This is the 3rd Flash series that Serena and I shot together. I think it was my favorite makeup of the 3 series and I WISH I could replicate it every day, unfortunately I suck at makeup, so I am going to beg Serena to teach me!

When we were done with the hair and makeup, we thought that the perfect place to shoot it was inside my French bath tub covered in foam… I got inside the tub with Levis cut offs and an American apparel tube top and of course, my denim shorts ended up completely soaking wet and full of soap, but its all good, at least we got a good flash series out of it ;)

I hope you like it and this is not the end, more “Flash Series” are coming soon! ;)

You can see my latest flash series here: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5


I just realized that this is StyleScrapbook’s 1000 post and next month will be SS 4 year anniversary! YAY!!!

Necklace: MANGO

197 Responses

  1. Cada dia te superas guapa! Espectacular!!Y enhorabuena por el post n 1000! Te llevo siguiendo desde el 2007 asi q me alegro de tu éxito! Un besazo!Alejandra de Villarrazo Madridhttp://www.villarrazo.com/behindthestyling/

  2. GORGEOUS! Love these photos! Your "Flash Series" are always so amazing! Where is that necklace from??xoxoAlexandrawww.fashion-feast.com

  3. Hi Andy!!!! The number 2 was the one that I like most!!!! Then this last one and 4!!!! I can`t comment from bloglovin :( I have to enter directly to your page…. XOXO

  4. OMG! Andy this is by far my favorite Flash Series. Classic & elegant. Honestamente, te me haces mas bonita cada vez que publicas una foto tuya, sin ser superficial.

  5. ¡Qué guapa! me encanta el tipo de fotografía. ¿Te importaría decirme qué camara utilizásteis?Felicidades en tu post 1000

  6. woow congrats first of all for your 1000th post. and now the flash series comment. wooooow again. I like this one the best of all at the moment. so feminine and love the bathtob location.X, Annieanniewear.de

  7. This is one of my favourite flash series of yours. The make up is fantastic. I liked the concept in the tub, and the beautiful necklace. Maybe you should have worn a strapless bathing suit, but it's ok. Congrats on the 1000th post and the up coming blog anniversary.

  8. Estan padrisimas estas fotos, mis favoritas de todas las series, se ven tan editoriales… el maquillaje esta increible. Ojala pudieras hacer un tutorial de este maquillaje con Serena!! y Felicidades por el post numero 1000!!

  9. This is by far my most favorite flash series of yours! So Marilyn Monroe-ish! Aaaahhh you're so very talented and creative, wish I could have your brains!love always!V PantaleonPhilippines

  10. These are THE most stunning photos of you. I love the foam and tub, it sets a romantic tone that paired well with the necklace, soft up-do and smokey make up.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  11. LOVEEE this series. It reminds me of the old black and white movies with actresses with porcelain skin whose every move is full of grace.This series also nicely contrasts with some of your previous series which are crazy with color and energy. Just goes to show how versatile you can be!I'm a regular reader and frequently save some of your outfits into my lookbok folder. I may not comment often but please know that I'm a fan. :)

  12. Hey andy! big fan from Greece!!! but i Really dont get the meaning of flash series and find it kind of boring. Is there something im missing or something hiding behind it?? if yes then tell us so we can appreciate it! With 100% friendly feelings,menia, kisses!!!

  13. The pictures of your flash series are amazaing. What was the reason to start this serie? Why you decide to shoot this serie with different people. Sorry but I am so curious ;)xoxoVal

  14. Super make up and love the color of the pics….makes the make up even more beautiful. Biancahttp://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/

  15. wow, this part is the best of your flash series. i love your eyes! and the backround is amazing too. love the third picture- amazing, andy! wish you a wonderful day.lovely greetsmaren anitawww.fashion-meets-art.com

  16. it's beautifuLLy d0ne Andy! ❤C0unt us as 0ne 0f y0ur f0LL0wers! =)Please supp0rt 0ur bL0g by f0LL0wing us back @ http://fashionmoto.blogspot.com/http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/3032396/fashi0nm0t0http://fashionmoto.tumblr.com/https://www.facebook.com/fashionmotoThank y0u! ϡ