Some of you might know that I am the host of a TV show called Click in Latin America, in fact it started airing a month ago and if I am correct, the episode 5 airs today at 4:00 pm (depending on which country you are in)… I am a bit bummed that despite the fact that I have my own TV series and it has been airing for a month, I haven’t been able to watch any of the episode, nope, nada! The reason is because I am obviously not living there and the show only airs on Cosmopolitan TV throughout Latin America, it WONT be online -for those who have been asking me whether the show will be online as well or not-.  Now I have to wait for the series to end so I am able to receive them on DVD and watch them probably late this summer….A lot of you have been sending me twitpics of your TV screens while you have been watching the show and these are some my sister took a few episodes ago. 

Algun@s de ustedes ya saben que soy la conductora de Click, una serie de television para Cosmopolitan TV en America Latina, de hecho, la serie ya salió hace un mes y si mal no recuerdo, hoy sale el quinto capitulo a las 4:00 pm (dependiendo en que pais de America Latina te encuentres) … Para ser sincera, no he podido ver ni un solo capitulo de la serie y es por que el programa solamente sale al aire por television y en America Latina, así que los capítulos NO estarán en internet -para l@s que me han preguntado-. No queda de otra, me voy a tener que esperar hasta que se acabe la serie para que me la puedan mandar en DVD, mientras tanto me conformo con las fotos que me ha estado mandando mi hermana de la tele mientras ve el programa :P, ¡Espero que les guste a los que la esten viendo! ♥

71 Responses

  1. Hola, te conocí en Argentina en el evento Cosmopolita … sos super divertida y tu charma me sirvió para empezar en esto !!! besos mil

  2. Hola Andy!! te escribo desde Argentina y te cuento que no me pierdo ninguno de los episodios de click!! Te felicito, sos muy divertida y sabes un monton !!Tus tips de moda son lo mejor.-beso grande,lujan.-

  3. eso es genial,,ademas te ves muy dinamica ..te debes de estar muriendo por verte porque si fuera yo lo estariasaludesgaby-acentralamericangirl.blogspot.com

  4. What a bummer that you have to wait so long to see the episodes of your OWN show! At least your family should be able to fill you in :) EF xohttp://theboudoirmemoirs.blogspot.com/

  5. Wow, Andy de hecho se me hace muy raro que casi no le den publicidad en Cosmopolitan defenitivamente lo vere !Saludos desde Mexico !www.lam-style.blogspot.com

  6. Too bad you can't see it yet, and we won't be able to, but you look amazing :)xxxfashionstiletto.blogspot.com

  7. estás hermosa en tu show, es una alegría despertar y verte desde la cama! jajajaMic.-qué pensás que es in item IMPONIBLE? →http://www.mytrendyjournal.com/2012/06/el-imponible-unwearable.html

  8. Such a big bummer that you can't see the shows!!!!!Luckily there are some girls who send you pics.xo Madeleinewww.madstyling.com

  9. Hi, use a VPN to be able to watch the show online on the american website, it worked for me when I was in China and wanted to access facebook or google. Mine is called freegate, see if you can find it on the internet!Your blog is great, Sarah

  10. that really is a bummer :/ well… I hope they will eventually put it online later… I would love to watch. I need to practice my spanish :Dhttp://jumpandtwirl.blogspot.com

  11. I hope your series will soon be available online. I wanna watch it so bad. Im from Manila, Philippines btw :) Katie xxhowkatiewore.blogspot.com