AndyTorrescliff AndyTorrescliff2

Only time is ours,
the rest we’ll just wait and see.
Maybe you’re right, babe, maybe.
And that’s how summer passed
Oh your great divide
and range of green green grass.
Oh, maybe I hold on fast, to you.
Hello love, my invincible friend
Hello love, the thistle and the burr,
Hello love, for you I have so many words
but I, I forget where we were…

andy signature


78 Responses

  1. Beautiful pictures, Andy! You look stunning! I’m sad summer is ending but excited I’m for autumn!

    Sophia |

  2. Love that little poem you’ve written at the end of this post. Summer’s definitely gone but I’m convinced many lovely things are waiting, even though it’s autumn ahead!

    I’m a doctor who also writes a personal style blog: