As we speak, I am probably on the plane on my way to HOLLYWOOD…More details to follow :)

See you in HOLLYWOOD!!!


Probablemente mientras estas leyendo esto, yo estoy en un avión con destino a HOLLYWOOD, muy pronto les daré todos los detalles :D

¡Nos vemos en HOLLYWOOD!


91 Responses

  1. Aww FIDM sale en la foto, es el edificio bajito q tiene los techos en arcos. Y solia vivir el uno de los edificios q estan atras.. Extraño Los Angeles. . Mandale saludos de mi parte :)

  2. Los Angeles!! Me encantaría!Pasatelo bien, haz muchas fotos y enseñanos muchos looks buenos ;)Un beso!!

  3. JEALOUS! Wanna go back to LA too! But of course I wish you a lot of fun, and I'm already waiting for your newest projects :-)

  4. Estoy curiosa…quien serà­ ­? :)

  5. I wish you much fun in L.A.!!Looking forward your next look of the day :)

  6. have an amazing trip! i haven't been to LA in so long but i will be there in August. too bad we won't be there at the same time :(

  7. OMG Andy! this is so exciting!! i hope i bump into you while your in LA! you are my favorite blogger and surprisingly my loft is in this picture you just posted! ^^ Have a great stay!xoxo Cyndi

  8. WoW!!! I want to know more about it!!! You are amizing, I´ve folowed your blog since long time ago and now I your follower because I've just open my blog.Kisses from