Mountain of quesadillas…yum yum

I am back from 3 days at my grandparents countryside house.

It was so weird not having access to the internet for so long, but it was such a nice break from real life just hanging out with my family.
We ate, ate and ate some more, played guitar and sang around the fire (we have 3 musicians in the family), burned marshmallows, tanned, talked, laughed loudly and had an amazing time.
It is so nice being back home!

Thank you so much for all the comments I received while being away, I didn’t expect so much reaction from the video, I am so happy you guys like it and hope to be uploading much more soon.

Traducción :

Acabo de regresar de 3 dias en la casa de campo de mis abuelos.
Fue super raro no tener internet por tantos dias, pero me encanto tener un break y pasarme esos días con toda mi familia.
Comimos y comimos hasta atragantarnos, cantamos al rededor de la fogata y quemamos bombones, platicamos y nos atacamos de la risa constantemente… Que alegria es estar en casa de nuevo!

Muchísimas gracias por todos los comentarios que me dejaron en mis días de ausencia, no espere tan buena reacción por el video, muchísimas gracias :D.

Blazer: River Island
Shoes: River Island
Sunnies: Dolce Gabbana



98 Responses

  1. Hola Chica ! I'm one of u'r french reader, and I waanted to told you that I really love the concept of the video, more alive than photos!! I really appreciate ur style, just continue !!kisses from france <3Dalila

  2. what an amazing place!!!! i love it and i didn't know you make ananas on the barbecue as well..have to try! ;-) love the clogs..have to buy them! your sooo much an ispiration to me, thank youu!!!

  3. wonderful pictures dear! looks like you're having a great time back home!! I really wish I could visit Mexico one day!And an adorable outfit!! Love the blazer!!

  4. You make me wanna go to Mexico EVEN MORE ! The landscapes are so beautiful ! The food seems delightful, I'm in love with every pic ! :)xoxo

  5. These photos are wonderful! Grilled pineapple is delicious. Enjoy the rest of your visit!

  6. your grandparents' house is lovely!hope to see more of your pics soon!BTW your clogs are amazing!XOXO

  7. before seeing these shoes on you i just hated them. but i think ur the only one who can wear them out so well, 10 points!

  8. Hi! I've just found your blog and I love that you write in both English and Spanish! I live in Sweden and study Spanish, so this i good practise. Thanks for a good blog :)

  9. Estás preciosa, me encantan tus zuecos.Pásatelo genial con tu familia, que luego se la echa de menos y los mimos…Bsotes

  10. I love your Clogs. I want to buy some to but my mom won't let me buy really high heels :(.Xo

  11. Lovely post! I bought those River Island shoes (but in brown)and only managed to wear them once due to the crap weather in the UK! Thanks for the inspiration that better weather will come! x

  12. Me encanto que estas enseñando a mexico como un pais con mucha cultura y belleza. Mucha gente tiene malentendido como es nuestro pais. Me facinaron tus zapatos! Estan identicos a los chanel. Nunca falla tu sentido de la moda! Tu blog es mi favorito! xxx

  13. hOLA Andy! Que copado todo lo que contás! y estás muy cool!lo unico que me pregunto es si es posible estar con los clogs en el campo!! casi me parece un acto de heroismo fashionista! ja ja!liebe grüsse aus Bern.

  14. El lugar donde has estado tiene una pinta estupenda! Que envidia!Y me encanta el look que has escogido, incluso los zuecos, que no son algo muy de mi gusto! Son preciosos!

  15. Hi Andy, thanks for commenting on my blog :) I really did see you in Paris and I wish I would have said Hi but unfortunately I was in a really big hurry..Love your pics from Mexico, it´s one of the places I dream about seeing! Hopefully I will be so lucky to see it in 2012 when I go travel the world! Can´t wait :)

  16. Wow, Mexico looks really beautiful! Makes me wanna visit someday. I was wondering how you shop at River Island, since they don't ship outside the UK?

  17. Se ve que los colores de Mexico se parecen muchisimo a los de España! que buena pinta las quesadillas, como me gustan!Disfruta mucho de tu país!un besiito

  18. You are in such a beautiful place right now! The weather looks gorgeous.. much better than rainy England! And your outfit is so gorgeous! Much love,

  19. I love countryside, I like it especially in spring/summer with lots of flowers!Love your clogs, of course!

  20. love your blazer!!!and am sooo jealous your home is in countryside like that!great photos;)

  21. Clogs in the countryside! That must have been hard!!! Lolz, you look amazing anyway!

  22. que bueno que te la estes pasando de lo mejor de con tu famialia!Me encanta tu estilo!!!no sabes lo adicta que me he vuelto de tu blog jajaja tengo que admitirlo!!lo veo diario jajaja en realidad lo disfruto mucho (:besos desde cancún (:

  23. qe hermosas fotos andy!me encanta tu blazer y las foto de esa casa de ve muy encantariia que aunque vivimos en frontera nosotras y hablamos ingles, nos hicieras un video tambien en espanol (:seriia muy lindo escucharte abla nuestro idioma..cuidate mucho! saludos(: desde tamaulipas.. no se de que parte de mexico seas tu..<3

  24. Hi Andy^^ you're gorgeous as always =) love the colours of mexico, the flowers, countryside home, the food looks so yummy =) toasted marshmallows are great =D all in all, loooove it! xoxo

  25. Andy!!!! que lindo ver estas fotografias! Me imagino que la casa de tus abuelos debe ser hermosa.Me encanta tu look :) El blazer esta precioso.Queria decirte que sos una fuente de inspiracion para nosotras…Nos encantas!! Y mas que sea de Mexico, ya que nosotras somo de Costa Rica. Saber que existe alguien triunfanfo en el area de la moda y que sea de Latinoamerica nos da mas fuerzas para seguir con este blog y tratar de sobresalir :)Te queremos!!R&S

  26. These photos look so lovely! So fresh, exotic and relaxing! Loving all the flowers and the yummy food!Your preppy blazer looks so good! I like it how you paired it with the clogs : )GOODLE X

  27. it seems like so much fun:)tu blazer y tus clogs me encantan!hermosas fotos y me acaban de dar unas ganas de quesadillaas!!! ahahamuchos besos<333

  28. Menos mal que a pesar de estar en México nos sigues contando cositas!! qué guapa te veo :D estar en casa y cerca de la familia te sienta genial :DMe he enamorado de tu chaqueta!! de dónde es?Besos preciosa y sigue disfrutando mucho!