AndyTorresMAdeleine3AndyTorresMAdeleine AndyTorresMAdeleine5 AndyTorresMAdeleine7 AndyTorresMAdeleine10 AndyTorresMAdeleine4 AndyTorresMAdeleine6 AndyTorresMAdeleine2 AndyTorresMAdeleine11I’M WEARING  >>  Dress: Zara  |  Boots: Jimmy Choo  |  Bracelet: Hermes  |  Lace top: Zara (old)  |  Bag: Jimmy Choo  |  Rings: Tom Wood

As you see these photos you might be thinking to yourself; Jesus Christ! This girl has freakishly long legs!!! Funny story though; these legs were serious cause for bullying at school when I was little, I hated my long legs, I hated being tall and I remember my mother telling me: Andrea listen to me, one day when you are old enough you will realize that long legs aren’t a curse. Ok, at the time I thought my mom was COMPLETELY wrong, as all of us do when we are starting puberty and we want to look exactly like our friends. I grew up in Mexico and by age 13 I was already around 1.70cm tall, which meant back of the line -every single time-, I was taller than all the boys at school, I unsuccessfully searched for jeans long enough to fit me and I seriously resented the fact that I was so tall. By the time I was 18 years old I was already my current height ( 1.80 cm ), but by this age the bullying for my long legs had luckily dialed down and I was dating my high school sweetheart who was not only extremely handsome, but also a lot shorter than me ( and I really hope he is not reading this right now, or ever! ).
The thing is, whenever I get compliments about my legs nowadays I always have to go back to those days when I was bullied for the exact same thing and I smile about the things my mom used to tell me, about being older and realizing this was actually a good thing. I CANNOT believe how stupid I was for not accepting myself the way I was but hey, puberty is a messed up time for all of us. A few years later, my legs are my favorite part of my body which I find ironic and all I have left to say is; Mom, you were right…

Accept yourself the way you are! you never know if your biggest flaws will one day become your biggest assets ;)

9a209-andysignaturePhotos by Richard Nicholls


117 Responses

  1. I was always one of the tall kids at school too, I could bullied something terrible. It’s horrid how cruel kids can be. Funny how things we hated back then can be things we love now. Love your boots btw

  2. Hey Andy, I always notice while reading your posts that you have the height measurements complete wrong. Its either 180 cm or 1.80 m. If you were 1.80 cm than you would be probably the size of a dime ;-) Sorry, I just have to tell you this. Otherwise brilliant as always!

  3. Andy, I loved the look, the boots are amazing and so are you for sharing that story.

    I’m not as tall as you but I was also called names for being tall in Mexico (1.71). now I’m happy with my height and actually don’t mind the extra inches that great shoes give me ;)

    Hope you visit:


  4. I experienced a similar thing with my hair.
    I have natural curls and when I was in elementary school I was bullied by my class mates because the other girls all had straight hair.
    At that time of my life I really hated my hair and wanted straight hair so bad just to be ” normal “.
    But now, these exact students who once bullied me say that they love my hair and most importantly, I like it too !

    xx Julia

  5. Me alucinan tus piernas, son un espectáculo! Mido casi 1.80 y también estaba en las mismas cuando era pequeña :)

  6. Gorgeous Andy! beautiful long legs! I bet that all those bullies are nowhere near as successful or gorgeous as your are today!

  7. Why are you always so damn right ? ;)
    You were right next to my job, I would love to meet you, but I would feel so small next to you ! All right, I’m ok with my size, #teampetite forever, but you will always wear those kind of boots better than I will !


  8. I recognize your story although it weren’t my legs but my whole appearance in general when I was younger. Now I’m 30 I don’t care anymore. I;m happy the way I look. You look absolutely incredible with this endless legs, gorgeous dress and stunning boots ;) xx

  9. Andy que te puedo decir, yo también tenía problemas con mi estatura mido 1.60 y siempre era la burla en la universidad pero aprendí a reírme de mi mismo y todos esos complejos que tenía se me fueron olvidando.
    Y no se que me gustan mas tus piernas o tu sonrisa.

  10. I went trough the same “problem” as you, ok I never hated my legs, actually they were always my kind of fave parts of my body, but I hated to be tall! I am the same height as you, 1,80 and now, being 27 yrs old I just LOVE it! It took me ages to accept and for example put on some heels (short boys problem) and well now I feel even more special, I feel like I am a supermodel haha :P
    Anyways, these photos are extremly beautiful, amazing look!

    xx, Edina

    Printed or Plain fashion blog

  11. Yo tmb tengo piernas súper largas y me decían “patas de zancudo” o “Dee-Dee” (Dexter’s lab) y me ponía tan triste, tmb se burlaban de mi nariz por que la tengo muy delgadita y recta y me decían que si usaba drogas o algo -_- y cuando le dije a mi mamá me dijo “ammmm…. de hecho la gente se opera la nariz para tenerla como tu” y tampoco le creía xD ahora mis piernas y mi nariz son de lo que más me gusta de mi.

  12. There isn´t just one beautiful type of body! That´s why people should accept and be accepted by the way they are! Being confident in yourself and in your body will make you glow!

    An amazing story, Andy! Maybe the ones that bullied you in the past may now see that only beautiful legs like yours can use a gorgeous pair of boots like those from Jimmy Choo (which I think I have made a post with them in my blog today!).

  13. This is a great post – you should be so happy to have legs for days! I can’t ever imagine not loving your long legs but as a tall girl myself, I used to be self conscious of my height – sometimes you gotta rock what you got! Xo, D

  14. My Mom passed away five years ago, but in her honor, I have a tea towel in my kitchen that reads “OMG! My Mom was right about EVERYTHING!” (Let me know if you want to order one for your mom!)

  15. OMG! What a wonderful dress. You always look amazing, and YES your legs are amazing too.

  16. Andy !!!!! me encantó tu post, sufrimos de la misma situación crecí traumada por que estoy muy alta mido 1.80 y mis piernas son largas y flacas…ahora, soy feliz por que todo se ve mucho mas cool y estilizado me fascina tu blog, lo sigo desde hace mas de 5 años! mucha suerte sigue cosechando éxitos eres un ejemplo a seguir !


  17. Jajaja Andy, ahora si me rei! yo mido 1.80 tambien y vivo en Mexico, me paso lo mismo que a ti! y a la fecha cuando encuentro a alguien mas alto me siento rara de ver para arriba! ojala que las niñas altas que leen tu publicacion caigan en cuenta lo afortunadas que somos por tener piernas largas!

  18. Aww such a nice post. And yes the first thing I indeed said to myself when I saw this picture on Instagram today was “OMG those legs” … in a good way nevertheless because your legs are truly beaytifull !

  19. Wow! Casi lloro con tu historia…cuando era niño me hacian bulling por ser homosexual, y siempee me molestaban con esto, hasta que un dia decidi aceptarlo y ser quien soy sin aparentar ni importar si me aceptaban o me rechazaban, extrañamente me volvi mas sociable mas seguro, hasta mas popular hahaha, tienes razon con eso de ser tu mismo y aceptate como eres, muy buenas fotos Andy yo tambies dije que se te ven unas piernas enormes en esas fotos!!! Pero me encantó! Gracias por este post :D

  20. I go through the same thing with my freckles. I would have given anything to have them scrubbed off as a kid and now they’re so much a part of my identity that I refuse to wear foundation because it covers them up too much!

    Much love,

    506 Miles

  21. You are so right! That’s the reason why even now I don’t listen what other people say about my body, because that’s my body and if you don’t like it, somebody definitely will, me being first in line! Love when you open up about your experiences, makes it so much personal and fun. :)


  22. Andy, you have gorgeous legs! I wish I had such long legs.
    Love this outfit you are wearing. Love the thigh high boots and girly dress. Seriously need to head up to Zara.


  23. EXACTLY! I had the same problem like you, I used to hate my long legs… And now I wonder why, why, WHYYY!? Every girl wants to have legs up to the sky! :)) How stupid we girls are when it comes to body… I think we all are beautiful, but the main problem is to realize it and just love yourself :) nice post!

  24. When we are younger we also obsess over stupid things, that don’t even matter anymore, or in your case becoma big plus! :)

  25. It’s so good to hear that you feel comfortable in your body because you definitely should! I would kill for those legs, you have an AMAZING body! Haters gonna hate and you’re just gonna shake dear! Love, B. xx

  26. Wow, you’re taller than I thought you are! Amazing post, Andy! and as always, love your outfit

    Sophia |

  27. Love the combo of many different materials, the lace top gives the outfit such a boost!
    I can relate to your story, though I’m not that tall (1.75 m). I was at my full height when I was 16 already, so I was really skinny, even though I ate tons of food. My legs have always been the longest part of my body, and I often got called “stick legs”. It’s quite satisfying to hear those girls are the ones who envy my legs today.
