Leather pants: H&M Trend / Shirt: ZARA / Blazer: Style by Marina / Evil Eye bracelet: Fashionology.nl
I dont know why I haven’t worn this pair of white leather pants before, its another one of those closet discoveries last weekend, the only “problem” I see in them is that they don’t fit me full length, but thats pretty much the case with almost every single pair of pants I have, they are never long enough but its definitely not the end of the world, I kinda like them cropped as well.

166 Responses

  1. I am a huge fan of white (and black as well), but what makes the outfit even better is that it is white leather. How luxurious can you get?

  2. HEY I'M IN LOVE WITH YOUR STYLE ANDY! ALWAYS AMAZING! ♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥ ♥♥♥

  3. Hola Andy! solo una pequeña sugerencia… deja de llamar "LOOK OF THE DAY" a todos tus post, lo hace muy rutinario, sería mas divertido con el puro tema del outfit! besos!

  4. Absolutely love your outfit!! It looks great that the pants are cropped, I have the opposite problem ;)xx Fouchouhttp://fouchoufashion.blogspot.com

  5. they definitely look like they were made to be cropped so no worries there! i love the all white with touch of black, so pretty-Jessicahttp://runninginsideus.blogspot.com/

  6. I have the opposite problem with pants! They're always too long for me. heheLoved the white leather pants here, and the blazer.

  7. Love the last photo without the sunglasses!!! you have such a nice face and eyes… why do you always hide them behind the glasses??KissesL3http://lisalatroisieme.blogspot.com

  8. el traje blanco es genial!!xoxonuevo post:wings enhttp://gostame.blogspot.com.es/espero q t guste!

  9. Love the pants Andy! I love the fact they are cropped too :)Happy Monday Hun xoxohttp://www.intotheblonde.com/