AndyTorresYamamayMexico11 AndyTorresYamamayMexico9AndyTorresYamamayMexico7 AndyTorresYamamayMexico3 AndyTorresYamamayMexico8 AndyTorresYamamayMexico2 AndyTorresYamamayMexico13 AndyTorresYamamayMexico10 AndyTorresYamamayMexico5 AndyTorresYamamayMexico AndyTorresYamamayMexico6 AndyTorresYamamayMexico14

I feel like I have been off the internet 80% of the time since Wednesday. In my defense I was flying over to Mexico to attend the opening of the new Yamamay store at Plaza Satelite in Mexico City on Thursday and ever since then, I got off my “internet routine” completely…I still feel slightly overwhelmed, surprised and honored about the amount of people who came to the store to meet me. I always feel so grateful to meet you guys in person, get to talk to you and hear the feedback about why you like the blog and how long you have been following my journey. It was very special to meet so many of my Mexican readers and I wish I could do these get togethers more often!

Here are some photos from the Yamamay Opening and I hope you are having an amazing weekend so far. I am FINALLY at home with my family just for a few days, making every second count before flying back to Europe.

andy signature



48 Responses

  1. Awesome outfit, simple and classy! Can you tell me where you got that blazer? I am looking for a similar one, but can’t find it!

  2. Qué genial Andy! Yo quería ir a verte pero por otras circunstancias ya no pude :( te admiro en verdad por ser una chica tan aguerrida. Y bueno, mejores días vendrán y ojalá regreses muy pronto al DF para conocerte ahora si :-) que te la sigas pasando muy bien con tu familia y que tengas buen viaje de regreso. Muchos saludos!