Canon1 Canon3Canon9 Canon7 Canon6 Canon5 Canon4 Canon8Photos by Arron Leppard

A lot of crazy things have been happening to me lately, most of which I cant talk about just yet but that have made me realized that good things come to those who wait, but also -and most importantly!-, being persistent and keeping a positive attitude can attract a lot of good things.

While I was in London, I wasn’t only filming this short documentary for Canon, but I was also a part of something much bigger and revolutionary. During London Fashion Week we filmed a short film which would be a part of a Virtual Reality experience with the Oculus Rift technology. This all sounds very confusing I know, but what it basically means, is that during London Fashion Weekend people could come and wear the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headset and experience the whole film as if they were being a part of it!. Yeah, it sounds very Matrix and it was – still makes me feel a bit shocked to be a part of this whole project-.

To be honest, I do want to thank Canon for making me a part of this experience and trusting I could represent them well. I feel so honored to know that there are so many people that really value the work I put on this blog and in all the work I do as a freelancer, I hope you notice that I try to do it to the best of my abilities and in the best quality possible, even though that means a lot of sleepless nights and sometimes very stressful days.

I also want to thank you if you are reading this, for taking the time to come and visit me and most importantly, for taking the time to read what I have to say, it really means the world to me.



69 Responses

  1. Hey Andy, for some reason it won´t work using the Mozilla browser for your website :/. Luckily I have other options, so get to follow all your posts :) but just in case someone else has the same problem. This is the last post I am able to view on Mozilla. xxx

  2. Congratulations! Thank you also for thinking about your fans! You are different kind of blogger that is sincere, hard working and tries to be different. You deserve it fully!

  3. Whoa! That sounds like the coolest experience! Matrix kinda goes fun ;-)
    Much love right back to you! I love seeing you and the blog GROW! Such a fun ride. XO laura

  4. Oh Andy!! I’m so happy for you!! you totally deserve it, you’re always true to yourself.
    Keep up the good work!

  5. Oculus Rift sounds like an amazing technology. Congratulations!
    Your hard work is definitely noticed. I admire the consistency of the effort you put in to your work. I’ve been enjoying the fruit of your labor (blog) for years!
    Thank you!

  6. Ur very sweet and I honestly hope you have wonderful things down your way. Keep up the good work Andy, you´re a star! :)

  7. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! that is so amazing and you honestly deserve every great thing that you get to experience. i feel as though i’m living vicariously through you and find you to be an incredible role model and inspiration!

  8. Happy for you Andy, working with Canon must be a very rewarding experience and the videos we can see here on the blog really are well made, keep up the good work :)

  9. Andy, felicidades!!
    Me encanta que enfrentes retos y nuevas tendencias con una gran visión y tenacidad. Eres una inspiración, me encanta que haces las cosas tan autenticas y diferentes de otras bloggers. En serio, felicidades! Eres una inspiración y ejemplo!

  10. Gracias a ti por ser una inspiración. Espero que muchas más cosas buenas sigan sucediendo en tu vida :)

  11. Thank you Andy for doing what you do and continuing to inspire me. Your hardwork, dedication and optimism is truly remarkable and inspiring.
    Congratulations on your collaboration with Canon.
