melon6 melon5 melon melon2 melon7 melon3 melon8 melon4I’M WEARING  >>  Jumpsuit: Revolve

I feel like I have been wearing nothing but swimwear and beach wear in the past few days and even though this melon shade jumpsuit is not normally what I would go for in my day to day style, it was PERFECT to chill by the beach in The Hamptons.

Sometimes I gotta get outside my style comfort zone and wear things I wouldn’t usually wear, specially since all I normally want to wear is in dark shades and garments for cold climates.


78 Responses

  1. Perfect look for beach bummin’, girl.
    I also try and push myself to try something new, something out of my comfort zone. It is very refreshing to do that + gives more courage next time ;)
    Yay for discovering your blog :)
    I am new to the blogging world but loving every bit of it.
    xox Nadia

  2. Hi Andy,
    Really nice shoots and pretty jumsuit hope you have a lovely summer thanks for sharing with us :)

  3. Andy, I am very happy that you are back in your daily posting! And the pictures get higher quality day by day. Please congratule Rich for his great job!

  4. Love that jumpsuit! Currently I’m really loving jumpsuits, they’re so easy and pretty (: Wearing them very often!

  5. Love it! :D it looks great and yes it is good to get out of our comfort zone sometimes because that’s what makes life more colourful!! ;) ps: loving your insta photos!!!