If I could only explain to you how much fun we had, but I am afraid that as many times as I have written and erased this text, I still cant, so I decided to put a bunch of pics instead.

When I arrived to the awards, I realized that the lounge had a full frontal view of central park, after that I was sold! Then my friends started to arrive, the cocktails started to flow and before I knew it, I started “co-hosting” the Livestream for few minutes on the Bloglovin’ website (Who was watching?)

Then the awards started (Congrats to all the winners!) and by the end of the night, we were all dancing, my high heels went off and I ended up wearing my emergency flats…After our dance sessions we were off to an after party at The Santard hotel in the Meat packing District, with one of the most amazing views of Manhattan’s skyline at night, but that is not all! We ended up taking a limousine to Greenwich village for a very late slice of pizza, that is how out night ended…Thank you Bloglovin’ for a memorable night!


I wore:

Ruffled dress: Borne by Elise Berger
Blue Shoes: YSL

160 Responses

  1. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU :) YOU DESERVE IT! :DThe only thing I don't like is that kind of fur coat!Check and Follow!I always follow back :)

  2. I really like your hair in this post. The curls and the headband go so well together. The dress is fab, too, it really suits your figure. Seems you had an awesome night!

  3. Just noticed you are using my illustration for your twitter button!! Looks awesome!! Don't know how I didn't notice it earlier :) I still get so many comments on that illustration of you :)Look like you had an amazing night!!! I love your headpiece!!

  4. andy you dont 2 have shave your hair on je arm, al woman have hair on the arm. becase you are brunetyou she it more, than people whit blond hair, its jealousy. never change your self for Otherpeople

  5. I wish you would have won. Ah well I saw photos of you on other blogs and I must say I love that head piece. Is it from Asos? or somewhere else?

  6. Love the headband! You looked like a star ;) and the party should have been amazing!Muchos besos desde España(realmente no sé porqué he empezado escribiendo en inglés jajaa)

  7. This sounds sooo much fun!!!! lucky you!!!! and you look amazing! :) too bad that in my countr there's no blogging society of any kind… XoXoPlami

  8. Andy, siempre los mismos bloggers, ya aburre cada día leo menos a los bloggers antes leia como a 20 por dia hoy sólo a unos tres, y ya ni los leo sólo veo las fotos.

  9. Love your dress *-*CASHMERE-GIVEWAWAY on my Blog soon!!!!Don't miss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Oh wow, don't take this the wrong way, but you look so fresh and cute with your hair like this! Most of the time you wear your hair in the same manner, and this looks so new and fun! And I love your dress, too!

  11. gorgeous photos- it looks like such an incredible evening- you all look gorgeous and i cant help but think chiara and carolina look like sisters! sounds like an incredible experience. Take care and have fun in London!Katie.xfashion clocked

  12. you look really very lovely but have you ever thought about shaving off your hands? Sorry this is a tad blunt on my part but you would look a lot better with smooth hands because, whether you know it or not, you can see the hair. Im sorry I hope i didnt offend you, its just a little suggestion on what to improve, im not critisizing. Love Andy

  13. Looks amazing!!You're so pretty and you looked stunning, especially your hair.Much love, Emma –

  14. how nice, didn't know they had an I miss the days of emergency flats, now I sit my butt down when Im tired, & got tired of tipping the bathroom lady to hold em. lol