It was my full intention to shoot a proper Look of the Day but let me tell you the story of what happened yesterday;

I work from home, so basically my dining room table doubles as an office, in fact, StyleScrapbook’s related matters are the only purpose for the dining room space nowadays. Because of this, every now and then, I like working from my favorite Cafes in the city instead of staying at home. 
Yesterday was one of those days. It was turning out to be an ok “summer” day, sunny, a bit cold but not freezing for a change, so off I went. I started doing EVERYTHING apart from shooting a look of the day, little did I know, the sky started falling down and the rain poured and poured before I could even snap 1 single photo and to make matters slightly worse, I forgot my umbrella at home so I had to leave the cafe and run to the car wearing a shopping bag on my head and in a middle of a laughter attack. FUN TIMES! haha

Since we couldn’t shoot, I snapped some instagrams to show you what I was wearing, which was kind of simple with a twist. A cropped turtle neck, a grayish leather skirt which I absolutely love because of its mid length and a pair of sneakers…I am kinda bummed I couldn’t do a proper shoot because the outfit looked much better than how it seems on these pics. 

Era toda mi intención fotografiar un Look de Día ayer pero dejame y te cuento lo que me paso;

Normalmente trabajo desde mi casa, lo que significa que mi comedor la hace de comedor y oficina, de hecho al pobre ya ni lo uso para comer, es mas oficina que nada pero en fin. Aveces me aburre estar en mi casa trabajando así que me da por irme a mis cafés favoritos en la ciudad a trabajar un rato y eso fue lo que hice ayer. Como milagrosamente no estaba nublado, yo me salí muy feliz y aproveche para hacer unas compritas antes de tomar las fotos, obvio que jamas me imagine que una hora después iba a caer una tromba y no iba a parar de llover hasta la noche. Estuve un rato en el cafe esperando a que parara de llover pero como no se le veía la pinta me tuve que ir y como no traía paraguas, me tuve que salir corriendo hacia el carro con una bolsa en la cabeza para no mojarme y con un ataque de risa. En fin, no pudimos tomar un look de día asi que instagram me salvo por hoy :S haha!

88 Responses

  1. I also cracked into laughter when I read you were running to your car with shopping bag on your head. :) I can absolutely relate because I always forget my umbrella at home.

  2. The Instagram pics are good enough. LOL! I was wondering why are you bagging yourself up?? This is a great idea not to get the hair wet =D

  3. jajajajaja muy buena historia me hicistes reir,…aunque la verdad es un poco desafortunada porque es feo quedarse como dice el dicho vestido y alborotadosaludes andygaby-acentralamericangirl.blogspot.com

  4. haha yes mother nature has not been on my side many a time, but you just have to make it work! maybe you can get full on pictures another day :)-jessicahttp://runninginsideus.blogspot.com/

  5. LOL. On the bright side (-_-), at least you looked great. When I saw the picture of the shopping bag on your head on instagram, I couldn't help but laugh with you.

  6. Oh dear…..sometimes our best laid plans just go awry!! And it often seems to be the weathers fault!!xxhttp://thekirbybee.blogspot.com.au/

  7. Working from cafes can be far more interesting and inspiring than from home :)Loving the skirt and the second photo – pretty skirt and quirky photo

  8. it's raining sooo much here in london…. ;( lolBY THE WAY! what do you think about MARGIELA and H&M COLLABORATION? I'm SHOCKED!I wrote a post about it on my blog, pleassse tell me what you think about it— seriously! omg…xx nathan.nichehttp://style-niche.blogspot.com

  9. Me hubiera encantado ver este look en un auténtico Look Of The Day post!! Adoro esas zapatillas!xxx- Laurahttp://ucouldbemysomeone.blogspot.com

  10. Andi, would you mind telling where you bough those sneakers, they look pretty cool. What is the Label?Greetings

  11. Lovely Cos bag over your head hope it won't be the new fashion style :D I'm not ready to crash every single light on my street.Great post fun and different.xoLaiaCity-aholic.blogspot.com.es