When you are in New York, going to Central Park is almost like a “rule”. I’ve been in many cities and many parks, but there is something more special about this one. 
As you walk into it, you almost forget you are in the busy New York, you get kinda lost in its beauty and immensity, so between the hectic fashion week shows, I decided to go for a stroll and again, I fell in love…This is one great city.

P.S- If you live in the US, don’t forget to join Boutiques.com Sartorial Pursuit NY FW contest! you can win amazing prizes! CLICK HERE for more info.


185 Responses

  1. i went to central park when i was in NY for hols but it hasn't started snowing when i was there!!!i missed it!!!=)

  2. love these photos! love a sunny day with lots of sparkly white snow :) you look so happy! love the neon pink! hope you're having a great time at nyfw! xxxjanuary, xwww.jessicajanuary.com

  3. great photos. i stopped in NY on my way to Israel and loved Central Park as well. It was summertime and there were dog walkers, picnics, rollerbladers, it was so nice. that flier for blogging tutorials is pretty funny/ cute.Miyanwww.miyan-overseas.blogspot.com

  4. Perfect look!The "learn to blog picture" makes me fall in love! hahahah gorgeus!Meghttp://megarasfashionsketchbook.blogspot.com/

  5. I know what are you talking about..I miss the feeling of falling in love with a place. I bet that is waht I would feel too if I was there. Gorgeous photos and I lvoe your look! :D

  6. I felt like being on a movieset when i walked into central park! So many movies have scenes that are shot there! I hope you had a blast! Love your outfit, as always :)fashionforworldpeace.blogspot.com

  7. So true and Central Park will always be there you know no one in the city will ever destroy it. Anyway too bad it's so cold I feel like all we get to see is black. Ahh well better to stay warm than anything.

  8. Central park looks breathtaking in the snow! Very jealous you get to live in such an amazing city.your outfit is gorgeous too! x

  9. wow. i can't believe how much snow there still is there. central park looks beautiful, definitely on my wish list to visit NYC and take a stroll thru central park. you are so lucky to be there!PS: love your bright pink tophttp://missmollyfashions.blogspot.com/

  10. Love the photos… Would like to go… love your top.. pink, grey and black is a perfect combination!www.mysavageside.blogspot.com

  11. omg there is so many snow there :/ but your pink blouse make this look happy :) you look great!btw there is a modekungen giveaway on my blog :) have a nice day!

  12. I don't know who your photographer is, but these photos are amazing! You look so damn beautiful! I've never been to NY but I'd LOVE to visit it one day!!♥

  13. You are beautiful Andy! I'd like to be there in New York, I have never been there :(:(xoxo, you are the best!PS: I have a question.. Do you have a boyfriend?! :):)

  14. I honestly can't understand why you look so fucking beautiful all the time! :( this isn't fair, ok? You look amazing as always, Andy <3.

  15. Central Park nevado es precioso!! Estuve un verano, pero quiero ir en invierno!!!Muy guapa ^^ me gusta que le des toques de color a los outfits(K)

  16. Loving the fuchsia color top with the basic colors!! you look so pretty!! Enjoy NYC! <3http://reserveradefashion.blogspot.com