How do you like the latest additions to my necklace collection?

In fact, I’ve always been a very big quartz collector enthusiast and ever since I was little, I used to collect quartzes and rocks in different shapes and colors, now give it to me ready to wear as a necklace by and I am in!

The neon yellow necklace is by the talented designer and street style photographer Giia. She designs the most amazing necklaces and when she told me she wanted to customize a special one for me in my favorite color, I knew that a neon yellow would be perfect! … There are still a few others I want to show you, but it will have to be in a different post.

Huge thanks to Fashionology and Giia for enhancing StyleScrapbook’s future “looks of the day” with their beautiful creations!


Quartz necklaces:
Neon yellow necklace: Giia

125 Responses

  1. The first one looks so much like you. Everyone else would look like an idiot wearing it, but I'm sure you'll rock it! I used to collect all kinds of stones when I was younger, too, such a nice memory.

  2. wow , the neckleses are amazing , the desinger must be pretty talented ;);)

  3. Hi I am passing on you one blog award, please pass it to your favourite 15 blogs…see the instructions here

  4. the quartz necklaces looks amazing! I can't wait to see you wear them :)xxo

  5. great!! love them! the quarzes are amazing!loveeeee necklaces! I am a big fan! I have a big collection!and if you like, you can see it in my

  6. That is great…I am sending you one blog award…so please pass it to other people…check the post for more info…Love ur blog x

  7. this is so amazing! the neon yellow necklace is such an outstanding piece. and i need to get my hand on some of those quartz necklaces, theyre beautiful.xoxo

  8. really nice, i am just not sure if i could wear it.i am sure u gonna manage it!have lolely day!

  9. the giia necklace is my fave!:)

  10. Ese color es definitivamente tu sello! Q suerte haber podido de alguna forma "customizar" un gran diseño.Ahora q eres chica Mango se acabaron las traducciones. Me encantan tus estilismos, de hecho, son mis favoritos, pero es decepcionante q tu espacio cambie sólo por unos votos :/

  11. I have near similar as the second, but in men's collection :)

  12. I love the neon yellow necklace, it is so unique I might just DIY it with felt and a glue gun in a cobalt blue (my current favorite). Can't wait to see them in your future outfits!

  13. Wow the yellow one is stunning!! So pretty! I also love quartz, they have such beautiful colours!

  14. They are all very beautiful! Looking forward to see them back on the blog with one of ur amazing outfits:) Have a wonderful day!

  15. Those necklaces are so AMAZING Andy!!I prefer this with the quartz, but the other is so origininal!!KissesFanny

  16. That neon yellow necklace is perfect for you! It's so awesome! I love those fashionology necklaces too. I have one in white :)

  17. I love the neon yellow necklace!And i almost ordered myself some of those quartz necklaces, still thinking about ordering at leat one of them.Would love to see the yellow one in an outfit post!

  18. Uao! I love quartz!!!!check my blog, nice advices on fashion for all… in Italian and english!

  19. Awesome i love the yellow one!! :) heh I used to collect stones too back on the day…Kc

  20. The quartz necklaces look awesome!Bianca

  21. Oh I so love that neon necklace! It has such a great design and unique! Gorgeous :DI collect stones and crystals of all sorts, but not in jewelery form though