Boarding in an hour with a quick stop over in Paris.

Im at the airport and thankfully the WIFI at Schiphol doesn’t suck so Im able to kill some time online.
My outfit is nothing fancy, I need comfort for the 20 hour trip I am about to adventure.
Hoping that the plane food doesn’t suck (that much), praying to get some sleep and the person sitting next to me on the plane is pleasant (make it super hot and charming), always hope for the best :).

In few hours I will be back home, hugging my mom & dad and teasing my baby brother of how tall and grown up he is now…my sister will join us in two weeks.
I am so excited I can barely wait!!!!

P.S- Thumbs up to me for being able to fit everything in two bags!!! I am so proud of myself!

See you in Mexico!


69 Responses

  1. Hi!!I'm from Brazil and I simply loveeeeee your blog and mainly your style!I come to visit your blog everyday! Congrats for the blog… it's great and inspire us to look more beautiful each day!By the way: I have a blog about fashion too ( and I'm follwing yours ok?Kisses!

  2. we will for defs see you in mexico! I wish I were you! stopover in paris? It is my DREAM TO GO TO PARIS!!!! and to meet audrey hepburn but somehow I just don't think that is going to happen…… lol i love love love the fashions on your blog :) I also have an enticing fashion blog, however mine is yet to be the height of yours as mine is just getting off the ground and I yet to have many posts on it! However, please read and read and read and leave comments and tell me what you think? I really would value and take into account your opinion – I aspire to be a fashion journalist so please tell me if I need to be more indepth or interesting or less wordy whatever! Pleasepleaseplease let me know! Follow my blog and spread the word! love you lots xx

  3. ohh Andy, que bien con tu familia de vuelta :) y a Mexico, yo se que en otra vida fui Mexicana jajaj, tengo tantas ganas de conocer tooooooodooo tu pais, disfruta de la familia y estos dias libres1 besito te sigo guapa!

  4. looks like youre having fun!thanks for sharing darlingand thanks for the lovely comments, they mean the world!

  5. Que te vaya bien en tu viaje, mi hermana tambien llega hoy de suiza y siempre se queja de lo de las 2 maletas. Pasatela bien en mexiland!

  6. I LOVE SCHIPHOL AIRPORT! And seeing pictures of travels makes me miss planes/airports/travelling so much more!Have a nice trip back home! Soak up the sun!

  7. Have a safe trip and a lot of fun back home with your family!Cant wait to see some pictures of sunny Mexico on your blog!

  8. have a nice trip! and btw i love that pink suitcase and your relaxed look. on the plain you are allowed to be relaxed. :)

  9. Hola, Andy!! Soy una seguidora de tu blog. Me encanta!! Además, comparto contigo ese amor por Paris. Soy española, y me encantaría seguir tus pasos y poder vivir algún día en esa maravillosa ciudad.Pásalo genial por México.Besos!!


  11. Que pases unas vacaciones estupendas por esa tierra maravillosa!! En España esperamos tus noticias desde allí!!Un beso!!