeda.blogspot.com

  8. love the first shot of you- so sweet, great navy velvet pumps and really love the green maxi skirt you made too… sure you can never make enough and the only way to get one long enough!Hope you have a great weekend. Katie.xx fashion clocked

  9. i hope u 'd be on of thmost famous fashionsts people in the world..i hope i can do too..;Dhttp://hellohurricanemynameismarym.blogspot.com/

  10. i love the first picture. the grey top w the blue shoes amazingxoxo,Fhttp://lekisskiss.blogspot.com <– Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!

  11. Esos dos outfits me encantan!! y los tacones del primero son increibleees!!!!Besoshttp://lavidaenbyn.blogspot.com

  12. That skirt looks incredible on you – your legs look miles long! And I love it paired with the black leather jacket, so chic!