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I feel as if I was talking to my best friend over a cup of coffee, or even an extremely excited phone call in the middle of the day saying: “GUESS WHAT!!!??? I am the new contributor for GLAMOUR magazine in Holland!!!”, and you would tell me how you cant believe the great news and how you feel so happy for me.

See the thing is, there is a very long story behind this and I don’t want to bore you with all the details, yet I do want to share some of it, because I consider you my friend and the fact that you come visit me every day means the world to me, still after all these years…StyleScrapbook will soon turn 7 years old and while that still blows my brains off and makes me feel grateful every single day, I still NEVER forget why this whole thing started and where I come from.

Over 9 years ago I moved to Holland and while I was feeling completely hopeless, I didn’t know anybody, I didn’t speak the language and I couldn’t bare the cold, the lack of sun and the rain, I still had one dream and I knew that I wouldn’t let anything stop me. I didn’t start the blog because I wanted to show myself, I didn’t start the blog to make money or even to become “known”, actually back then, you couldn’t do any of that. I started StyleScrapbook because it was my only hope. I wanted to share something with someone, whether that was 1, 2 or 10 people. I started the blog because I had so much desire and so many dreams to work in an industry that often gets labeled as superficial, yet I saw a different side to it. When I moved to Holland I tried my luck and applied to work on every single fashion magazine I could think of, I knew I had to start from the bottom and I didn’t mind, I work hard and I always try my best and hardest. Everyone said no, maybe not because they didn’t want me, or maybe they didn’t, I mean, I spoke no Dutch so they saw me as a pointless add on to the team. I came home one day and decided to start StyleScrapbook because if I wasn’t going to be given a chance, I will try to give myself that chance and so it began.

I honest to God would have NEVER, ever foresee what happened after, or how blogging all of a sudden became something, how somehow we finally got to have a voice and I am thankful for this turn of events every single day.

Today I can finally announce that starting from the September issue, I will be the newest addition to the GLAMOUR magazine (NL) team as a contributor with my very own page every month. I had to pinch myself a couple of times when this news became a reality because even if I have managed to create such an incredible bond with you guys through StyleScrapbook, I was finally able to close the circle and my dream of writing for a Fashion Magazine finally came true, 7 years later but heck! Who’s counting?


andy signature


250 Responses

  1. You are too sweet for words and you´re a fighter and a survivor. I wish you all the very best in this new journey and may the great news and challenges keep on coming your way. I truly think there is a “down-to-earthiness” in you that many others lack. Keep using your bright personality all you´ll collect all the revenue of your hard work.

  2. Andy que Padrísimo!! Muchas Felicidades!!
    Me encanto como resumiste tu historia. Yo ando por los mismos pasos… Mexicana, viviendo en Montreal, escribiendo en mi propio blog, pero el mio es un blog culinario = Mexican Food.
    Pa’ delante que pa’ atras ni para agarrar vuelo!
    Saludos Paisana.

  3. Congratulations again and again for all the achievements. I’m sure things weren’t easy when you first started. We all see the end results of your hard work but we did not see your day to day challenges. You’ve invested time and passion into your work and I’m happy for you that now it has blossom. Stay positive and continue to do what you do. I’m sure you’ll be blessed with so much more =)

  4. Felicidades Andy, llevo muuucho tiempo siguiendo tu blog y nunca me canso, tienes ese algo que te hace muy especial y creo que la nominacion de los premios de bloglovin lo recoge muy bien, tienes personalidad propia, estilo propio y eso es lo verdaderamente importante, para ser especial hay que ser diferente y tener un sello que te identifique por encima de todos los demás. Nunca había hecho un comentario hasta hoy a pesar de que me encanta como hablas y lo que cuentas, porque un blog no es solo una cara o un cuerpo bonito y una ropa para mostrar, es una persona detrás, con sentimientos y con talento para brillar y al leer esta noticia me di cuenta de que realmente esto es lo que mereces, un puesto en una revista que te permita dar tus estupendos puntos de vista ademas de tu propia visión de la moda. Eres un ejemplo para muchos y una muestra más de que el éxito no llega de la noche a la mañana, hay que trabajarselo y mucho, y a veces, aun asi, no llega, pero nunca se debe dejar de luchar. Enhorabuena y adelante, llegarás muy lejos.
    Pd. Me encantaría saber por qué te fuiste a Holanda precisamente.

  5. Well done Andrea, your hard work and determination has really paid off. It’s always exciting to hear about your travels and successes. Best wishes and love,

  6. Me alegro mucho por ti Andy!!! :) Siempre leo tu blog, me encanta tu estilo! y no solo por como te vistes sino también por la manera en la que te expresas… eso te hace diferente. Sigue con el buen trabajo y llegarás mucho más lejos :D

  7. Congrats!!!!
    You´re an ispiration for everyone and most of all for us (Mexico)
    So proud of u.
    Te deseo lo mejor, sigue así! :) x

  8. This is such good news, Andie! Congrats! I am so happy to see that some people persue their dreams and they never give up. The thing that differentiate your blog from the others is the fact that you really try to keep a strong connection with your readers. Keep the good work :)

  9. That is AMAZING congratulations. I know in the midst of growing comments, my comments have probably been drowned by the hundreds of thousands of new visitors but I still remember when I came across your blog. Yours was one of three that influenced my decision to start blogging my first year in college. I didn’t know what I was doing and I think I’m still grasping the idea now but thank you for never giving up because you have always been my inspiration. From making your own clothes to being invited to create your own. (I’m still hunting down that white camera bag you collabed on). Now this. I’m soo happy to see your dreams come true and I hope the same for myself some day.

    Thank You Andy, for sharing your dreams.

    Maggie A

  10. I’m so happy for you Andy. You did a great job and still you’re doing. I love reading your posts and I never stop admiring your work! You’re such an inspiration!

    Wishing you the best!

    Regards from the Czech Republic.
    Sincerely, Tereza.

  11. So amazing Andy!
    I’m genuinely & extremely happy for you.
    All of your dedication, passion and hard work inspires me.

    Thank you for always being a positive influence.

    And thank you for being a great example of how hard work can truly pay off.

    Besos y saludos.

  12. you are one lucky girl.
    i love your style and that different spark you have is what makes me visit this blog of yours evry single day
    not counting :P
    i’d say from three years <3
    you are an inspiration
    god bless you with all the success and happiness !!

  13. You are the best and I am so grateful for your blog, for your outfits, words… everything!
    I will never forget that I found the blogosphere from your blog, many years ago!
    Trust in yourself and I know you do… you’re strong!
    Good luck for your “new job”!
    Love you!

  14. It’s great Andy, congratulations! Most af all because you followed your dream and that’s the most important.

  15. congratulation
    i have been reading your blog for a long time
    really like your style and admire your passion
    through words i can how passionate you are and also feel lots of energy~~~~~

  16. Congratulations, Andy, from my heart! This is a real inspiration for me, having kept my blog for a year now, and working hard on making it the best possible. I have dreamt of the job of contributing to a magazine, so I’m delighted that you have proven that making such a dream come true is possible – with hard work, of course!

    Congratulations again!

  17. You are an inspiration to every girl who has the same dreams and desires! It shows that you should be strong and courageous and not give up, since there is ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel; if you fight your way through!!!


  18. Felicidades Andy!!! Such a sweet story I am so happy for you and you’re accomplishments . You give me so much hope thanks for sharing you’re story . Si se puede!!! Love from Los Angeles

  19. Hi Andy! I have been following you for 5 years but have never left a comment. Just wanna say you are amazing! Congratulations on your success! I am applying to veterinary school and you have been one of my inspirations in never giving up my dream. Thank you for being such a real, awesome person. You deserve it. From one mexican girl to another :)

  20. Andy en verdad es me da mucho gusto haber sido parte de todo tu crecimiento estos años, recuerda que es muy valioso para tus lectores de habla hispana ver tus posts también en español :D tambien seria muy interesante verlos en dutch :O

  21. Andy, muchísimas felicidades! Pero en México cómo podremos ver tus colaboraciones? :O anyway te mando un abrazo,

  22. holy crap!! this gave me goosebumps and i nearly started crying. this just shows that you cant let anyone tell you “No” or tell you you cant do something. you worked your butt off and look at what’s happened. oh my gosh i cant tell you how inspired you make me. congrats and i wish i could hug you and tell you in person how much i love your blog and the effort that you put into it! :) <3 you're definitely gonna make a great contributor xx

  23. Muchas felicidades Andy!! La vida te recompensa por todo el esfuerzo con el que has trabajado y luchado. Te mando un abrazo :)

  24. Andy!! Esto es hermoso! Me hizo llorar :) te lo mereces tanto tanto!! Tu blog es reflejo de lo buena que eres para escribir, opinar, proponer, informar sobre moda y otros temas, has escrito blogs tan interesantes y diferentes en comparación con otras bloggers…eres una pionera y una inspiración para todas. Muchos éxitos en este nuevo proyecto!

  25. Se me puso la piel chinitaaa de leerlo :D felicidades!!!! Éxito en todo lo que hagas Andy <3 un abrazote desde MX!!

  26. Hi Andy,
    I just wanted to say that I am sooo happy for you, your dream finally came true!!! Your blog is one of the first blogs I started following back when I was 15 in 2009. Today, I am happy to say that I still follow your blog and journey. You are more than deserving of this opportunity and I, just like all of your readers, know you will do an amazing job. Keep working hard and stay your humble self :)


  27. Andy!!!! I’m so happy for you!! Felicidades! La verdad que yo no comento casi nunca, pero veo todos los días tus posts y de verdad me alegro muchísimo por tí!! Sin duda estos posts y tus palabras son súper inspiradores y nos dan una luz de esperanza a quienes como tu empezamos un blog con la esperanza de que algún día podamos trabajar en el mundo de la moda!!! Muchos éxitos en esta nueva aventura, peor estoy seguro que te irá genial!!

    Un besote!!

  28. woooow! Andy!
    me siento tan feliz por ti! te acompano hace 4 anos y me inspire en ti! sin saber esa historia, para mi es estar en TU pais. De Brasil vine a Mexico y aqui he luchado para lograr lo que queria. Amo eso mas que nada. Y justo ayer me consegui el trabajo de mi suenos, una empresa grande, el cargo que siempre he querido, todos los detalles de una manera que ni lo puedo creer (para mi fueron 5 anos, es un logro increivle! y que dificil es no desistir)! Gracias por compartir eso !
    De verdad ahora siento que mas que todo escoji la inspiracion mas que perfecta para iniciar mi blog <3 MUCHISIMO exito en ese nuevo camino!


  29. Congratulations Andy. I still can’t forget the videos you made in collaboration with Monki television. I watched them numerously and you were such an inspiration. You were talking about how you came to Holland and couldn’t get and internship. So I’m really excited cause you finally got what you wanted from the start. This 7 years were so productive for you and know this is just to top it off.

  30. I am so happy for you Andy! I started following you almost 6 years ago and I am so happy that your dreams are coming true. I have seen through your blog how hard you work and you deserve all the success you have had and what is to come!

  31. That’s awesome! Congratulations Andy. I remember your beginnings and I’m so happy you finally got to where you want to be :) xx

  32. ello Angy!
    I am Spanish, and I just started my blog, I admire a lot and do not know how much I want to someday be someone like you, I congratulate you! And if you’ve come this far after struggling so many years, it is because you deserve it!
    A kiss and a strong hug for you! xx

  33. Thank you Andy for sharing your dreams! It means a lot!
    Good luck to you, enjoy the fruits of your work!

  34. Enhorabuena!!

    Eres todo un ejemplo y una inspiración. Desde España te sigo día a día. Fuiste la primera bloggera a la que seguí y mi preferida.
    Sigue con el buen trabajo! Un abrazo grande

  35. Andy, muchisimas felicidades es un gusto ver talento mexicano triunfando y cumpliendo sus sueños y me encantaría ver tu revista aunque no sepa leer holandés y me encantaría tener tu revista. Habrá alguna forma de conseguirla aquí en México creo que todos los que seguimos tu trabajo quisiéramos tenerla.
    Te mando un gran abrazo desde la Ciudad de México y ojala que sigas cosechando mas triunfos
    Alex Paul Zaldivar

  36. Congraaaaaatulations Andy ! You deserve everything what is happening to you because you worked so hard for it ! Even if we helped you achieving your dreams by visiting your amazing blog everyday (Well, every hour ahah just kidding !), success only rewards the ones who worked for it. As you say so often : no pain, no gain. Even if we brought a little contribution to your today’s success, your talent as a blogger and a fashion icon is the only reason why you are where you are ;-)

    Thank you for being such an inspiration Andy !



  37. I’m so happy for you Andy, you deserve it! The past couple of years I have been following quite a few bloggers, but your blog is still my favourite. Your outfits are always very ‘you’ and I like it that, lately, you have been sharing more of your thoughts, which is always very interesting I think. Keep up the good work! :)

  38. How awesome, Andy! Thats why i admire you lots :) 7 years later! Your story has definitely inspired me and i thank you for that! Keep doing your awesome work, im sure you will be great in Glamour :) truly proof that dreams DO come true.

  39. Congratulations, that is so amazing! I’ve been following StyleScrapbook almost from the beginning, and it’s always been my very favorite blog. You truly deserve your own page on Glamour magazine! :)

  40. FELICIDADES!!! :D :D :D También tengo un año en Europa tratando de luchar por mis sueños aunque soy arquitecta e interiorista, no fashionista :P . Entro a tu blog solo para inspirarme en como tu perseverancia y coraje te ayudo a conseguir lo que querías. Muchos éxitos para tí!!

  41. Felicidades Andy! sos una gran inspiración de que los sueños se pueden alcanzar con esfuerzo y dedicación!

    Saludos desde Costa Rica ;)

  42. Congratulations Andy!!!

    So proud of you from México.
    All the best as always happen with you.

  43. Muchisimas felicidades mi queridisima Andy! te lo has ganado bien merecido lo tienes! quisiera saber holandes para poder leerte cada mes, pero igual estoy (y me imagino que todos los que te leemos lo estamos) muy orgullosa de ti! eres un super ejemplo a seguir y una gran inspiracion querida paisana! sigue asi

  44. Andy felicitaciones es un logro muy grande y seguro se debe a tu talento y perseverancia. Te sigo hace bastante tiempo y la verdad casi nunca hago comentarios, pero esta vez lo vale. Eres una inspiración no solo en la moda si no también en el trabajo duro y en que nunca te rindes siempre vas para adelante y sea lo que sea tratas de cumplir tus sueños.
    Para mi eso es muy inspirador y te doy las gracias por compartir eso.

    Felicitaciones nuevamente… Un Abrazo desde Colombia !!

    Cin Lopez !

  45. I’ve been visiting your blog for a long time but had never commented before. this post was very inspirational for me, even if I am in a completely different field. keep writing things like this every now and then and congratulations! :)

  46. Andy! Beautiful post! Your very genuine journey harbors lessons for us all, lessons about perseverance, grit and heart. This made my day. Thanks for sharing!

  47. This is my first comment to your blog, but I think it deserves it. You are wonderfull, always smily and deserve this chance.
    Great to hear it was a dream come true.
    I wish you would share more words about what your life is like, how you make a living (you do so many wonderfull things but I feel it is hard to understand the awesomeness of it all only through pictures)
    Love to you, and yeah, I think I speak for many, we feel we know you kinda as a friend now too.

  48. Congrats Andy I’ve been following u since almost the beginning and I still admire everything you’ve done!!!

  49. Andi: I discovered your blog about 2 years ago, and I got hooked right from the start, though I’m no fashion savant myself. Being an expat myself, I know how it feels to be a complete stranger in a different culture. I am happy for your achievements, and if there’s one thing that segregates your blog from others is how HUMAN you make it and your humility and lust for life and fun. Keep up the good work, girl, you ROCK!

    Marcela (from Argentina, living in NYC for 20 years…Y que viva Mejico!!!)

  50. I’ve read ur blog for like 4 years, I’m from Taiwan. When I met a Mexican couple 2 years ago, I asked excitedly if they knew u, they said u are famous there. So happy for u! I really like ur blog and congrats that u could find a place that belongs to u and really enjoy doing.

  51. What an inspiring story! Thank you of being a real example how commitment and hard work can make our dreams came truth! Work hard, dream big! :) Best wishes!

  52. No suelo comentar en los post pero este vale la pena, FELICIDADES,… He visto como has crecido y como te has desarrollado., me inspiras, gracias!

  53. Congratulations Andy! This is a really big step. It’s amazing when you reach your goals. Keep going like this you are doing a remarkable job.
    P.S. I love the way that you combine your clothes and you inspire me every day.

  54. Dear Andy,
    I’m very happy for your new big goal, also because yours is the very first fashion blog I read and from that day on I’m an addicted! I’d like to ask you if it will be possible to find somewhere the english trnslation of your articles.

    Wish you the best for your future.


  55. Congratulations from Madrid!!! I’ve been following you since 2007 and even if I don’t know you I feel very proud of you. Enhorabuena!! Las recompensas llegan a quien trabaja duro

  56. Andy !! de verdad que felicidad !!! Todo el trabajo valió la pena !!
    Ademas de que triunfar en casa es posible, pero triunfar en otro paí, con otro idioma y con todo en contra es INCREIBLE !!! felicidades !!

  57. I am so excited for you! Will you be writing in dutch? That would be so awesome of you to be able to do that! My dream is to write for an English magazine, but the thing is dutch is my mother language. So I don’t know if I’ll ever be good enough to be writing for an English magazine. I won’t give up! xxx

  58. Following your blog for a couple years now I can see the journey you’ve walked and how you’re constantly moving forward. Since this was such a dream for you I am really happy and I wish you luck when fulfilling this dream. Congratulations and keep up the good work!

  59. So proud and happy for you Andy! Like you said, at some point we feel close to each other and we feel like, somehow, we became friends, despite the fact the it is just a one way conversation.
    And I think you truly deserve it because you’re a genuine blogger; you stay true to yourself, to your own style, to your own tastes and you don’t just follow the rest of the “crew”. I mean, to be fairly honest, I’m getting sick of some of the bloggers from “the old guard” because at some point they became strictly commercial, they have completely forgotten why they started blogging in the first place and now they’re doing it because it’s they’re job and if they don’t do it, brands won’t come after them, they won’t earn any more money and, most of all, they will lose the sportlight.
    Just keep up with this great job you’re doing here and always stay true to yourself. Wish you all the best!

    Love xx Sara

  60. I am so happy for you andy! I am studying yournalism and started my own blog this year. I wanted to work for a magazine for such a long time as well, and i always wanted to write. This year i start with a minor in photography and will pursue the rest of the year between magazines. You inspire me a lot to just go on and work hard. Congratulations on the big win. You deserve it!

  61. Congratulations!!!I’m truly happy for you.
    I’m following since the beginning (when you didn’t have any .com) and I’m really proud of your path.
    I truly believe that if you mix time, determination and positivity all your dreams can become true and you are a great example.
    Thank YOU for giving me such beautiful posts and pictures every week.
    Success voor de rest :)

  62. Después de siete años de trabajo diario con tu blog, mejorando y aprendiendo día a día, has conseguido tu ansiado sueño de trabajar en una revista, es porque te lo has merecido. Es porque has tenido ese “algo” que hace que unas personas despunten en este mundo tan competitivo y otras jamás puedan lograrlo. Trabajo y chispa, qué buen equipo.


  63. So proud of you cause you never give up, and this is what makes you different. I always wanted to be sure about my choices and workaholic, like you are. Well, you’re such an inspiration ! I always saw you growing more and more -even if I don’t know your blog for so long time- like the last time I saw you on a Canon add on the streets of Paris (I sent you the picture I remember).
    Anyway it’s nice to hear the news and I hope you’ll enjoy every little thing of the job, that, for sure, I have no doubt !



  64. Congratulations Andy! I have been following your blog for quite some time now and I feel like I know you! I also live in Netherlands and I am an expatriate so I understand what it is like trying to look for a job especially if you don’t speak the language! I read your blog every day and feel indeed like your friend!Good luck with everything!

  65. I can’t help but be proud of you, Andy, congratulations! You deserve it after so much hard work and passion for the fashion industry. Good luck!

  66. Congratulations Andy!
    I really think you deserve it, especially considering all your efforts and the hard work! I perfectly understand what it means to you so.. good good luck for your future!! Hope to meet you one day!!

  67. Ahhh, Andy!!! I’m so freakin happy for you babe!
    I may have not been following you since day 1, more like day 365 or somth, but it’s couple of years now and I come here every day because you know why? Because you BRING IT! In every post you bring something to the table that I always end up enjoying – either the photos or the text. Sometimes you more or less hook me up with a new favorite song that I end up like you playing on repeat :)

    So when I saw these news and read the first paragraph that you finally made it, I couldn’t help myself and a squeal just made it’s way out. Yessss!!!

    You deserve this!!!

    Laura, x

  68. ¡Muchísimas felicidades Andy! Good job!! Que tus sueños se sigan volviendo realidad. ¿Los artículos serán en holandés?
    Salu2 desde Barcelona <3

  69. I have started blogging because you have inspired me so much. StyleScrapbook was the first fashion blog i have followed and during these years, a lot of things changed,a lot of blogs came up to me, but they went away, or i just forgot about them, but you have something special, Andy,and i couldn’t be more excited checking out what you’re up on next.

    5 years of me blogging,5 years of me, being excited for you growing up your blog too. HUGE thanks to you for being as you are, for not getting “sold” in the fashion market as some of the famous bloggers did and lost everything they had special about them.

    You deserve everything you have worked for. Congratulations and goodluck to you in every next step :)



  70. big big congratulations to you, gorgeous! i have followed you from the start (though this MAY be the first ever comment i’ve left on your blog! so crazy!) and have since watched you blossom into this amazingly talented free spirit from whom i get so much inspiration–style and otherwise. here’s to many more awesome things for you and stylescrapbook! <3

  71. Aaaahhh! So incredibly happy and EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Congrats!
    I’m off to a newsstand today and grab a copy. The photos look gorgeous and I always love keeping up with you.
    I hope you celebrated BIG TIME! XO Laura

  72. Congratulations Andy! That is a great achivement. u must be proud of yourself.
    Love your blog is amazing.
    all the best to you
    P.s in love with your shoes…:))))

  73. Great congratulations Andy!
    I’m a young journalist too and I know how does it feel when finally someone says YES! :)
    I’ve been following you for the past three years and I’ve really seen you growing but always remaining YIURSELF, which I think it’s amazing.

    Looking forward to see your page! Xxx

  74. That’s absolutely amazing congratulations! These photos are absolutely gorgeous but the story is just a perfect example of an amazing achievement. I am quite inspired and I wish you all the luck and success!


  75. CONGRATULATIONSSS!! :) I really understand what are you talking about, I have always dreamt about becoming a good journalist, and though I’ve been on the way I’ve stopped it for a while. I really like you style of writing, so close. I’ve been following you since 2010 too and you deserve it so much!! ;) My best wishes on this new challenge! :) :)

  76. Que padrisimo Andy, neta que padre pero bueno no es suerte es producto de años de esfuerzo,y mucho trabajo! de aguante y responsabilidad y te lo mereces!
    muchisimas felicidades! y que sigan los exitos!!

  77. Me emocionó tanto lo que escribiste que ni siquiera puedo pensar en inglés jaja. Es realmente muy inspirador el hecho de que hayas luchado tanto por tu sueño y que los “no” no te hayan detenido. Gracias por haber compartido tu historia y, honestamente, me pone muy feliz la noticia. Te deseo todos los éxitos para lo que viene! y espero algún día poder encontrarme con una edición de Glamour y encontrarte entre las páginas.
    Saludos desde Argentina… Carli

  78. Wow Andy, that’s amazing! I will definitely buy the september issue to see your article. Congratulations you totally deserve it!

  79. Congratulations Andy! That is a remarkable achievement. You should be very proud.
    I’m incredibly excited for you.
    All the best in your new endeavour.


  80. Congratulations, Andy, saw your spread in Glamour. Nice to hear the story behind this and how it’s come full circle for you. You deserve it. Good luck going ahead x