The time has finally come and I am off to Mexico for a month tomorrow morning.

I havent seen my family in a year and my little sister in more than 2 so I am super excited!

I am supposed to be packing now, although I have never been that good at it.
I love my clothes and I find it incredibly difficult to choose just few things to pack, If I had it my way, I would bring all my wardrobe everywhere I go, unfortunately airlines are not so understanding.

So from tomorrow I will be blogging from the land that saw me grow, the one where is always warm and sunny, the one where you can eat the most amazing food and where I can finally get my tan back.

See you in Mexico babies!

Traducción :

Por fin llego el día y yo mañana me voy a Mexico de vacaciones.
Ahorita debería de estar empacando, aunque debo confesar que soy pésima en eso.
Me fascina mi ropa y me cuesta muchísimo trabajo escoger las cosas que voy a empacar, si tan solo pudiera llevarme todo mi guardarropa, Desafortunadamente, las aerolíneas no son tan comprensivas.

Así que a partir de mañana voy a estar actualizando desde la tierra que me vio nacer, donde siempre hace sol y calor, donde hacen la mejor comida del mundo y donde por fin voy a recuperar mi bronceado.

Nos vemos en Mexico!!


87 Responses

  1. ANDY I LOVE THIS OUTFIT!!!!you inspired me to create a similar outfit…. check it out on my blog!!!!aliskye.blogspot.comi really love what you wear, and everything you do… YOU ARE SUCH AN INSPIRATION! i created my own blog recently, so it's not as amazing as yours, and it doesn't have nearly as many followers, but i hope my blog will be as big a success as yours is! please check out my blog and follow!i'd also love to talk to you about your clothes, and how you made your blog a hit!!!!

  2. Andy!!I love that Jacket and shirt you're wearing!!! I want them. Where you get it? :)Hit me back ya. Haven't heard from you for so long, sorry coz I've been busy thats

  3. 0olaa! qe tal oye soy de méxic0o! que bien que aigas creado esta paguina me parece muy cool esta superr lindaa! y que bien te vistes! genial y felicidadeez! espero que puedas comentarme! bye

  4. andy que te diviertas mucho en México!! ame tus jeans morados y por cierto.. porque ya no nos dices de donde es cada pieza de tu outfit?

  5. Let face it,you alwasy look beyond amazing but this time im gonna say that you look stunning!! really love this look, i might gonna steal it since i have a similiar blazer=)Good look here in mexico!!!

  6. Qué bien a disfrutar de tu familia y de tu tierra!!! además Méjico tiene que ser tan bonito…yo nos enseñaras fotillos de tu ciudad, no? Yo tengo familia allí y el año que viene que voy a estudiar en California iré a visitarlos. Me parece un lugar fascinante. Vuelve bien morena!!!! jajaj!Allanita

  7. Have fun in Mexico! Enjoy the food ( I'm a huge fan of the mexican food:D)! You must be so excited to see your family again!x


  9. wow! when i read bye bye holland and the fotos hadn't loaded yet and i didn't want to read the text before seeing the fotos i thought that you were moving to paris! haha…all kinds of movies going through my head about that weird little flash trip to paris of got offered a job at vogue france, or elle or something equally as awesome. man, i bought myself a jade nail polish yesterday like the one you have and i am wearing it and i love it but then as soon as i saw your fotos i compared mine to yours and realised once again, that yours is just SO much more pretty and now i'm less excited about mine again..bummer..que disfrutes tus vacaciones en mexico mientras nosotras seguimos aca en la semi primavera que todavia no ha decidido si se quiere quedar o no :)saludos desde suizaxx

  10. such a bright and beautiful outfit… you are totally ready for warm weather with all those cheery colours! can't wait to see your adventures in mexico! hope the flight was quick and painless! xx

  11. Have a great time back home, i'm desperately in need of some sun. Looking forward to your posts from Mexico.Carly x

  12. q bello look, quiero esos pantalones, ese saco hermosooooo y la camiseta tambien me encantaria :) y no es solo porq te vi e? ya queria unos pantalones de ese color y un saco a rayas tambien jejeq bueno q puedas ir a tu tierra, pasala super bien :)

  13. Have an awesome journey!! I can't wait to see some photos taken in Mexico!! It seems to be so far away for me..

  14. so how did you end up packing? did you have a good technique?? I am going on a holiday to visit my boyfriend soon and I really dont know what clothes to bring and not to bring…. :S Do you have any good advice??

  15. I love your "pantalones" ;) enjoy your stay! I love your country and I have a family in Mexico City so reading tht you're going there brings back nice memories :)

  16. pasalo genial en mexico!!!me imagino que estaras deseando volver…te invito a visitar mi blog yo soy fan tuya!! te conoci x el de elle!!que pena que lo dejases!que paso?Saludos desde españa!

  17. No sabes cuanto t comprendo! Yo en Inglaterra también echo de menos España y mi bronceado! (en Valencia tambien hace mucho sol). Disfrutalo muchoooo!!Me encantan esos pantalones! Y como le has dado color al blazer con ellos y las uñas!!Genial!Sandra


  19. Have fun!!!!! P.S. Are you're parents both mexican? Because if I didn't know that you were from mexico I couldn't believe it!

  20. have an amazing time in Mexico!and i really do love the way you clothes and your style <3 x

  21. Love the outfit!And have a lot of fun @ Mexico!I've got some questions, if you don't mind;)…What brought you to come to Holland? And what is your daytime job?You're such an inspiration for me! :)