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YES YES, I love photos taken with a fancy SLR camera that make everything look so pro, yet at times I really prefer the good old cellphone photos, the ones captured right in the moment. These really share a piece of the experience and I have been having a blast collecting these photos from my phone, brings me so many incredible memories and makes my mouth water remembering all the things we got to eat while in Vegas, it was complete indulgence!


73 Responses

  1. hahah that jump at the top is perfect! And the pose with the poster. I’ve never been to Vegas but it is on my list of ‘go once.’ Happy holiday!

  2. Sometimes, a good cell phone photo is all you need. There’s something about the intimacy of them that I think speaks to us in a different way than DSLR photos do. It looks like you had an amazing time in Vegas, and I have to say, I have never seen it look as classy or elegant as it does in your photos.

  3. Your photos are amazing. Las Vegas is such a magical place and I really want to visit it one day.
    Now I’m sitting here in the middle of the night only thinking “what is going ON with the food in Las Vegas?” Everything on your pictures looks so delicious and I guess I will head to the fridge very soon ;) xx

  4. I absolutely love all of these photos! I’ve never been too enamoured with the idea of going to Vegas, it never struck me as really my “thing” (I’m more the big adventure vacationer) but these photos tell a much different story than the one I’m used to. You’ve sold me on the idea!
