freespirit1 freespirit2 freespirit3 freespirit4 freespirit5 freespirit6
Bomber jacket: American Apparel  |  Top: ASOS  |  Pants: H&M Trend  |  Shoes: Senso
When we shot these photos they were not intended to go on the blog. We actually shot them before the tattoo portraits as we were getting the right light and I was just twirling around being silly but I really liked the result so I decided to share :).

107 Responses

  1. Awww…your jacket is so cool and cute! Love the color and how it fits you right. I agree its a free spirit upon seeing your photos.

  2. I lo~ve your blog! you have a original style that i always get inspire.please check my VINTAGE SHOP on etsy when you have a little time.Thank you! Have a wonderful day! from California USA

  3. Hot bomber jacket! Love it! xx Pip*** MAJOR GIVEAWAY FROM OASAP AT MY BLOG FOR 8 MORE DAYS***

  4. I'm loving the mix of sporty pieces in this look. The reds are super cute too!xoxo

  5. andy you're amazing babyyou're the bestNEW OUTFIT IN THE BLOG: AUTUMN RETURNS

  6. You were right to share these pictures ! lovely jacket !But choose a more colorful landscape next time Andy, you are too pretty to be on grey ! ;)XXXxx

  7. Your new camera is working wonders, and YOU are working these photos. Werq it, girl ;)