AndyTorresForrest AndyTorresForrest6 AndyTorresForrest5 AndyTorresForrest8 AndyTorresForrest7 AndyTorresForrest3 AndyTorresForrest4 AndyTorresForrest2I’M WEARING  >>  Top: Read the story :P  |  Shorts: Vintage Levis  |  Backpack: Jean Paul Gaultier for EastPack  |  Sandals: Pertini by Bartabac  |  Hat: H&M

I can’t remember how many times I’ve been asked; “Where is your top from?”. Sadly the answer is not as appreciative as some might like it to be. The truth is, yeah its a very cool top! very feminine, very Summerish, unlike the stuff I normally wear which tend to be more masculine, rarely showing some shoulder action and definitely not remotely resembling those prints so in theory, I am not your typical boho chick I guess. While I was walking back to my hotel in Miami, I crossed paths with one of those HUGE tourist stores -you know, those which sell everything and anything, from flamingo key chains to t-shirts with boob prints, lizard shot glasses and fake rayban sunnies-. Anyway, before you get the idea that I was buying piracy, which I wasn’t!, I saw this top on a very poorly dressed mannequin in the window and I ran inside!, I searched the store for about 10 minutes- gosh this place was massive- and finally found it. I don’t know why but I felt like I stroke some sort of bargain shopping jackpot and now I don’t want to take this thing off. I love finding the most random items at the most random places.

What is the item you have found in the most random place?

-Unrelated- P.S- 1 month exactly until my B-Day!!! :D


65 Responses

  1. You have such a positive attitude and a contagious smile, and you look fantastic.

  2. Adore this top, doesn’t matter where it’s from, so long as it looks good! Beautiful!x

  3. That story is so funny and I can imagine the scene of running around trying to find the top–bumping into all the tourists! Yes, my finds like this are always made of such thin fabric that it gets better with age and tons of washing cycles! xo

    adorn la femme

  4. I love it the most when clothing tells a story! It becomes something really personal and not so “neutral” like other clothes.
    Unfortunatelly we live in a very fast fashion world, so we often eliminate big parts of our closets, so many clother just CAN´T become a part of our story.
    Cool Post and cool top :))
    The most stories I have with this dress: :))

  5. Woah thats such a lucky find!
    I found the most beautiful leather handbag in at a coach station in Egypt 4 years ago, totally by chance and its still one of my staple pieces!

    Dana || Fashion Dew

  6. Omg your story about the top was so cool, I was gonna comment here how pretty it is and the story behind it made it so much better! My best find was probably a classic denim button down that I scored for 4 bucks at a flea I stumbled upon randomly. Still wearing it till this day :)

  7. I came on here to find out where ypur top was from!! I’ve just posted a similar off-the-shoulder style top on my blog too. I picked mine up from a clothing swap a year or 2 ago. It’s amazing the weird and wonderful places that you can find fabulous clothes!

  8. Hahaha, Andy I expected nothing less funnier than that. It’s always nice to find a perfect off shoulder top in a little boutique. I also found one of my precious pair of Levi’s cuts off in a little vintage boutique. I didn’t think this would ever happened! Great photos btw! X

  9. Wow! I loved this story! The top looks so chic, I thought it was a designer piece. It’s amazing where beautiful clothes can be found sometimes. I have a problem, because if I don’t like the place (because my general impression tells me it’s trashy, as with the store you mentioned) I’m instantly turned off and don’t believe I can find anything there. I need to change this attitude, though. I guess I must have missed many beautiful items this way!

  10. I love this story! I love framing things from weird places. For example, one time the Printemps here in Paris published a gorgeous edition of a magazine here. I loved it so much that I carefully cut the cover off and now it’s hanging on my wall. It looks like art and people always ask where I got it from. I love saying that it was from a Parisian catalogue!


  11. You really had me laughing when you wrote “a very poorly dressed mannequin”. I almost feel sorry for the thing, haha! Love the top though. Buys like these,with a story, are the best It looks beautiful on you. Lovely combination with the backpack and shorts as well! xx

  12. Sometimes you can find really nice pieces in unlikely places! I love the top and the gorgeous park.


  13. Great found!!! The first sight of this top is not so you, but its look so different that you normally wear. BTW, I LOVE it so much!!!