I’M WEARING  >> One Piece Swimsuit: Oseree  |  Hat: DIOR  |  Shirt: H&M Trend  |  Bikini: Oseree

I must have been living under a rock, because it was only recently (before my trip to Coachella and thanks to my agent), that I discovered this amazing swimwear brand. I normally tend to stay away from shimmer and glitter -although I have been know to enjoy my fair share of sequinned items-, but there is no escaping when it comes to this swimwear. The moment I laid my eyes on their website, I was hooked and as much as I tried to narrow it down, It was too hard to do it. They have these glitter beauties as one pieces and bikinis, so evidently I got one of each, although I am seriously questioning if I should also get myself the black bikini for My trip to Mexico. I am OBSESSED!

5 Responses

  1. Me gusta el corte del top y los colores. A mí siempre me han gustado los brillos 😋 incluso cuando no están en tendencia me gusta tener algo que sea negro y un poco de brillo 💕
    Saludos y espero estes mejorando con el malestar estomacal 🤟😉