
I am going through a bit of a cathartic period lately, where I have been experiencing a lot of different feelings and I have been made aware about a lot of things I didn’t see before. I think it has probably been the constant traveling, or the amount of time I’ve had for myself that made me really think about what I am doing and what I want to do.

I have been wanting to make changes for so long, changes in my life, maybe move somewhere else for a while, or maybe even permanently. I started to get all these thoughts rushing to me in the past few days, after I arrived from Stockholm. It was probably the worst timing as I had to rush to Milan straight after, or maybe the perfect timing, I don’t know. Making big changes can be so fucking scary, sorry about the language but it’s just the truth. This past year has been a constant attempt to break out of my comfort zone in my personal life, something I rarely or never talk about, but I wanted to share this with you because I am sure I am not alone in this. One of the biggest challenges in life is to overcome personal fears, making certain decisions and breaking patterns, even though the thought of it is very scary.

I wanted to share this because I would love to hear your stories and experiences. You guys have been following me for so long that I really feel like have built a small support system and if we haven’t yet, we should really start!. Life if full of amazing moments but also little personal struggles that we can only overcome by ourselves and with the support of the people closest to us. Comfort zones are ‘comfortable’ but they suck! they really do and we should not live life scared of leaving them due to fear of the unknown, even if that fear is sometimes paralysing. I try to remind myself of this every single day, now I just need to put it into action which is easier said than done.

EDIT: A friend just told me that Mercury is in retrograde since the 17th. I didn’t know this was “a thing”, I have heard about it but never really paid attention. I was reading about it and it makes so much sense now, Mercury has been messing with me for a good week now and I need it to stop now. Read this and tell me if this has also been happening to you (?)


55 Responses

  1. I feel ya, girl! After a break-up, in the past few months I have been pushing myself to try as many new things as I can and do things I am scared of! And to be honest, most of the time the pay-offs are incredible!! I am stepping out of my comfort zone and feel sooo much better afterwards for having overcome fears or succeeded in something I would have never thought I’m capable of before. I have met new people and discovered new passions and now trying out new things has become almost a habit for me. I can only give you this advice: go for it! Try something new! Push yourself, and you most certainly will grow and become a bigger person. :)
    xx Nadine

  2. Dear Andy,

    the truth is that you were born a raised in Mexico and now you are living in a cold place.
    Never understimate this aspect (I was born in Italy and lived two years in Stockholm. It was amazing, one of the most beautiful and deep experience of all my life, but it’s hard to live in a country TOTALLY different from your roots. Now I actually planning my next relocation and I know what you mean).
    You are talented, you have a job, you have a boyyfriend who loves you and supports you: embrace any change, go ahed with that. Any challenge is a world of opportunity.
    You can do everything!

    Good Luck!


  3. Whatever changes you have faced and are facing, Andy, remember that everything works out for the best and there is a reason behind every single little and big chain of events/people we meet/situations we go through. Just keep moving forward, girlie, with an open mind and cheerful heart. I have quoted this little quote so many times on my blog I guess haha but here it comes again (because I really believe in it!): The best is yet to come.
    xox Nadia

  4. There’s something intensely liberating about realizing that wherever you go, there you are. Despite where you’re living, as long as you can remain true and happy to yourself is all that matters. Cities change and are not always meant to be forever, but if you can walk away from a place happy about yourself and your life is all that matters!

    Putting this completely aside, I don’t know how you’ve been able to live in Amsterdam this long! I moved here one year ago for my fiance’s work, after living in Mexico City, SF and Chicago and have never felt my personality so compromised. I literally have to remind myself that “wherever I go, there I am” multiple times a day because I cannot assimilate to the Dutch attitudes. But remembering this has made me stronger in my convictions…and if I want to be nice and smile, I’m certainly not going to feel guilty about staying true to myself!

    Been reading your blog for years (since a DYI dress!), and although I don’t know you- think you are much too amazing to be living in AMS. As long as you’ve got a good head on your shoulders, you can make it anywhere! Unless you lovelovelove it here (as many do!), the world is a big place-don’t limit yourself to this city!

    Anyway, get out and enjoy the warm weather today! Xoxo

  5. Andy, I totally understand what’s going through your mind. It’s gone through mine too lately. I’d like to share with you something that I wrote on New Year’s Eve, 10 months ago. I wrote it as a wrap up to the amazing year that 2014 was for me. It was a year of dreams come true and overcoming my fears. Here it goes:
    “All my life I have fought constant battles against fear. I don’t think I was born with it, I was just prone to it and then my family id nothing but fuel that fear more and more over the years. I don’t blame them. But then some years ago I had a life changing experience that made me realise life is so fragile and short that I didn’t want to be afraid for the rest of it, whether that was two or seventy five more years. And so I’ve spent the last years trying to prove myself and those around me that I can. Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story form the one I was told. I decided I was safe, I was strong, I was brave. Fear begets fear, power begets power, and so I willed myself to beget power, and it wasn’t long before I actually wasn’t afraid. As they say… One day, somewhere, you’ll inevitably find yourself, and that can be the sweetest or the most bitter of your hours. As I said, all my life I have fought constant battles against fear, but this year I won the war. I am now ready for the rest of my life and I look forward to see what the new year brings. I hope someday everyone can feel as fulfilled as I feel today, and I hope all your dreams come true, like mine did. I hope you’re never afraid. I hope you’re never afraid of being yourself and pursuing you goals. Whatever you think you cannot do, you can do it! Whatever scares the shit out of you, do it! Because once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.”

    Espero que la decision que tomes, la tomes con el corazon, y que permitas que el te lleve a donde tienes que estar. Te comparto esta frase que me encanta y que pienso que tiene que ver con lo que estas viviendo: There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore logic, ignore the odds, ignore the complications… and just go for it!

    Con todo carino y admiracion, un abrazo desde tu tierra!

  6. Andy, I can totally understand what’s going through your mind, it’s gone through mine too for a while. I’d like to share with you something that I wrote on New Year’s Eve 10 months ago. I wrote it as a wrap up to the amazing year that 2014 was for me. It was a year of dreams come true, a year that changed me, all for the better. Here it goes:
    “All my life I have fought constant battles against fear. I don’t think I was born with it, I think I was just prone to it and then my family did nothing but fuel that fear more and more over the years. I don’t blame them. But then some years ago I had a life changing experience that made me realise life is so fragile and short that I didn’t want to be afraid for the rest of it, wether that was two or seventy five more years. And so I’ve spent the last years trying to prove myself and those around me that I can. Fear, to a great extent, is born of a story we tell ourselves, and so I chose to tell myself a different story from the one I was told. I decided I was safe, I was strong, I was brave. Fear begets fear, power begets power. And so I willed myself to beget power. And it wasn’t long before I actually wasn’t afraid. As they say… one day, somewhere, you’ll inevitably find yourself, and that can be the sweetest or the most bitter of your hours. As I said, all my life I have fought constant battles against fear, but this year I won the war. I hope someday all of you can feel as fulfilled as I feel today, and I hope all your dreams come true, like mine did. I hope you’re never afraid. Specially, I hope you’re never afraid of being yourself and pursuing your goals. Whatever you think you cannot do, you can do it. Whatever scares the shit out of you, do it! Because once you become fearless, life becomes limitless.”

    Espero que la decision que tomes, la tomes con el corazon, y que permitas que el te lleve a donde tienes que estar. Te comparto esta frase que me encanta, y que pienso que tiene que ver con lo que estas viviendo: “There will be a few times in your life when all your instincts will tell you to do something, something that defies logic, upsets your plans and may seem crazy to others. When that happens, you do it. Listen to your instincts and ignore everything else. Ignore the odds, ignore the complications, and just go for it”

    Con todo carino y admiracion, from a fellow Mexican!

  7. Andy,

    I started following you when I was just realizing what fashion blags were in 2009. I was a sophomore in high school ( 15 years old). I even caught a glimpse of you when I was at NYFW and was too nervous to say hello. You may not belive it but you were just as big a star to me as Olivia Palermo (I did talk to her!)

    Your blog has meant a lot to me over the years and while I can’t keep up with it as much as I’d like to, I still follow you on Instagram and FB (where i saw this post).

    Whatever happens and whatever you decide, know youve made a HUGE impact on people all over thew world. I’m from Louisville Kentucky and im just one of thousands of lives you’ve touched.

    Good luck with everything. You deserve the best!


  8. Hey Andy,

    Ik ben echt heel blij dat je dit hebt geschreven want ik ga momenteel door precies het zelfde. Ik wil heel graag van alles van de wereld zien (een beetje zo als jij), mensen helpen waar ik kan en dingen leren die mij emotioneel en intelectueel gezien sterker maken. Ik heb veel grote plannen maar ze daadwerkelijk uitvoeren is inderdaad een tweede. Ik doe de opleiding Toegepaste Psychologie en om eerlijk te zijn is het niet helemaal wat ik had verwacht (ik zit in mijn tweede jaar). Ik heb een goed gesprek gehad met een studiekeuzenadviseur over hoe ik toch kan komen waar ik wil zijn (iets met mensen helpen maar ook met sport en voeding) zonder van studie te switchen. Ik begrijp nu dat ik daarvoor veel dingen zal moeten doen die extra tijd en moeite kosten omdat ze niet bij mijn studie horen. Dit maakte me best bang want ik loop over van de ambities en ik ben bang dat ik ergens te veel tijd aan besteed en dan niet aan het andere toe kom wat nu al het geval is vaak. Haha nu ik het terug lees merk ik dat ik er een beetje om heen draai, maar in iedergeval. Ik heb geleerd hoe langer je in je comfortzone blijft hoe kleiner die word. Dus ook al is het eng doe iets out of the ordinary want dat maakt je sterker. Ik hoop dat je sterker uit je conflict komt! :)

  9. A pesar de que sigo el blog hace varios años es la primera vez que comento.
    Como tu, también deje mi país hace varios años para vivir algo diferente. Siempre tuve sed de conocer otro sitio, otra gente, otra cultura. Hace 2 años, ya en pareja surgió la posibilidad de volver a cambiar de país y no lo dude. Fue una experiencia totalmente diferente porque fue de a 2 y además allí nació nuestro primer hijo.
    Con esto quiero decir, que una vez que armas las maletas una vez no hay vuelta atrás, y volverlas a armar realmente ya no es tan vertiginoso como la primera vez.
    Por ultimo te cuento que las mejores decisiones que he tomado en mi vida las hice con una cuota de inconsciencia, a veces hay que seguir los instintos y dejarse llevar.
    Así que ánimos y no tengas miedo de salir de tu zona de confort!

  10. I agree! Comfort zones suck! The possibility of failure is scary, but change makes you grow! It´s better to try, then to wonder “what if…”
    Good luck and energy for you!!

  11. I’m moving from the Czech Republic to Liverpool today, so the article is really on point. Just yesterday I saw my classmates from elementary school and them talking about how they go to work every day and that it is ‘not so bad’ made me feel very confident about the decision to move away. The feeling that I don’t want it that way, that being comfortable doesn’t give me the best life I want for myself and that I don’t want to give up my dreams for ‘not so bad’ life. And if it means I’m really scared as hell, then what. At least I can look back later and say to myself that it was a great thing to be scared of something new and still have the courage to do it.
    Good luck with your decisions!

  12. Hi Andy, first of all I barely leave a comment on your blog, but I always read it when new posts go up. I’ve been a loyal reader since 2011 and because of you and the few words we exchanged through an email, I made one of my dreams come true so I’ll be forever thankful for your advice, I think I owe you a lot and will have to share with you an update on my journey later. Back to your post, I don’t know what kind of changes you want to make but one thing I can tell you is do not be scared of it, our lives are full of stages we all have to go through, lessons that must be learned and decisions that must be made. If you want to move somewhere else, do something else – I’ve got to remind you something you once told me through that email I wrote to you back in Jan 31st /2012 – “If you can dream it – you can do it”, they say that changes are good and that’s true, they make us grow and make us even more mature. If this has been a dream of you for (not) so long, don’t be afraid to pursue it and make it come true, you might be leaving a part of your life behind, but also you’ll be able to write a new chapter in your life, of course if this is something you want, let your beloved ones know it, there’s nothing more important than their support, after that, you’ll feel quite confident and you might do it, although it’s easier said than done but when things are meant for us for “X” or “Y” reason, they’ll fall into place kind of like a road, and they’ll guide us to get there. For this, you’ve got to be confident and the willing of really doing it. Sending you lots of good/positives vibes and the best of luck. I’m sure many of us already are supporting you. Kisses and hugs from Colombia. PS: Off I go to write you that email I promised. :)

  13. All I can say, My Dear, is don’t wait too long.
    That was my mistake.
    You rock, Andy! Keep being awesome. 🌹

  14. Hola, Andy!

    Justo ayer platicaba de esto con un amigo! Te platicaré lo mismo que a él:

    Hace unos años yo vivía con mi mejor amiga y todo iba perfecto, cómodo y seguro. Pero de repente comencé a sentir que necesitaba irme de ahí y la sensación con los días comenzó a hacerse más fuerte. Tenía mucho miedo y me sentía egoísta porque esto que yo quería cambiar no sólo me afectaba a mi sino a ella también.

    Al final me mudé, y por un tiempo todo fue desastroso, incluso dramático. Pero pasando el tiempo todo comenzó a tomar forma, y una forma más bella de la que nunca había tenido; lo mejor fue que también para mi amiga ese cambio fue benéfico!

    Ahora que lo veo en perspectiva me doy cuenta de que la vida me estaba diciendo “muévete” “tu lugar ya no está aquí”. Y quizá la vida si te hace eso, te avisa que es el momento de cambiar, no antes ni después sino en el momento exacto.

    Un abrazo!

  15. I completely empathize with your current feelings, big changes can definitely be terrifying (personally, I always feel the need to re-evaluate my life regularly; it might need a reset ;-) ). But sometimes they’re inevitable and without them you can’t reach certain goals or be happier. What always echoes in my head in times like these is this saying: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”. I’m confident you won’t let fear hold you back to reach whatever goal you have in mind; you’ve achieved so much already, I believe it will all work out for you!

  16. I know what you mean. A teacher once told me that your comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. I am ready to step out of my comfort zone, but my parents aren’t. And that is what frustrates me. It’s like they are pulling me back.

    1. Thats a really hard place to stand on dear, when you can’t move forward because of other people. Parents always want the best for us and they always think they know whats best for us. Just make sure you really know what you want and at the end of the day, your parents will start synchronising with that and letting you go and reach for it. I am sure.


  17. Hello Andy! ;)
    I’ve been following you blog for a long time so far and I don’t think I ever commented your posts (or at least I don’t remember) but this one was really touching… I had a similar feeling like you more than a year ago and I decided to hear my inner voice about changing my life radically! :D So I moved from my small country from my very small town and now I live in Sydney… Of course there has been looots of struggle but in the end it is worth it! ;)) As inspirational Jane Birking once said: “But who wants an easy life? It’s boring!” It is kind of true… I wish you all the luck anywhere you go, hopefully once you’ll visit Sydney, it is pretty awesome here! ;)
    Btw, I have never heard about the Mercury thing, but I have read the article and f*ck! :D I was so under the weather lately and what’s happening to me is that sometimes I just start speaking in my maternal language to my only english speaking colleagues without even realizing it! :D
    I hope that this my comment will make sense haha…

    Have a lovely day, lovely! :*

    1. That is very inspirational to hear Hanna, thank you so much for sharing your story! I did take a huge step when I moved from Mexico to Amsterdam years ago, and now the success of the blog has made me put private life on stand by because of the constant travel, so I really want to make some changes soon.
      P.S- Its my dream to come to Australia! Hopefully soon :)

  18. On the Singapore diary I leave my comment in English, fo this one… Spanish.
    Estuve leyendo sobre Mercurio retrogradando y puede que nos afecte o no pero lo que si me doy cuenta que estamos en una etapa de cambio y de re pensar sobre nuestro camino. La vida es constante cambio y al igual que andar en bicicleta, si no seguimos pedaleando, perdemos el equilibrio y hasta nos podemos caer de costado. Hace un tiempo encontré una frase que me dejó pensando y hoy te la paso… espero te sirva.. “¡Hacer un cambio en la vida asusta! ¿Pero sabes que asusta más? Lamentarte de no haberlo hecho!”
    Saludos desde Argentina

    1. Me encanta ese dicho y es muy cierto. Lo peor que podemos hacer es quedarnos estancados.
      Muchísimas gracias por compartir esto Ana! Un beso enorme.


  19. Antes que nada, muchas gracias Andy por compartir algo tan personal con nosotras.
    Yo tampoco tenia idea que era esto de mercury retrograde, pero ahora mi semana tiene mas sentido (mi macbook se daño, la pantalla de mi iphone se quebro, mi viaje se cancelo y espero hasta aqui llegue)

    Despues de 5 años de residir en Taiwan, donde estudie la universidad, pense que mi regreso a casa seria de vacaciones. La verdad esta libertar de poder decidir donde ir (una que muchos ya sea por dinero o responsibilidades no la tienen) a veces se vuelve mas carga de lo que deberia ser. Personalmente, lidio con la presion de tomar “la mejor decision” o al menos la decision mas responsable. Sin darme cuenta, presiono demasiado si es mejor quedarme donde estoy, irme a este lugar por x razon, o irme al otro por otra razon. No se en que crees tu, (Dios, el destino, el universo o demas), pero yo al menos descanso sabiendo que no esta en mi la responsabilidad que todo salga perfecto. Al final, es de disfrutar la aventura y saber que todo me sirve para bien.
    Esta libertad de poder mudarse, aprender y experimentar cosas distintas es un gran privilegio que tienes la opcion de tomar. Sin duda nosotros, tu comunidad, te deseamos mucho exito.
    Reflexionando en lo que mencionas de comfort zones, recorde una frase de John F Kennedy cuando se dirigia a la Asamblea General de la ONU.
    “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.”

    Propongo que no hay cosa de “momentos de estabilidad” en nuestras vidas, estamos o creciendo o en decadencia, asi que lo que sea que hagas, a seguir creciendo :)
    Fuertes abrazos desde Honduras

    1. Muchísimas gracias por compartir esto Naek. Tienes razón, aveces las cosas parecen ir mal y de pronto se ponen de cabeza antes de empezar a mejorar. Siempre encuentro confort en saber que mañana sera distinto, aunque tengamos el peor de los días. Hoy me siento algo diferente, ayer tube un día pésimo pero algo paso que hizo que mi día diera un giro por completo antes de la media noche. Siempre trato de ser una persona super positiva, de atraer cosas buenas a mi vida pero todos tenemos esos días en los que todo parece salir mal. El romper patrones y salir de la zona de confort es algo que da miedo, pero que se tiene que hacer para dejar que la energía siga fluyendo.


  20. Now I still don’t know what your fears are and what you were thinking about, but I hope you figure it out soon, ’cause it sucks to be in such a twilight zone where everything can still happen. At least, that’s my opinion, I’d rather have a clear goal (how big or frightening it might be) and work towards it, instead of not knowing what to do or where to go or what choice to make. I’d love to read more of these personal thoughts, ’cause you’re right, we’re all struggling with similar stuff! Good luck!

  21. Hi Andy,

    I have been thinking a lot about writing this, as I wasn’t sure whether or not to share this, but I felt every single wrote of your post, so this comment has just come up naturally.
    Though you told us how you have been feeling without saying that much, I totally understand what you mean. Over the past one and a half years it’s been all about stretching myself out of my comfort zone, I left my city (I was born and brought up in Rome) and lived between the UK and South Africa. I spent a whole year in London, which was absolutely amazing. I met many great people who are now very close friends, I worked with a world renown fashion house, and most of all I’ve grown up a lot. I feel so much stronger and more mature, I faced many challenges and dealt with missing my family, friends and my “normal everyday life” back in Rome. I had rough times, my sister got pregnant and I wasn’t there when she found it out (and she’s the most important person in my life) and I only got to see my little niece when she had already turned one week. I am not ashamed to tell you I had been crying all day the day my sister delivered her baby, as I felt awful I couldn’t make it there.
    On the other hand, I am well aware I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I hadn’t had the courage to leave and live my life.
    Getting out of your comfort zone and change is rather scary, but it’s also the only way to be happy, when you have that “there must be more out there” feeling.
    I’m not saying once you get to change you will live happily ever after, but it’s the greatest gift you could make to yourself.
    After eighteen months and a lot of (over)thinking I have made the decision to come back to Rome and be close to my family. I miss London, but most of all I miss the way I used to feel and it’s still very weird to be back, but I have no regrets, as I know I’m not stepping backwards, because I am not the girl who left.
    There’s a lot going on in mind at the moment, but I’ve realised I want to reconnect with myself, find my own dimension and feel as happy as I felt in the past. This is my strength, I have been beyond content in the past, I have experienced a lot and lived my life to the fullest, so I am now ready to get back on track and work hard to feel that way again.

    Sorry for the longest message, as I said my fingers started typing before I could even realise it.
    I wish you all the best, and even though we don’t know each other, I am certain you will be able to make the changes you need, and be happy, as you deserve nothing less.

    with love,
    Giulia xx

    1. That is so moving and I am so happy that you shared this dear. I could sympathise and connect with so many things you were writing, I also left home years ago, my entire family and friends behind to chase a dream and I managed to do it, even to a higher degree that I even thought possible. I also had to see my sister give birth twice from the distance, See my niece grow up from the distance, through Instagram and the occasional FaceTime call. Now I have a nephew too and those two kids are one most important people in my life, who stole my heart the moment I set my eyes on them and I still have to be far away, because I had to make a choice for my future and my dreams. I have left comfort zones before, probably gave the biggest jump I have ever given in my life already so I don’t understand why its so hard this time around. I just need to find that courage again, because eI know I have it in me.

      It was so beautiful to read your story, because I felt so many similarities and I think you are very brave for going back to explore a new life after having a taste of complete independence and freedom. I wish you the best!


      1. Thank you for taking time to get back to me, it always feels special when you can sympathise with someone else’s story, it makes you feel you’re not alone in your journey and also gives you the strength not to give up.
        The fact that you’re aware you need to change and get out of your comfort zone is already a great starting point, like you said, you know you have the courage to stretch yourself out all over again, and I don’t doubt it. We are all scared when it comes to make big decisions, but life taught me the most important thing is to stay faithful to yourself and your inner nature, as we all deserve to be happy, but we also have to be brave enough to pursue our dreams.

        Stay just as awesome as you are, you’ve already accomplished so much, and I am sure there’s a lot you can do to make any dreams come true.

        All the best,

        P.s. Thank you for making us part of your world (and of your very personal thoughts)

  22. Andy – I’ve always wished you shared a bit more of your personal side on your blog – I always appreciate it when you do! I admire your strength and bravery – and I think you need to remember some of the many amazing things you’ve done in your life! Sometimes reflecting on other times you’ve been brave and awesome helps you now.

    1. Thank you so much love! I really wanted to share this with you guys because eI feel like you have known me for so long, it feels like the natural thing to do and I appreciate the fact that you are interacting with me on this, it made me so happy!


  23. It actually does help to read someone elses story about their personal thoughts and struggles (if we can call them that). Their are always ups and downs on everyones lifes (i can join the club.. Passing on moreless that period too) but i’m trying to put a possitive thought since i’m remembering my personal experience: when i actually thought that everything was going shitty.. It was when i turned the chip and found my strenght to not give up and thats when wverything started changing and i beated the issue and become better.. Then a new obstacle comes.. Happens the same and thats when everyone has to think back at something we thought it was the worst and how we succesfully passed it and beat it.. And so it goes.. New obstacles to jump and beat, i guess thats life so good luck finding the motivation to get the strenght you need to overcome the new you reloaded

  24. Hola Andy!
    He seguido tu blog por ya varios años, incluso te llegué a conocer una vez jeje. Pero entiendo lo que dices sobre un cambio y necesitar salir de tu zona de comfort. (También sobre Mercurio en retrógrado, es real y es horrible haha) Hace aproximadamente un año mi vida personal tuvo un giro inesperado y lo único que quería hacer era huir, la vida conspiró y tuve la oportunidad de irme un semestre de intercambio a Praga y después viajar por Europa por mes y medio. Fue la época más increíble y dificil de mi vida. Lo que necesitaba era un cambio tan radical que me obligara a ser yo misma y salir de lo que conocía, y ese semestre fue lo que lo logró. Creo que no existe fórmula alguna para lograr ese cambio que muchas veces necesitamos pero no hay nada como hacer algo que jamás has hecho o ir a lugares que nunca has visitado, a algunos les funciona viajar y a otros un cambio de ciudad pero estoy segura de una cosa: sigue a tu corazón y tus instintos. Si algo te dice que te vayas a otra ciudad y no puedes sacarlo de tu cabeza es por algo y creo que deberías considerarlo, no solo dejándote llevar por el momento pero valorando pros y cons, y las consecuencias. No tengas miedo del cambio, se que cuando no conoces algo es dificil tomar una decisión pero solo bastan 5 segundos de valentía.
    Suerte!! xx

  25. Andy, I just read an article that says to “go to places that call us”. Maybe is some city that you dont know why, but calls you. This mean you have something to do or an experience that you must live there. Just go :))) the amount of beauty and experiences that you will get will worth everything.
    I am from Portugal, lived in Madrid and now Doha. Qatar has been by far the most dificult experience but also the most rewarding.
    I just arrive from vacations in Srilanka, and it was clear why I had to go there. Some anwers were just there. Go always trough your intuition.
    All the bless and clear thoughts to you.

    You can see my journey in Srilanka trough my Instagram Account. Search by kukkua ir my e-mail.
    Hoje this help.

  26. How funny, I’ve just returned from Amsterdam & thought of you while there. It’s a charming city but feels so small, even compared to San Francisco where I live. I think there are many more experiences and opportunities waiting for you in other cities. Best of luck to you whatever you decide.

  27. Andy entiendo completamente por lo que estas pasando. Sin embargo, al mudarte a Holanda y empezar desde cero, enfrentaste uno de lo más grandes riesgos de tu vida y todo terminó mejor de lo que esperabas. Tienes toda la razón al decir que los cambios are “fucking scary” pero tú ya has enfrentado muchos miedos y mira hasta donde has llegado. Esta mañana leí una frase de Adriana Huffington y aquí va : “Fearlessness is like a muscle. I know from my own life that the more I exercise it, the more natural it becomes to not let my fears run me”. Por esto pienso que tu fearlessness muscle ya está bastante fuerte :) y vas a poder soportar cargas más y más pesadas.

    Por otro lado te comento, que este ha sido uno de mis posts favoritos en tu blog. Y quiero que sepas que me siento muy identificada contigo, porque durante los últimos días he querido dejar todo atrás e ir por mis sueños, ya que me apasiona la moda y el diseño y quiero viajar por el mundo conociendo nuevas culturas. Y tú has sido una gran inspiración para mi, por eso sé que al llevar a cabo los cambios que de una manera u otra te asustan, estos van a resultar en bendiciones para ti y para nosotros que somos tus seguidores, porque estaremos más inspirados a dar el salto y cambiar nuestras vidas.

    Y también tienes razón al decir que las pequeñas luchas se puede superar por nosotros mismos y por el soporte de las personas más cercanas y entre las personas más cercanas estamos quienes seguimos día a día tus aventuras aunque tu no nos conozcas.

    Estoy segura de que la vida te tiene grandes cosas y espero que sigas siendo un motor de inspiración para nosotros tus seguidores.

    Y me gustaría que me dieras algún consejo para hacer lo que tu hiciste, mudarte de país y empezar desde cero.


    Tatiana :)

  28. De las decisiones que tomemos, los errores siempre se podrán corregir y lo que salga bien será gratificante. El hecho de que seas una blogger tan reconocida y tengas una vida que muchos nos soñamos, y aún asi enfrentes situaciones similares y las compartas tan abiertamente, creo que también nos da tranquilidad a muchos: al final del día es cada uno con sus miedos, sin importar las cosas o los privilegios que tengamos y de eso se trata vivir. Todo saldrá bien. Suerte :)

  29. Andy, I know it’s hard to get out of our comfort zone but the best thing we can do about it is to learn from the experience. When life throws you in the fire you have two options on how to face it, just like if you were a popcorn kernel.You can choose to pop and become a popcorn (embrace the challenge and become a better person), or refuse to change and continue as kernel (stay in your comfort zone and learn nothing).
    If you need someone to talk to and support you, I know for sure that everyone who reads your blog is here for you!

  30. Hi Andy, thanks for this amazing post. Sharing something so personal is always scary but in the end worth it, just like all those times you decide to step out of your comfort zone.
    Last year I had to make up my mind about where I would go to study; not only which university but also which country. I honestly had no idea at the beginning. Even though I had many places in my mind, they only seemed like a “dream”, not actually reality.
    In the end I came to Amsterdam and now I’m in my second year of uni. I can’t say anything like “I’ve never been happier” because moving abroad and leaving your family always means you end up losing something and it’s not always easy in the new environment, but overall I ended up learning and gaining so much as well. I haven’t ever regretted this decision and I know there is so much more to come.
    A little P.S. to you: reading your blog while I was trying to make up my mind that last year has helped me a lot. I watched your TED talk about how you wanted to pursue your dreams and decided to do something about it, and it made me realize we are all capable of it. After all, it’s us who are in charge of our own lives. So thank you for that, Andy!
    And I sincerely hope you can work on and resolve whatever it is that you’ve been struggling with. If you can motivate others to act on their dreams, you can certainly do it yourself!

  31. For we walk by faith and not by sight. Fear is merely a bondage to trap us from our life purpose and true happiness. As a woman there are two things you can not undo that is motherhood and marriage. But everything else my dear you can try and if you don’t like it you can always go back to where and what you did like… Like dying your hair cinammin red, moving to another city etc… Life is meant to be explored and fulfilled always remember that what ever you choose you are merely dealing with other people who wrestle with the same sort things… No fear my dear you are a solid young lady who knows right from wrong! CHIC FLAG

  32. Uff Andy! estamos en las mismas, estas etapas de regeneraciòn personal, ajustes y cambios siempre cuestan trabajo pero estoy segurisima de que lo vamos a logras, mira, todo pasa por algo y para algo, solo debemos tomarlo como aprendizaje y arriesgarnos, porque tu lo sabes ya, el mundo es de los arriesgados y tu ya te has arriesgado bastante, viviendo en otro paìs, bueno, en otro continente, yo solo me movi de Colima a Guadalajara, primero por un amor, terminamos y me regresè a Colima, pero ahora, que volvi a enfrentar mis asuntos pendientes del pasado, uff, que te digo, me ha ido increible, todo a funcionado de una forma que nunca imaginè, mis diseños se han consolidado, tengo un trabajo que me gusta, tengo mi tour de graffiti y streetart que es algo que me apasiona y sabes? aunque pensaba a pincipio de año mudarme a DF antes que a Gdl, no me arrepiento y confio en mi, y creo en mi, asi como tu seguro mil veces haz creido en ti, en tu trabajo y te ha llevado tan lejos, ÁNIMO ANDY!!!! todo cambio es una nueva aventura y si tu sientes que ahora debes hacerlo, hazlo! hazlo hazlo!. me encanta leerte, seguirte e identificarme contigo! A seguirle chingando que esto asi es. un abrazo Andy y que todo lo que venga sea genial!. K

  33. Hello Andy…

    Wish I could hug you. I’ve been going through struggles lately and I totally understand. I thought starting a blog would help, and it did but at the same time I want to be brave and positive when it comes to changes, and I don’t wanna pour all this all the time in my blog.

    Last week I thought “Look at Andy… wish I was as breave as her. With no fears and no worries…” It feels good knowing that I’m not the only one who has been struggling to start a new stage in life…. that I have your support.

    I guess changes and new stages are diffucult not just because we are stepping out of our comfort zone, but because somehow we forget that change is inevitable and necesarry. We belive life needs to have a stability and a rule. That there’s a beginning, a middle and an ending. But truth is life is an eternal journey, life is an eternal evolution.

    The most important thing I want to share with you (apart of my support and knowing you are not alone) is that no matter what change, no matter the stage we are in:


    So sleep with no worries and wake up knowing that this is the only cetain thing in our lives.

    You will make it, sooner or later. If it’s just moving to a new place, you will make it. If it’s just learning something new, you will make it. If you are going to a struggle, you will make it.

    Success is inevitable.

    Paz y bien,

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me. I do have some struggles sometimes, just like everybody else and for me its important to share this with you, because I want you to feel like you can relate to me. Thank you o much for leaving those quotes, I always find some comfort in them and thank you so much for being sweet enough to comment, It really means a lot.

  34. The first time I heard about Mercury retrograde was in a song of the British band Banquet named Mercury. I did not pay much attention to the fact until I read the article and I don’t know but an important person contacted me after years, I wonder if it’s related and I want all to work out.
    Andy, I hope you can figure all your things out :) let us all know what you decide, whatever you do is gonna be the best for you, things do not happen with no reason.

  35. My dear Andy!
    Mercury will be retrogate till October 10th! So brace yourself ! This period can be the best but also the clumsiest period ever. When Mercury is retrogate we become more introvert, it’s like everything around us pauses. We take a moment to listen to what we truly want and get to see who we really are, but on the other hand there is a lot of miscommunication in the world during this period which makes it difficult to keep a deadline, or be on time.
    It’s a great think that this is happening to you especially at this period with this powerful moon that we had few days ago close to the beautiful but strong eclipse! Thing will change you will see…
    I am part of your support community!!! Do your thing and we, your followers, we will support you! (At least I will) – Take care Kassi xxx (

  36. I’m reading the article about Mercury you suggested. And… I’m having a lot of fun ahah. God!!!! Gemini people are really ultra sensitive and not making any sense. I wasn’t aware of this thing with Mercurey right now ahah. Well, everything has an ending, even Mercury will find his way :P “The GOOD news is that Mercury retrograde provides us with lots of beautiful opportunities if we can just tilt our head and squint” xx, Regina **

    Alana & Kyra

  37. Always easier said than done. Always. Conquering fears is not easy, is scary, it takes courage and bravery and it takes embracing all the consequences (hopefully good consequences!). And no one can do those things for us, it’s really up to ourselves, and if we got support and understanding along the way, then we are lucky. Just think about the big picture, think about the changes you want and that you need to do, will they make you feel free, accompplished and at peace? Will they open up your life for better experiences? Well… I know, easier said than done :P
    I hope that ultimately you choose the best for you, for your life and your overall happiness and joy during the journey. Regina **

    Alana & Kyra

    1. You are absolutely right dear and yes, its easier said than done but in the end its definitely worth it.