Don’t be fooled by the sunny pics, because as I was taking those shots I was literally freezing, I guess in my mind I’m still refusing to believe the warm days are over.

I found this blazer at a vintage shop last summer and since I have only worn it once before, I thought it was a good idea to bring it out of the closet one more time before we get covered in snow and have to start wearing at least 3 layers of clothes.

Its funny to thing that I used to hate red when I was a child, yes, I hated it with passion and it was indeed one of my least favorite colors, now however, I a dying for a pair of red skinny leather pants…If you know where to find them, don’t hesitate in letting me know ;)


No dejes te dejes enganar por mis fotos soleadas, por que mientras las estábamos tomando, yo me estaba congelando, literalmente.
Yo se que estamos casi a finales de Octubre pero inconscientemente me rehuso a creer que los días de calor ya se fueron, al menos hasta Mayo o Junio del año que viene (Eso me pasa por venirme a vivir a Europa, ahora me aguanto ¿no?).

Encontré este blazer rojo en una tienda vintage el verano pasado y se me hace súper chistoso el hecho de que cuando era niña odiaba el rojo, lo juro, lo odiaba con pasión (ahora es el cafe) y ahora me muero por conseguir unos pantalones de cuero rojos, así que si alguien sabe donde, porfa me avisan :).



200 Responses

  1. Hola Andy llevo muchísimo tiempo siguiendote yo diría que un año por lo menos y aunque no tengo un blog me encanta la moda el stylismo y déjame decirte que tu estas realizando el sueño de muchas, irte a vivir a Europa y seguir la moda aun mas de cerca.También soy Mexicana, Veracruzana de corazón y aunque soy publicista déjame decirte que mi pasión es la moda creo que aun más que tu jajaja.Te mando un fuerte abrazo desde México y espero que tu próxima visita a México vengas al bellísimo puerto de Veracruz donde vas a tener la mejor guía de turistas que te podrías encontrar aquí.=*** Besos desde México y sigue realizando ese sueño maravilloso por muchas de nosotras que no podemos.

  2. hey tienes un estilo genial! Y pues si es la vida en las europas, buena suerte con tus pantalones de cuero rojos, hay que saber lucirlos también. A pro po de donde vienes???

  3. WOW lovely LOVELY lovely blazer! LOVE it literally. you are so classy in these pics :)valentinahttp://fashionsqueezer.blogspot.com/

  4. Andy you look fantastic! You look really stunning with red color! Love this outfit! your blazer and backpack are amazing!greetings fromhttp://mikalafashion.blogspot.com/

  5. wow you look like Indonesian flag goes to fashion.. may be i will wear those combination to in our independence day,, so inspired!!

  6. WOW Andy, you look awesome! I love your blazer and your jeans!Red is my favourite colour, but like you I used to hate it as a child.

  7. Si vivieses en España no te congelarías!! Aquí todavia hace calorcillo durante el día :)Me gusta muchisimo el outfit!! Besos

  8. I love the contrast of the red with the flash of white and black.Regarding the red leather trousers, COS had a great pair last season, they went into the sale, have a look on ebay etc.dressedupdown.blogspot.com

  9. Hi, Andy!I am from BRASIL.You have the same name of my only one sister: Andréa. Beautiful, Wonderful name. But "Andy" sounds really good as well.Your lovely BLOG is marvellous! Sometimes I stay minutes and minutes just looking at it and finding previous (and funny) old Posts.I decide to write today, cause you have said you use to "hate RED".I must say it is MY FAVORITE COLOUR since ever!!! Really!!! Since I was just a child. So, go on!! You look gorgeous in this powerful color! BE RED MORE!Hugs from over here!! God Bless You and your (beautiful) work!!

  10. hi,I see that you love clothes and fashion. I would like to let you know that I opened a brand new shop where there are different kind of shoes, bags, clothes and accessories you people that love to mix and match into your Unique kind of style. Visit the blog shop: http://wmstyleblog.blogspot.comFacebook page shop:http://www.facebook.com/wmstyleClick Like on the facebook shop to keep track on our latest updates. We update our products weekly, so it's a must to stay tune! Also, let the word out and let your friends know about it.Much Love,Kitty

  11. hi,I see that you love clothes and fashion. I would like to let you know that I opened a brand new shop where there are different kind of shoes, bags, clothes and accessories you people that love to mix and match into your Unique kind of style. Visit the blog shop: http://wmstyleblog.blogspot.comFacebook page shop:http://www.facebook.com/wmstyleClick Like on the facebook shop to keep track on our latest updates. We update our products weekly, so it's a must to stay tune! Also, let the word out and let your friends know about it.Much Love,Kitty

  12. dear, you are FABOULOUS ! I love love love this outfit, it's fantastic from the bottom to the topwell donelove your blogkisswww.tokyoblondes.blogspot.com

  13. Hello Andy! I'm Anna and I live in Italy. Even if you do not ever comment on your blog, I will follow you and always love your style! You're FANTASTIC!Kiss

  14. The same thing happened to ne, Red didn't used to be one of my favorite but now I just love it. There's no point on telling you how amazing your outfit is and how gorgeous you look because there are more than a hundred people who told you so I'm sure you know by now :) Well, I know that you can probably find red leather pants at Balmain but they'll cost more than a couple hundred dollars. Maybe try looking in vintages stores or eBay. If I see some I'll let you know.Have a great day.P.S.: It has been a while since you stopped by my blog. Feel free to stop anytime. One of your lovely comments would make my day.-The Trendy Fashionistahttp://thetrendyfashionista.blogspot.com

  15. I am loving red blazers right now. I really want one. Also, I keep seeing red skinny pants all over the photosphere so I don't blame you for wanting them they look amazing and surely you saw that photo of Victoria Beckham wearing a pair. They were to die for.

  16. me pasa lo mismo, yo hace tiempo me negaba al rojo, pero desde que comencé mi blog.. todo lo que encontraba en rojo me encantaba y le quería colocar todo en ese color,, hace días me he comprado 2 chaquetas en ese color, pero no sabia como combinarlas.. y me ha encantado como lo has hecho..besos.. y bueno aquí en México el frió ya esta muy duro.. el calor ya se fue…xox0

  17. Andy! es la primera vez que te comento pero siempre veo tu blog, en mi ya es una adiccion. Me gusta mucho tu look de hoy, ese blazer con los botones dorados es hermoso al igual que cada uno de los accesorios que tenes. Bueno divina te mando un beso grande desde Argentina, ah te aviso que aqui tenes varias admiradoras que aman todos tus looks ♥ Marlene

  18. love it very cute.xoxo,Fhttp://lekisskiss.blogspot.com <– Dont miss out on my Tory Burch giveaway in honor of National Women's Business Week!!

  19. tienes aires a beatles con las gafas xD. la madre de una amiga dice que el rojo es para las niñas buenas.me guta tu outfit, lo quiero, tiene pinta de comodo.besosshttp://paatstyle.blogspot.com

  20. Not anyone can wear red. It´s an empowering color and it definitely looks great on you! I have a similar red coat with gold detailing and it too has been hiding in my closet..perhaps I´ll have to take it out soon! Un besote desde Madrid! Lizettewww.lejoiede-lizette.blogspot.com

  21. amazing look Andy!!! so usual coming from u!!! hehehe i love the shirt with lace…it´s so cute!!! and sorry if my English isnt good enough i know u speak Spanish too but i´d like practising English hehehe xoxo

  22. I'm so in love with this blazer and blouse :) Wish I knew where to find red leather pants..hmm..lol they would be a great find! Look good as always dear! <3xoxo Hollywww.ispyfashiondiary.blogspot.com

  23. Yo tengo adoracion por el rojo!! y tu blazer esta divinooo!!!!!! apart te qda genial!Un besitoooohttp://lavidaenbyn.blogspot.com

  24. I really love this outfit. the red,white&black goes well together. dont take this the wrong way but the jacket reminds me slightly of Micheal Jackson's (which is a good thing!) but more stylish haha

  25. I admire you so much! You have a great style, and you always look so cool just being yourself! I'm pretty curious about your beauty routine, what about a post with all the skin and hair products you use??It would be amazing!ps Can I say that you are the best blogger in Europe? Yes, i can :D

  26. Love your jacket and your blazer. ;) Oh yes, so do not want to forget about the summer days, but ahead of winter … three layers of clothes:) I also hated the color red, but now he starts to like me and I love him! :)xoxo

  27. . great outfit, LOVE your blazer! you should wear it more often, he is perfect to you. . i love vintage stuff.www.birdsaroundme.blogspot.com ♥

  28. I love that shirt, such a Victorian, or Edwardian look! :D To have a touch of color in any outfit, makes it more shiny and catches your eye :D

  29. Love the colour of the blazer against the monochrome of everything else. Your blouse is gorgeous too! And those boots…WANT x

  30. Love the look!! Red is a beautiful colour, you look amazing! You are the most inspiring person I know! I really love your style <3Annexx

  31. Hello sweet Andy!I LOVE red so I'm suspicious but I can say that I LOVE your blazer!Last year I was also looking for a skinny leather pants in red and I couldn't found it anywhere so I wish you good luck on that!Bisu*Silhttp://myfashionscript.blogspot.com

  32. You look stunning in red Andy. Know wut, you make everything wearable and girly that even I want to try some colors now… not that big with fashion style but you gotta start the new with an inspirtion.Dying to buy a neon Top and red blazer very soon but anything that looks like you is great for me… that means you're my muse…it's not flattery but it's the truth. I like your humble b=nature and the way you speak so I watched all of your vidoes yesterday… i know m late<3

  33. I love this outfit, Andy!!The blazer is amazing and that shirt is just my cup of cake!!!xxxVikkihttp://stylometre.blogspot.com

  34. Lovely outfit :o) Isabel Marants has red leather pants, and for a more budget friendly pair I think you can get them at COS…x0x0Shttp://lifeofsilk.wordpress.com/

  35. such lovely pictures – love the variety! really awesome outfit, I love that I can always get style inspiration on Style Scrapbook! <3

  36. whoa andy! your outfit is amazing here!i love the touch of red in this post.fall is coming and it's time to throw blazer on!and you just did it so well ;)http://eclecticraccoon.blogspot.com/

  37. there are times that you buy something and don't have any idea for it. like the way that you wore this blazer with the rest of the outfit.