STSC2755STSC2760 STSC2722 STSC2789 STSC2756 STSC2739 STSC2733I’M WEARING  >>  Knit Dress: H&M Studio  |  Sandals: Sigerson Morrison  |  Hat: H&M  |  Bag: Coach  |  Earring: Dior  |  Sunglasses: Celine

I have been patiently waiting to wear this knitted dress for a while now, just didn’t have the perfect place to wear it to until now. I remember getting stared at by a lot of people while walking in Miami and even approached a few times asking me; Where did you get your shoes?!. The most ironic thing was, they are most definitely not new, I got them perhaps a year, or a year and a half ago and I remember opening the box and thinking; “These aren’t really my style”. Fast forward a year and a half, to 2015 and I rediscovered them while doing one of my closet clean-outs just before Florida. My point is, thats why I find it so hard to get rid of old clothes in my closet, because you NEVER know when you will want to wear them again, am I right? ;)


79 Responses

  1. I looooove this outfit, I also think that it fits perfectly to Miami and the place where you took the pictures! :)
    You are so right about giving clothes away, I already regretted many times (after a while) that I gave some pieces away…. :(

    kisses, Gio

  2. I love your style! you got a killer style girl ;-) Keep inspiring us, please!! We need more of you.
    Check my Instablog… is a feed full of inspiration “my personal style minimalistic – boho – basics – mix”.
    Proudly Mexicana. @styleislike (Instgram)

  3. Those sandals are so hot right now and you’re lucky to have found them from your closet. I saw on your Instagram that you also rediscovered those amazing wooden-heeled shoes, lucky you!
    My blog: BOWTIE DIARY

    1. I did! but I also rediscovered why I stopped wearing them; They are so freaking difficult to walk with! :p