I love this dress because its so simple but still does the trick, its one of those dresses I wish I could wear everyday, honestly.

Life is about to get hectic again, not that I am complaining but quite the opposite, fashion week season is starting all over again and I couldn’t be more excited!

Hope you guys are having an amazing weekend , weather here is treating us well so I am off to soak up some sun and meet Sab later today.


Dress: H&M trend (last autumn collection)
Shoes: River Island


102 Responses

  1. Andy, I wish I had the bravery (and the body) required to wear this dress. You're rockin' it. P.S. Your eyebrows look fab!

  2. this dress is exactly what I've been looking for over the past few weeks. well, lets hope there will be some more great black and white dresses in the shops this summer.

  3. The lace and shoulders are killer!Id live in that dress if I were you.xJanehttp://daydrip.blogspot.com/

  4. I have always loved this dress and so easy to wear too- it looks great on you! Exciting times ahead- i cant wait to see it documented on here1xxxxxxfashion clockedI would really love you to call by sometime!xxxx katie.xx

  5. that dress is gorgeous- love the shoes too, very transitionalxoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com <– Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!MAKE SURE YOU ENTER MY $100 GIVEAWAY!!

  6. Andy!! You are so lucky, Ive looking for ages for that same dress, do you know where I can find it? (Ive tried ebay :/) IF SOMEONE HAS THAT DRESS FOR SALE CONTACT ME :D!! [email protected] THANKS

  7. That dress fits you like a glove. It is very simple,but the pattern does the trick.If you had layers and layers of necklaces,it'd be too much.So you rock it!

  8. I know what you mean,it fits so good that you want to wear it every day all day, great dresshttp://loresfashion.blogspot.com

  9. Definitely understand your love for this dress! It's perfect if there is such thing) and is incredibly eye-catching. And effortless, too. What more could you ask for? :)http://fashionregardless.blogspot.com/P.s, feeback is always appreciated. x

  10. Andy you are sooooo beautiful in this dress !! i love your sunglasses ! you are very luck to be in Paris!Des baisers de CELINE&CHARLOTTE

  11. I LOVE YOUR DRESS! it really looks great on you! you're very preeeetty! love your blog!xxyougotsomestyle.blogspot.com

  12. I loooove this dress so much!!It looks really fabulous on you!!I also love the view from your hotel, could you tell me which one it is, I'm plannning a trip with my boyfriend to Paris so that would be great!!Love your blog!!xxx

  13. Beauuutiful photos Andy!I think it's so cool the dress is by H&M and the fact you like wearing this outfit. H&M is one of my Favs <3

  14. sooooooo beautiful, you belong in Paris;)I wish I could join in on FW :(But I will one day:)xoxo HollyiSpyFashionDiary.blogspot.com