This giveaway is now CLOSED!
This giveaway is now CLOSED!

As few of you already know, on the 31st of May I am off to Bologna Italy for an amazing event with L’Inde le Palais and L’Autre chose and to celebrate this, I have paired with the 2 of them to bring you an awesome Spring shoe giveaway, because there is no such thing as having too many shoes ;)
If you are in Bologna or near on the 31st of May, you can join me for an awesome cocktail party from 7:30 pm at L’Inde Le Palais via De’ Musei 6 Bologna. You don’t need an invitation and you will also have a chance to win an awesome L’Autre chose gift at the party, not to mention have great cocktails, music and hang out with few bloggers too.
To find out more information about the event click here

Now back to the contest; A lot of you saw me wearing these shoes on yesterdays post and loved them, but since everyone has different taste, we decided to give the winner the pair she choses between 1,2 or 3, which means, If you are chosen the winner of the giveaway you will get to choose which one of the 3 pairs above you want.

*All you have to do is leave a comment with your full name and email address so I can contact you if you win*

*This giveaway is opened worldwide.
*Lindestore + L’Autre chose are only giving 1 pair of shoes to the winner.
*The giveaway will be open until Sunday the 15th of May.
*In case the shoe you choose is sold out at the end of the contest, you can still chose from the other 2 left.



Como algunas de ustedes ya saben, el 31 de Mayo me voy a Bologna en Italia para un evento con L’Inde le Palais y L’Autre chose, así que para celebrar esto, hemos decidido hacer un concurso para que alguna de ustedes pueda ganar un par de zapatos y ¿Quien no quiere tener mas zapatos en su guardarropa? ¡¿Quien dijo yo?!

Muchas me vieron con estos zapatos en el post the ayer, pero como cada quien tiene sus gustos, L’Autre Chose le va a dar a escoger a la ganadora 1 par entre los pares en la segunda foto, así que si afortunadamente tu resultas ser la ganadora, puedes escoger entre el par numero 1, 2 o el numero 3, depende que cual te guste mas.

*Lo único que tienes que hacer es dejar un comentario con tu nombre completo y dirección de email para que te pueda contactar en caso de ser ganadora.*

*Este concurso esta abierto a nivel mundial.
*L’Autre Chose solo esta dando 1 par de zapatos.
*El concurso se acaba el Domingo 15 de Mayo.
*En caso de que el zapato que has escogido este agotado al final del concurso, todavia podras escoger entre los otros 2 pares.



2,581 Responses

  1. every saturday in bologna there's an incredible market with a lot of glamorous things, especially shoes. You should go also there..i hope you'll like italy.I wait you on my blog

  2. Hi Andy, unintentionally found this great fashion blog several weeks ago, guess what, I keep coming back to see it. It such a combination of great passion in fashion, elegance, and strong sense of style. It's so inspiring, I read your story how you make it all happened.and what a lovely giveaways, I love the first shoes that you wore, fantastic!(Lissa Andayani)[email protected] a great day :D

  3. OH MY GOD.I have never wanted a pair of shoes so much in my life. They are all gorgeous.This will seriously make my summer if i win them.Yet, i've never won anything in my life so we shall see haha. xox- Jayleen [email protected]

  4. Hola, me apunto a tu sorteo!!Me llamo Elena (nick hueleacoco) y mi mail es hueleacoco(@)hotmail.comUn besote y a ver si hay suerte

  5. Uyyyy casi me lo pierdo, que estupendo sorteo!!más zapatos , justo cuando ayer miraba mi zapatero y pensaba que ya no cabía ninguno más, pero no sé como lo hago que al poco de pensar esto si que me las ingieno para hacer nuevos sitios, jeje, es una enfermedad! (pero una enfermedad estupenda!)mis datos:berta [email protected]

  6. All the ladies around the world who posted a comment and read your blog are people I know nothing about…Except one thing: they LOVE fashion and style, just like I do! ;)Great contest!Charlotte [email protected]

  7. Such luscious shoes!! I hope I can win; I've never had shoes worth more than $20 my whole life. My name's Rosa Wan, and my email's [email protected]. I thinks me likes number three C: Thanks :o

  8. Hola Andy, ojalá me des la oportunidad de ganar el giveaway! Me gusta mucho tu estilo, es genial y diferente al resto – además llevas siempre unos relojes preciosos.Besos,Lisa von der [email protected]

  9. Hello I just have to say I love your blog : ) its so great I always look forward to reading it. I loved the shoes you wore for the post "The Perfect Skirt" so I would have to choose 1 Maria Gutierrez [email protected]

  10. All those shoes are so pretty … I bet they would be perfect for completing my outfits ^___^ I would love to wear these shoes to my b'day party this tuesday lol Thank you for this amazing contest very kind of you ^^ Aerin [email protected]

  11. I´ve been following you blog for a long time, and I love it!!! I really love your style and never get tired of it!! And right now I´m in love with these shoes!!!Lots of love from Spain!Jara Crespo Martí[email protected]

  12. Querida Andy:Llevo ya un tiempo siguiéndote, siempre a última hora de la noche, pues tengo muchísimo trabajo siempre. Te descubrí de casualidad, y pensaba disfrutar en silencio de las cosas maravillosas que creas cada día, de la magia que le imprimes a la vida, pero con este sorteo que has lanzado me has hecho hablar ;)!!!!Aprovecho para decirte que me alegro infinito de que hayas ganado el concurso de MAngo. PAra mí ha sido como un triunfo personal. Yo también tengo raíces y familia mexicanas, y cuando miro tu rostro veo una parte de mí (nos parecemos un poco, aunque yo no tengo tu impoluta y maravillosa piel). En fin, GRACIAS por ser tan especial y tan fuerte y por compartir tantas cosas bellas…Para mí eres la recompensa del final del día, un pequeño alimento reconfortante, como la taza de chocolate caliente antes de acostarse, que te ayuda a sentirte feliz y dormir plácidamente, con los ojos llenos de imágenes hermosas, de posibilidades…Tenía muchas ganas de decirte todo esto.Es justicia divina que alguien como tú haya logrado su sueño. QUe seas feliz.MAite Fernández [email protected]

  13. Gracias por este fantástico concurso a ti, Andy y a L'Autre Chose. Ojalá pudiera ir al evento de Bologna, pero mi pilla lejos, pues vivo en españa.Mi nombre y mi mail:Ana Abati [email protected]!:)


  15. Me gusta la idea, veo que somos muchas las que queremos tener la oportunidad de ganar, jaja, bueno, supongo que todas podemos…Mi correo es:[email protected] tener suerte y si no, seguire leyendote!!!Un beso.

  16. wow it totalay love these shoes!they look so pretty, and it just are the perfect heels for a great summer outfit! would love to win them <3btw love your blog, your outfits always look fantastic and you have a great style.xoxoJorinde [email protected]

  17. Kate Gallagherkgal1298 (@) gmail.comSuch a cool prize. I love the brown ones you wore the other day.

  18. Kayla Short [email protected] PLEASE PLEASE PICK MEI've been doing my practice teaching for the past four months which means full time work and no pay. Needless to say my shoe collection has dwindled. Please pick me I'm going to NY in June and I can take a photo and write a blog post about them. much love,

  19. Kayla Short [email protected] from PLEASE PLEASE PICK ME I've been doing my practice teaching for four months without pay which means my shoe collection is dwindling. I'm going to NY in June I'll wear them and write a blog post about them :) xo shortpresents

  20. Hola Andy, te sigo desde hace tiempo! vengo a pedirte que votes a mis niñas para el casting de GOCCO de FACEBOOK. En mi blog pongo cómo se hace, si nos pudieras echar una manilla por favor!!! es para que sean las 20 mas votadas para salir en el catálogo de invierno de GOCCO. ¡Mil gracias!

  21. IN LOVE with the wedges you have :) So I'm crossing my fingers that those ones won't be sold out at the of this giveaway :)Kristy Petrakpetra19(at)gmail(dot)com

  22. whoa so many comments…my chances of winning these shoes is very slim but…for a free pair of shoes, I gotta give it a chance.I love the wedge pair that you have!Lena

  23. GENIAL!!LOS QUIERO!! espero ser la ganadora de este increible sorteo.Mi nombre es cristina gonzález fernándezmi mail:[email protected] gracias Andy por todo lo que nos ofreces todos los dias eres mi gran inspiración. Un besito desde Españaxxx

  24. thank you Andy for giving away such stunning and swooning shoes <3 <3 <3i've been following your blog every day and i totally fall for your fashion style, but this is the 1st time i try to enter a contest :DPhan Vu Phuong Thaofrom [email protected] you again pretty :)

  25. hi baby! First, many compliments for your blog and everything you do! have a very charming style, and your smile is illuminating every morning keeps me company while I drink my cappuccino.I hope you'll always have more opportunities in the fashion world.DANIELA [email protected] is my blog, I hope you can read it, sooner or later

  26. me the most like shoes because they are number 2 this retro style which you will find I have now also like to paint them is so different from the other Lesser shoes as soon as I saw them I immediately [email protected]

  27. Wauw wat geweldig!I Lóóóóóve the shoes!Extra reden voor mij om heel veel te oefenen op hoge hakken maar deze kijken mij wel 'loopbaar' en minder 'struikelbaar' hihi!E-mail adres: [email protected]*Duimen duimen duimen!Love,Melissa

  28. Gosh yeah!!! Thanks Andy for the giveaway! When I saw your shoes on the post I said: I want them !And you're giving the possiblity to have one pair , thans againXOXOFingers [email protected] Laura LamaHttp://

  29. As a daily visitor I have to say that this is a great give away! Would love to wear these shoes on my blog! And perhaps meet up in Amsterdam for a nice drink :)Have fun with the event!Fab Fashion by [email protected]://

  30. hi i am going to use my username vatumblemumbo at gmail dot comthank youhope i still qualify for your giveaway , and plz let me know if not .

  31. This giveaway is simply AMAZING and the shoes are GORGEOUS! I'm in!Since the 31st of may is my birthday, winning this would be just perfect! ;)My name is Nathalie Madsen and you can mail me at [email protected]'m keeping my fingers crossed! :) Hell yeah, even my toes are crossed too! :D Lol!Love,Nathalie

  32. Ahh I love them!!! I think they are all amazing, but since I have the shortest legs on the planet, I think the brown ones with the low strap would work best for me. Oh and there DEF is no such thing as too many shoes! Bryn Nau [email protected]://

  33. This is the FIRST time I have EVER commented on a blogger's page! I've been following your blog for ages, today I couldn't resist to comment once I saw those shoes! PICK ME PICK ME PICK ME! I love your style, and I LOVE those shoes! I am still saving up for my first pair of brown suede shoes, these would be perfect!! Really hope I can win!It is my dream to visit IAmstedam one day!!Love from Australia,Vanessa Chong [email protected]

  34. Very VERY cool giveaway, I am def wanting at least 1 pair of their shoes :) And can't wait to meet you in Bologna and take a photo!Ivelina, frickys(at)gmail(dot)com

  35. omg this is such a cool giveaway, i ADORE your shoes! count me in please :)here's my email:manjuxoxo(at)gmail(dot)comi'm manju :)xx