I’m not going to lie, writing this post was difficult, not because I didn’t know what to say, but because I didn’t know where to start. I have been keeping this a secret for way too long, and to be honest, it still doesn’t feel real.

It would probably sound cheesy if I said that dreams do come true, and I don’t want to sound like a cliche, but they do. I remember being a 7 year old girl, begging my Mother to show me how to sew. I remember her having to make my clothes because I was the tallest girl at school back when I still lived in Mexico. I remember daydreaming of having my own brand one day, living in Europe and working in Fashion. I remember getting laughed at by some of my classmates, saying that that only happens in movies, not in real life. Fast-forward a decade and a half and somehow, I ended up checking all my dreams off my bucket list.

Having my own brand was the dream and goal from day one, back when I used to upload DIY tutorials on StyleScrapbook and when I had literally no idea that this blog would change my life one day. We have been working on this for over a year and I can’t believe the day is finally here, the moment where I get to share with you, – who I feel are so close, and have been such a huge part of my growth and life for the past few years – that I am launching my own clothing brand.

What is AIT? For starters AIT are my initials; Andrea Isabel Torres, but now that we got that question out of the way, we can really dig deep into what AIT really means to me.

I wanted to create a brand that represents all the things I love, a curation of my favourite pieces out there but with a twist, my twist. I wanted to create a brand that goes a little away from the trends, but that focuses on the pieces that have a meaning to me. That makes a statement, but above all, that I and hopefully you, will want to wear over and over again.

We are launching with 23 amazing pieces but as the seasons pass, AIT’s collection will grow, take shape and hopefully, become a must have in your wardrobe.

I can’t really put into words how much your support throughout all these years still means to me, and I am sorry it took me this long to deliver something a lot of you have asked me for years, but I believe in timing and this time, the stars really aligned for me.

Welcome to the world of AIT! This is just the beginning and I can’t wait to show you what else we have in store.

36 Responses

  1. Congratulations Andy!

    I have being following you since 2007, you really deserve the best for being yourself and true to yourself in the industry of fashion and the blogsphere! such an inspiration!



  2. Congrats! Looks great! Can’t wait to do some shopping. Will you have an european site? It will be easier and less expensive for us. Thanks

  3. Andy, muchas muchas felicidades y Enhorabuena por este gran logro, que esté lleno de mucho éxito, crecimiento y satisfacción para ti. Que padre es ver el éxito de un mexicano en el extranjero, que orgullo que seas Mexicana 😉

  4. Olá bom dia! Espero que tenhas muito sucesso! Vou seguindo o teu estilo e gosto bastante <3. Sou consultora de imagem em Portugal, Aveiro, em part-time, que é difícil mas não desisto. E um dia adorava, também, ter a minha coleção de roupa. beijinhos ;-)

  5. No puedo creer que hace tanto tiempo que sigo tu blog y cómo han cambiado las cosas, los años, las circunstancias y ahora ver materializado un sueño. Felicidades no sólo por la marca si no por inspirar a hacer las cosas diferentes, lo que nadie espera y lo que uno realmente quiere y sueña. Éxito total compatriota!!

  6. Felicidades!! Te sigo desde que tenías tu programa de TV en México y me da mucho gustó que sigas cumpliendo tus sueños y obviamente seré fiel seguidora de tu marca porqué me encanta tu estilo! Mucho éxito!

  7. Congratulations Andy! I have no idea how long I have been following your blog, back in the days when the background was black and I remember how scare you were for the make over. I’m so proud of all your accomplishments, and for setting the example that mexican girls can do fashion.

    Love u.