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Smiling is one of the most positive and powerful actions I can think of.  It really makes you glow and makes people smile around you so I just knew it was what I wanted to have on my body forever, a reminder to always keep smiling and make the best out of every situation.
The handwriting is my own which makes it even more special form me.

214 Responses

  1. Hola quisiera saber cual es la fuente de esa letra porque me quiero hacer la palabra Happiness en el mismo lugar que ella y hace tiempo que estoy buscando esa letra y no la encuentro. Ayudenme. Muchas gracias

  2. Minimal, gorgeous lettering… Totally your style! I just love the place you did it, I want in there too, but I have to win courage!Have a great weekend dear*

  3. I loved it! One of the pretties tattooes I ever laid eyes on. I thinking of doing one, too.xo

  4. Your tattoo is so beautiful! And you look amazing! I also want tattoo and I really like yours!

  5. Oh that's a beautiful tattoo Andy!Could you tell me where you got your top from? I have a tattoo in the same place and I want to show it during summer time but haven't found a low top yet!

  6. Awesome!! I always said that if I were brave enough to get a tattoo, I would get it on the side of my torso :)Veloria in

  7. so cute!!!me encanta el lugar que elegiste, muy lindo. Qué bueno que usaste tu propia letra, lo hace más personal. :)Un beso!Jannine

  8. Wow! I love it!The 5th photo is sooo beautiful! You have a great smile indeed ;)Bjs

  9. I love the idea of doing it in your own handwriting, which yours is really pretty. And great sentimental tattoo. I have one on my leg that holds meaning to me and I love it.xoxo

  10. I really like your tattoo. I think it's a great idea to get it tattooed in your own handwriting. So amazing :) xx

  11. Your tattoo is so beautiful !!! I love the writting (yours, I know :)Well, very good choice! That's discreet and classy, and original too :)

  12. Your handwriting is really pretty and so is the tattoo. The word 'smile' is so simple, but also can (and should) be the essence of life. Why haven't I thought about tattooing 'smile' before? :) Would you mind if my next tattoo were kind of similar? :) Your one big inspiration, Andy!xoxoEffie.

  13. OMG it's sooooo pretty Andy, I was soooo curious as to what it is gonna be, and your handwriting is so gorgeous, I adore it!!!!! <3 <3 Indeed a great reminder to SMILE! :D Btw, I've just posted up one my DENIM on DENIM on DENIM outfits. If you like denim, you're gonna love this! Do tell what you think on the craziness and l hope it entertains ;)xx The Provoker

  14. That is a beautiful tattoo. I've always prefered the simple ones, all black, just with lines, no filling and this one is just perfect.I'm planning on getting a tattoo and I have some ideas but I'm still not sure of what to get. I LOVE the place where you did yours.

  15. Eek! I love it!!! You chose the perfect spot and your handwriting is amazing! I have been dying for my next tattoo and I want words somewhere, but haven't made up my mind yet. Gorgeous choice for your first tat!

  16. I've had two tattoos laast week, I love them and i think i just can' stop writing on me now!!Vittoria from 5 IN THE MORNING

  17. Great tattoo hun love it! I got my first one this year it says No Matter What

  18. Cool! I've been anticipating this post!Andy, congrats on your tattoo and facing your fears :) I admire people who can do that!

  19. I've been thinking of getting a tattoo for ages now but I'm a wimp when it comes to pain and I don't know what or where to get one.Your is pretty

  20. We just can say AWESOME! The kind of tattoos that we like, and your caligraphy is so pretty. Congrats!!!! :)

  21. Very pretty tattoo Andy ! Specially your handwriting !Congratulations.XXXxx

  22. I was a bit dissapointing,that you are going to make a tattoo,because i am not a big fan of tattoes at all. But I must say,I really like the result. It's just amazing und that shows that you have a wonderful taste in everything. I love yr choice,but I hope,that is your first and last tattoo Andy:))

  23. I have the same tattoo just in another script on the inside of my right wrist! I've had it for over two years now and I still love it! Great choice! :)xo AndreaWonderful and Marvelous

  24. This suits you perfectly. You always look so much better when you smile (not just you, everyone) and this is a wonderful sentiment to have scripted behind your boob!

  25. you really are one big smiling sunshine. great tatto, love thats your writing and love the placement of it! <3

  26. Loving your new tattoo!!I wanna get one as well… But I don't know what it should