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123 Responses

  1. Que bueno escucharte!!! lo del video me ha encantado,es genial xfin poderte escuchar aunque tamb nos encantaria uno en español jejeje pero bueno sabemso q estas de vacaciones igualmente muchissimas gracias x tenernos al tanto de todo……muchos besitossss ;P

  2. you're so cute!! i'm really excited to see what you will do with the videos!xoxohttp://charmingfrivolity.blogspot.com/

  3. Super buena idea!!! Mostrar México!!!=) pasatela muuy agusto, cómo me encantaría ir también,, pero me quedan 8 meses aquí!! jaja have fun!,, TQM amiga!

  4. HEY. So I feel like a creep because I never comment on here but: I'm obsessed with your blog/we actually have almost identical personal style, and today I went shopping and was deciding between two things at H&M and literally thought to myself "What would Andy wear?" to help me choose (heather gray t-shirt dress with puffed sleeves…so good). Anyway. I've featured you on my blog a couple of times, you should check it out. It would make me super happy.Enjoy being home! Thanks for the fashion inspiration.xx,La Vie En Gingerhttp://emmaaubryroberts.blogspot.com

  5. Just wanted to say that I love your blog & your style… You're awesome!! & extremely pretty! :)http://www.woaibeijing.over-blog.de

  6. Tengo grandes amigos en diferentes ciudades de México y no me podría gustar más esta idea. Como dirían ellos, qué padre! jaja. :)Disfruta tus vacaciones en casa :DBesos desde Madrid.:)

  7. this is like meeting you in person! such a good idea Andy! love love love the video!Enjoy Mexico.. cannot wait to see more of itlots of love from South Africaxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  8. Me encanta la idea del video blog! Ademas llevo años queriendo ir a mexico con mi madre y mi hermana ya que mi madre viaja mucho alli y tiene amigos asi q es un destino seguro! Aconsejanos!!!Un besoSandrahttp://dearlookbook.blogspot.com

  9. This is such an amazing idea! you're adorable in the video! I love your blog, and it's really nice to get to see you "in motion: talking/ moving" than the usual photo stillsCan't wait for more!much loveeeeee.

  10. Oh my gosh! Your accent is soo interesting. Even though you said you don't speak dutch.. you sound very dutch with a twist of Mexican :) Love it!Goodle x

  11. I love your blog, I'm defenently going to follow you! But I have a question (hopefully you'l answer): How do you get the size of your photo's so huge? mine are just small. Well thank you at least :)

  12. i dont know why but i'm excited because you are here in mexico well i'm little far away from your house but it doesn`t matter you are here :D well enjoy your vacations & have fun ♥xoxo

  13. Buenas! Me encanta tu blog (sobretodo tu estilo) y creo que la idea de los videos es genial. En este video sales super dulce. Además transmites un montón a la gente, sólo hace falta ver cuántas personas te siguen para darse cuenta de esto.Que vayan bien esas vacaciones en Mexico, ya tengo ganas de ver las fotos (siempre he querido ir a países latinoamericanos y Mexico debe estar super bien!).Besos y saludos desde Barcelona!!http://sweetandfashionworld.blogspot.com/

  14. so cool to hear you speak! you speak english so well! now i want to hear how you speak mexican and dutch haha! and you look sooooo pretty! anyways, i can't wait for more vids!xx

  15. Check, it's you on the dutch website telegraaf.nlxoxoRianne (dreamingmydreamswithyou.blogspot.com)http://www.telegraaf.nl/vrouw/mode_beauty/

  16. Hi Ms. Andy^^ truly,a great idea to make a vid post! you're so smart =) this is what i thought about before.i wanna see more of you in action, like speaking, walking…remember your bloggers fashion show contest? i was like, wow! finally, i saw you walking on the ramp =D it's not just a picture that I always imagine whenever I see your photos, it's like, how did she pose that way? so awesome!! when i watched the vid, i said, that's it! so yeah, can't wait for more! AND really thanks for giving us a chance to see more of Mexico! wohoo~ keep it up girl! =) xoxo

  17. Hola guapa!Soy Abraham de Barcelona,queria felicitarte por tu blog q me encanta y sigo siempre q puedo.Muchos besos!!!

  18. I love this new idea of videos!! You look amazing and your accent really surprised me! I'm an Australian living in America and I'm always interested in different types of accents! Gorgeous video and keep up the awesome work on your blog! All the best,Leanna xoxo

  19. yeahhhhh!!!!I was waiting for your video! You're so cute^__^ Great idea!P.S. I looooooove Mexico!kisses frome Romehttp://romanusmodusvivendi.blogspot.com

  20. This is an amazing idea! I've always wanted to visit Mexico in a different way, not just by staying in an all-in hotel in the Riviera Maya…It would be really nice to know about your favourite places…

  21. What a brilliant idea! I'd love one day to visit Mexico :) So I'll appreciate watching your videos! Have a great time!

  22. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE VIDEOS!! XXwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.comwww.thestylingbee.blogspot.com

  23. oooh it was so fun watching you speak haha eso sono tonto pero es lindo verte como en vivo despues de haberte visto solo en fotos, me encanta la idea! y México es uno de mis destinos próximos for sure!Andy alguien comento un poco antes que mi diciendo que te hagas un formsping pleaase piensalo es una forma tan facil para preguntarte cosas y tambien para ti es mui facil y rápido de responder!;)muchos besos y disfruta el hermoso clima!<333

  24. puea, bienvenida! descubri tu blog hace como una semana y me emociono descubrir una paisana con tanto estilo. Me encanto la idea del video blog, suerte.

  25. Hey chica! Me encanta que hagas esto! Eres una chava con muchos ojos detrás de ti y es una excelente oportunidad para demostrarle al mundo lo que México es en realidad, cuando yo vivía en Italia no bajan a méxico de Tequila, sombrero y Speedy Gonzalez! :SBss!!http://aurinkuus.blogspot.com

  26. oh my god what a LOVELY idea! you are one of the top bloggers when it comes to originality. I love your posts and the way you write to us! So it's sounds great to ear your voice besides reading your posts (now I can associate one voice when I'm reading). You look great in the photos you took in México. It must be a wonderfull place to belong (at least it's a sunny one!) :). Thank you for share some stuff about your place, it's really nice to meet you a little more, you are a big inspiration!love,carolina flores from l a s t m i n u t e d r e a m s.http://lastminutedreams.blogspot.com/

  27. La mayoria de la gente tiene una idea muy esteriotipada de los paises americanos (con excepcion de eeuu y canada obvio) y me parece muy bien que quieras enseñarnos el lado de México que la mayoria de gente no conoce, yo nunca he estado allí pero seguramente es un pais precioso que no tiene nada que ver con lo que la mayoría de la gente piensa. Yo soy de Perú, pero vivo en Madrid, y he escuchado tantos comemtarios equivocados acerca de estos paises tan preciosos que no puedo evitar sentirme identificada contigo. No puedo esperar para ver ese lado de México:)un besazo

  28. Ive been following you for months now but this is my first time commenting :) Love this wee video idea you have such a fantastic accent, cant wait to see more of mexico! :)

  29. Great to see/hear the real Andy instead of just gorgeous photos! have fun visiting your family xstylejunkiejournal.blogspot.com

  30. So cute!! This is a really good idea to show us your side of Mexico, away from the usual cliché! And the weather looks so perfect, I really am jealous right now!

  31. I think that's an amazing idea to show the non conventional places in mexico, I'm always searching for stuff like that.

  32. Ah it's so funny to finaly see you in movement! your voice and accent are so different than i had expected! really like the video! :)hope you have a wonderful time with your family!!groetjes uit Holland!

  33. your way too pretty Andy, and I love your accent, it's so unique, and i cant wait to learn more about mexico, it sounds amazing :)thanks for all teh support etc..xxCamillaintothefoldfashions.blogspot.com

  34. awww you have such a beautiful voice!!!haha I love your video!!!!have fun in mexico and cant wait to see the pics from mexico!!xoxohttp://minaischic.blogspot.com/

  35. I love this new idea of yours! Everyone thinks that Mexico is just like Tijuana or like the streets of downtown Los Angeles and it's NOT! so cheers ^.^

  36. Andy I love you!Thank u too for your blog…It's my favourite! and I follow you on facebook too!Waiting for news from Mexico…I love you again!!

  37. i really like your accent.i used to wonder how you all must be in reality, now that i saw this video, its proved that you not only are a trend setter, but also a bright smart personality.keep up the great work.best wishes

  38. OOh you look so cute and beautiful in the video! It was really a surprise to no only see but also to hear you.I'm really looking forward to the next videos!