Andy Torres wearing Tibi striped top and Ganni leather jacket in Amsterdam AndyTorresRedBandana5 AndyTorresRedBandana6 AndyTorresRedBandana7 AndyTorresRedBandana AndyTorresRedBandana9 AndyTorresRedBandana4 AndyTorresRedBandana3 AndyTorresRedBandana2I’M WEARING  >>  Top: Tibi  |  Jeans: ASOS  |  Bag: Alexander Wang  |  Shoes: Senso  |  Leather Jacket: Ganni  |  Earring: Monki

Seems like I am trying to make a point about how versatile stripes can be, but we already know that don’t we?. In reality I might just be trying to justify wearing this top again, in such a short period of time. But then I remembered that’s what I do -or what I am supposed to at least-, reinvent my wardrobe in many different ways right? Either way, I am seriously crushing on this cropped striped top.
I promised myself not to talk about the weather on the blog anymore -hey I lasted a long time!-, but I also knew I would raise a few eyebrows showcasing such an Autumn look right in the middle of Summer right? Wrong! because Summer has not stepped a foot in Holland yet, its so chilly outside I am considering relocating, at least for the rest of the summer…


69 Responses

  1. First; this look is so classic and chic. I have a crush on the shoes though.
    Second, you’re so damn right. It’s the same weather here in Paris, France, and I can’t take it. Storm shouldn’t be allowed in the early days of Summer. x

  2. Great look, I love the scarf, shoes, jacket, and of course you can’t go wrong with stripes. Sometimes I feel bad wearing the same pieces over again on my blog but then again, the reason that you buy something is because you like it so much that you want to be able to wear it whenever you want. Besides, most people don’t have a new outfit for every day of the year so reinventing a look is the way to go!

    1. So happy to hear you see it that way :). Its always interesting to hear opinions and different perspectives!


    1. Asos has great pairs and quite cheap dear. I really love this pair and wear it all the time!


  3. Adore the classic rock inspiration of this outfit, it’s so cool and parisian. The stripes top is always a good idea and it looks absolutely amazing with the leather jacket. These flats are really original with that design and the metal detail, they are perfect for the rest of the outfit and the red touch f the neck scarf is just perfect. Beautiful white bag
    (old misskeyblog)