AndyTorresPink4AndyTorresPink6 AndyTorresPink8 AndyTorresPink5 AndyTorresPink10 AndyTorresPink2 AndyTorresPink AndyTorresPink3 AndyTorresPink9I’M WEARING  >>  Dress: Sandro Paris  |  Boots: Jimmy Choo  |  Brazer: H&M Studio  |  Earring: Dior  |  Bracelet: Hermes  |  Bag: Jimmy Choo  |  Rings: Tom Wood  |  Necklaces: Fashionology

Its not often that you will see me wearing pink, I just don’t think its “my thing” but every now and then, I come across a piece that strikes me and I cant get out of my head. I saw this dress while I was in Paris and I literally couldn’t get it out of my head. I guess the combo with the stripes makes it more sporty and desirable for me, I don’t know, but theres something about this pink dress…



107 Responses

  1. Pink is not “my thing” too, but sometimes we can take some risks and you did it so well!

  2. You look so chic and stylish. I adore this combo and you did a fantastic job styling. I especially love your dress!

  3. Hi Andy,
    This pink dress fits you well! And it looks you perfect! Good combo with the earrings, blazer and the shoes!

  4. Beautiful pictures. I’m not a “pink girl” either but I could feel exactly the same in front of a beautiful piece.


  5. The Sandro pink dress looks beautiful on you! Love the pictures of the sunset. It’s absolutely breathtaking.


  6. I had that dress in the fitting room yesterday! Didn’t fit me though.. It sure fits u nicely, but maybe you’re right.. I also don’t feel like like its your color, but its a really difficult color to rock..