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I’M WEARING  >>  Dress: ZARA  |  Bag: Gucci  |  Shoes: Superga  |  Sunnies: Jimmy Choo

I saw this dress at ZARA one of those days in which you don’t have a lot of time to shop, so you glance through the store very quickly, spot a couple of “potential” buys and walk out. I woke up two days later thinking about this dress: -“Why didn’t you buy it moron!? It was amazing and it’s probably going to be gone by now”.
It reminded me of a photograph my mother has, obviously from the 1970’s, where she was wearing something similar and looked totally stunning. I tried to correct my mistake, took my bike and rushed to ZARA to try my luck. I looked through the entire store -twice-, asked two different shop assistants which looked way to busy to be willing to help me and who told me they have never seen that dress in the store before (Really? Even I saw it and I don’t work there). I was super bummed, there was no sign of it online and the one at the store seemed to be gone. Just as I was about to walk out, I saw a girl putting it back in a rack where it didn’t belong, she clearly didn’t see the potential of it so I grabbed it a second after she put it down and walked straight to the cashier. I have worn it once since then, wondering if I will ever wear it again but it still seemed like a GREAT find.


41 Responses

  1. I love your story about how you got this dress. It made me laugh as I always have similar store adventures. Anyway, it looks really cool and perfectly matches the location where you shot the photos. It’s a shame that orange and yellow aren’t my colours, because I’d consider getting it myself!

  2. Ha ha ha! It was very funny reading through this post, these kind of stories always happens to me!! I see now that I am not the only one!
    I love that dress!! Stunning! I understand you perfectly comming back to Zara trying to find it again! :DD