As you can probably imagine, I am over the winter and with one foot already in Spring.

For me Spring and Summer will be about an explosion of colors, no matter which one it is, so to start bringing the spring vibes to me, I am surrounding myself with bright details, painted my nails blue and wore my new green leather bag by Kipling.

Since Jil Sander SS11 came along, I have been obsessing over bold and bright colors, so if you see a girl walking by wearing neon pink pants, that will probably be me, for now, I am on my way to Germany for the German Fashion Awards and right after that, I am taking a 7:00am flight to Milan for the BeMilano event, so this will be quite a weekend for me.

I apologize for the lack of outfit post updates, I am in the middle of a fashion week tornado, replying hundreds of emails, rsvp’ing for shows and presentations for NY fashion week and trying to figure out what the hell to wear, bare with my beloved readers, I wont let you down!


149 Responses

  1. beautiful shades of blue! it has me dreaming of vacation somewhere tropical by the ocean – definitely feeling the same way as you are about winter – it needs to be over already!excited to see your fashion week posts!xo

  2. Great blues. I like the idea of edging yourself into the spring brights with nail varnish. Will definitely be following your lead. Enjoy FWs! :)

  3. Me gusta el color azul de tus uñas, creo tener uno parecido pero con tonos más verdosos.El bolso también está lindo, pero no se por qué ese tono me gusta más en accesorios de tipo "mini"Nos vemos linda, disfruta tus viajes :)

  4. I don't leave comments so often, but I look through your blog everyday, really admire and love your style! :-)This combination of colors is truly amazing, love it!

  5. Yeah, I do appreciate how designers ecentuated, indigently, Spring/summer's true colours; something that will establish a bold demand,as all, difference between what we wear in the chilly seasons; all is to do now is wait…X Neda X

  6. that bag… perfect… your nails look great too, don't worry about the outfit pics, as long as you keeps us infomed about everything it's fine by me…have a great time!

  7. aaawww you have an exciting life!! I too am in love with bold color this cpring, I actually cant wait to get some orange neon colors!! Have fun on fashion week, it will only get better by day <3

  8. I love that electric blue color! that bag! TDF! (to die for) you're so kind to keep us updated on everything fashion week. I'm sure we can handle some time bc the ending product will be great! can't wait to see your Milan pics and NY! woo go andy! :)xo

  9. Love the colors!Al principio me daba miedo comprar bolsas de colores brillantes, pero definitivatente es lo que le puede dar el giro a tu outfit

  10. Amazong bag! It fits really good with the nailpolish! Godd choice! :)Meg

  11. Have fun on your trips! You're so lucky to get those oppertunities. And I love the clashing turquoise and electric blue together! :) Can't believe the bag is from Kipling!!

  12. Great the two colours!! I've yesterday posted a similar thing, with belts inspired by Burberry. I so much love this trend. So easy to pull and a sure great look!Enjou Milan, can't wait to see the pics!xo thefashionguitar

  13. I love the pictures! Hope you have a great time at all the events youre going to, I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures :)xoxo

  14. Please traduce the text in espanish…im so lazy to read the english text!hahaha!i really love your looks! sigo en español…estudio diseño de moda y me encanta tu estilo! me inspiras mucho!un saludo desde Sevilla, (ESPAÑA) Ana

  15. ah I love your nailpolish!!! great color-it' really pops out ;) and the turquoise bag is just so lovely!I can't wait for spring and summer to come either! so I totally understand your mood ;)