AndyTorresPier15 AndyTorresPier8 AndyTorresPier9AndyTorresPier11 AndyTorresPier6 AndyTorresPier AndyTorresPier5 AndyTorresPier12AndyTorresPier4 AndyTorresPier10 AndyTorresPier13 AndyTorresPier2 AndyTorresPier7 AndyTorresPier14 AndyTorresPier3I’M WEARING  >>  Jumper: Self Portrait  |  Shorts: ZARA  |  Bag: Neri Karra

The Santa Monica Pier is one of my favourite places to go to while I am in Los Angeles. Its not about the rides, or the food but its just such a nice feeling to walk the promenade during the sunset, there’s a festive feeling in the air, like you were in a carnival of some sort.
I can’t believe we managed to capture this sunset, the sky seemed like a painting, it was just magical…


102 Responses

  1. Hola de nuevo Andy! Podrías decirme que tipo de bufanda iría bien con el tipo de sweater que usas en estas fotos? Gracias :)

  2. girgeius pictures, you captured the sunset perfectly. I really love your jumper too, love those summer nights when it chills a little but you can still get away with shorts

  3. I love going to the Santa Monica pier!! LA sunsets are definitely unforgettable and are always so stunning. The pictures you captured are amazing and just…wow. I don’t even know how else to explain it hahaha
    I love that you were able to capture the lights from the ferris wheel! so pretty.

    xx Shirley

  4. Amazing photography! It’s really spectacular. I must visit the Santa Monica Pier one day.
