I got up at 6:20am sharp (Ok, I might have snoozed one or twice :P) to go to the gym, despite the really thick fog and the chilly wind…I am determined to start this week with the right foot and make the best of it!

Hope you have an amazing week ahead!

Pants: American Apparel / Blouse: Monki / Jacket: ZARA / Necklace: Monki / Boots: ACNE / Bag: Rebecca Minkoff

137 Responses

  1. I so LOVE your style. I am against copying magazines styles, following someone's outfits but you are definitely an inspiration to me. It would be just nicer to see more your eyes than your sunglasses :-(Thank you!Cécile

  2. The missing layer here is definitely a leather cuff, a bit of ICE London perhaps? Beautiful shirt + clutch + necklace + leather cuff ;) = PERFECTION !Love from Violet and Rose XXX

  3. perfect BLACK ENSMBLE! ❤C0unt us as 0ne 0f y0ur f0LL0wers! =)Please supp0rt 0ur bL0g by f0LL0wing us back @ http://fashionmoto.blogspot.com/http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/3032396/fashi0nm0t0http://fashionmoto.tumblr.com/https://www.facebook.com/fashionmotoThank y0u! ϡ

  4. Sooo that orange blouse is fantastic! I'm also loving the black on black on black with the necklace. Great understated accessorizing.xoxohttp://www.thewrittenrunway.com

  5. I can't undestand how you are able to wear every day something else. It's awesome :-))http://adelinwonderland.blogspot.com/

  6. I love your outfit, but I have a request.. you live in Amsterdam, so nice city, but rarely we see the city as the background of your pictuers. I think the atmosphere and the setting would be unique. the canal, particular houses, bikes everywhere.. I would prefer these, than buildings and buildings as I can see. kisses!

  7. Great look Andy! Hi there, I'm a fashion designer from Argentina and I would love to show you the work I do, where can I send you the photos so you can check out??xoxo María

  8. muy guapa con tu mix negro-naranjayo también he subido uno así hoymuchos besoshttp://elbauldeladyshira.blogspot.com/

  9. love this look!cool bag!xoxohttp://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com7http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com7http://onemoreaddictioninmyworld.blogspot.com7

  10. You look like superwoman! Great outfit!Biancahttp://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/http://www.fabfashionbybianca.com/