Its Saturday, Im still in bed, it looks cold and like its about to rain outside but still, I am shooting an outfit post today…

In the meantime, I leave you with an inspirational pic that gave me lots of ideas on how to wear my beloved leopard pants.

Have a fun weekend!

P.S- I woke up today, to realize StyleScrapbook reached over 22,000 followers on FACEBOOK and its all thanks to YOU!!!! You guys are amazing, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!


Es Sábado por la mañana y yo sigo en mi camita.
Me asome por la ventana, se ve que hace muchísimo frio y que muy pronto va a empezar a llover, peor aun así, en un rato me salgo a tomar fotos de mi look de hoy, mientras, los dejo con una foto que me ha inspirado en como combinar mis amados pantalones de leopardo.

¡Que tengan buen fin de semana!

P.S- Hoy en la mañana me di cuenta que StyleScrapbook ya alcanzo los 22.000 seguidores en FACEBOOK, MUCHISIMAS GRACIAS por que sin ustedes, no seria posible… Les agradezco de todo corazón.


And here is my latest music obsession, but you know I ♥ Robyn.

55 Responses

  1. As envious as I am of your life/wardrobe/blogging success I have to say congratulations, if anyone deserves such an obscene number if followers it is you! Your blog fantastic and always makes for such enjoyable reading. And as for your jealous-making style… There are no words. Keep the great posts coming.

  2. I looove the leopard pants. Saw some yesterday at Zara. Want them very much. I'm so in love with Robyn!!

  3. great inspirations strips with leopard print look awesome! I like the Robyn song too, this artist is amazing!greetings from