I woke up to a 5:00 am wakeup call this morning. I had spent the previous night in Dusseldorf attending the German Fashion Design awards, the night before that however, I spent it half packing and half trying to cure one of the worst headaches I’ve ever had, so I didn’t do much sleeping and realized that my record of hours slept combining the past 2 days has been a total of 4.

Right now I am at Dusseldorf’s airport in Germany, catching the earliest possible flight to Milan, not the best idea when last nights event ended at about 2:00 am making it impossible-yet again-to have a good night sleep.

Enough complaining, now let me tell you about future adventures! … I am about 20 minutes away from boarding my first business class flight to Milan for the BeMilano weekend and I am so excited to meet some of my blogger friends there. 
Still sitting at a cafe near my gate, drinking a latte (double shot of espresso please!), a glass of orange juice and a big croissant filled with chocolate. I am going to need all the caffeine/calories/sugar possible to keep me awake and energized until the end of the day today, we shall see how it goes.

Pics from the Germany Fashion awards coming next…now let me get this WiFi thing working!


92 Responses

  1. you are so cute in the second photo.hope the g. fashion design awards were good and worth the loss of sleep (not much is haha). have an amazing time in milano!

  2. Coffee combined with orange juice? Thank god you're going to Milan, I guess you need some fabulous italian food! enjoy :)

  3. Wow! I think it's a real tribute to you that you're still posting despite the fact that you must be EXHAUSTED. I'm sure it's worth it though…have an amazing time at Milan FW, can't wait to hear how it goes! :)

  4. Good luck! You are going to enjoy so much that will be worthy. Once I didn't sleep for 2 nights and 3 days because of my internship and flying from hawaii to D.C.You will survive.

  5. You need 5 hour energy haha do they have that over there? I can never take that stuff it makes me act like Speedy Gonzales and I shake a lot, but it works for a lot of other people/

  6. Omg, hope u can handle with all thisI have a question, do these people from Milan buy u this amazing ticket or do u have to buy it yourslefs? xoxo

  7. you are living my life right now! :) but don't overwork your body hope you are taking vitamins or something else (healthy) to keep you going

  8. You have such a nice life, it must feel good to be tired because of the fabulous things you do all the time.These are the moments you realise you actually are LIVING. Enjoy!x Je suis Sophie

  9. well as a german girl I can't wait to see all the pictures of the award show-really exited!for now have lot's of fun in milan!! lucky girl you…I'd like to go there soooo bad!!!