Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset CarolinaAndy2
Yeah, I am in New York for Fashion Week but if I am completely honest, the thing I was most looking forward to was being able to hang out with Carolina again. This NYFW has been short but intense, really intense and I’ve barely had time to sleep, let alone be able to sit and go through all of the photos we have shot. Although I have SO MUCH to show you, I am begging you to be patient with me just this once, you know I always try to update at least daily. You can always follow me on instagram though!, I am pushing content there constantly.

I am leaving New York today and I am flying straight to London -with a 4 hour pit stop in Amsterdam to switch bags-. I am heading to London not only for Fashion Week, but also to film a documentary for Canon for the 4th season in a row which makes me extremely proud and excited, although I cannot imagine the amount of work that will be piled up in the next few days. Beautiful chaos…



53 Responses

  1. ahw so sweet you and carolina where reunited and so cool to hear all those awsome things happening to you right now!
    xx ish

  2. So nice, you have such an amazing time – enjoy it!
    Can’t wait for the pictures, but for now enjoy the peace and quite in the plane, before the next big task comes up :).