DarkParadise2DarkParadise DarkParadise5 DarkParadise3 DarkParadise6 DarkParadise7 DarkParadise4I’M WERING >>  Jeans: DL1961  |  Jacket: ZARA (super old favorite)  |  Bag: Neri Karra  |  T-shirt: H&M Men  |  Boots: ZARA  |  Watch: Daniel Wellington

This seems like such a different post from yesterdays, a little darker, a little more thoughtful. Very rarely I talk about my personal life and thats for a reason, but I always give few hints here and there, about how I feel, with the music I listen to or the quotes that resound in my head loud and clear. The past few days have been a bit off, too much has happened and I am not really able to hide it too well, but hey, I am only human. I guess it really represents on the look I wore on this post and how true it is that our feelings really have an impact on what we wear sometimes.

andy signature


91 Responses

  1. Andy, on of the reason why I like reading your blog and following you on IG is beacuse you are so clear and ‘human’ showing us, by post and pics, what you are feeling!
    I’m sure you are so deep and so ‘saudage’ happy about life.. a little bit as I am!
    Thanks for beeing so real!

  2. Andy, Me dio muchísimo gusto encontrarte hoy en Tribeca!!! Aunque solo cruzamos 3 palabras me cayeron muy bien!!! Mucho éxito!!!

  3. Hello Andy, I don’t know if you’ll actually read this comment but I’ve been a faithful follower and fan of yours since already 4 years, I love everything about you, you’re so different from other bloggers. You’re authentic, you have your own idendity, and you’re so very inspirational. I comment very rarely but I did this time in order to tell you that I lovez the ‘little hints” you leave about your personal life. You’re right about wanting to keep it for yourself but we love to feel like we know some little things about you. Anyway, just wanted to tell you that I hope everything will be okay for you ! Your look is incredible ! Lot of kisses from Casablanca and Paris !

  4. I always dress according to my mood, which indeed can sometimes mean a darker look.
    Great outfit! I hope you feel better soon x

    P.S. The second photo of the clouds is absolutely stunning!