Here are some pics of me by Fred from Easy Fashion, taken at the GALLIANO show during Fashion Week.

You have seen this outfit already but I wanted to share the pics anyway :)

P.S- I am about to upload a buch of stuff on my web shop so stay tuned, “first-come, first served!”


Dress by H&M (in stores soon)
Shoes by H&M (in stores soon)
Sunnies by D&G


63 Responses

  1. Love the dress, Love the Shoes, Love your belt! I am I love! How come that you already got your hands on these beautiful things, and when can I get my hands on these lovely things??Love Evie

  2. GORGEOUS<33333I check your blog every single day Andy! You're my ICON and you inspire me every time you post anything!!!! You never ever look average or bad, you always look CHIC and pretty!Kisses from America!xoxo Holly :)I have a new blog btw! You've inspired me to make my own, I hope to be as inspiring as you eventually<3iSpyFashionDiary.blogspot.com

  3. love that yellow dressxoxo,Flekisskiss.blogspot.com <– Texas gal bloggin fashion from NYC!MAKE SURE YOU ENTER MY $100 GIVEAWAY!!

  4. Your blog is my most favorite to look at! You have amazing, amazing style!Check out my blog?thenothingspecialbynoelledowning.blogspot.com

  5. Thought i'd seen this one before! That second photo is the best clos-up of you i've seen, you look amazing! Perfect colour for your skin, too. Gorgeous. :)http://fashionregardless.blogspot.com/

  6. Hey Andy :) I really love your style and this yellow dress is amazing !!! You look so good ^^ !kisswww.tokyoblondes.blogspot.com

  7. ohhh my are those new D&G shades?An awesome take on wayfarers,I absolutely love them!xjanehttp://daydrip.blogspot.com/

  8. I really love the DRESS and SHOES! The color of the dress looks really good on you and the shoes look like they are very expensive;)! But what is soon in store? Allready in Juli or later?