I guess Paris brought out my desire for biking again. If you have been to Holland, you will know that EVERYONE cycles here, in fact I think there are more bicycles than cars (fact gotten from a friend who told a friend who told a friend). The point is, I have never cycled in Amsterdam myself because I have always been terrified to get hit by a car, which has happened to a lot of my friends. I started this week and I am kicking myself for not doing it before. 11 Km from my door step to my office seems like a bit, but multiply it by 2 and thats already 22 Km a day. Any excuse to be mobile and add more exercise into my lifestyle.

andy signature


70 Responses

  1. Since I’ve been in Amsterdam last year I want to ride bike everyday, but in Czech Republic it’s more dangerous than in other countries and cities like Amsterdam, Berlin or London :(
    I hope one day…

  2. I have the same fear of doing that here in Mexico City because drivers are really crazy, and as much as I always say I will do it next opportunity… still nothing.

    I will keep trying, and I applaud your bravery.

  3. last summer, when i went to amsterdam (first of all, everyday i wished to see you crossed the street and yelled you’re name) i saw that bicycle are the priority on the road and that was the first (and it’s still) thing i really loved about this city. I think ride a bike is better than anything when you like in a city like amsterdam. You can more appreciate the city, talk to people…etc

    love from the south of france

  4. I love your post! Biking is so much fun and good for health and figure and I’ve been thinking about buying a new one for a long time. You inspired me and I think I will so it soon. Also in Berlin many people go by bike as you are so flexible then.
    Your blog is amazing!

  5. yes,I love Holland for so many reasons, and the bicycle lanes provided for access everywhere is the best! The only problem is the stealing of bikes! But the good thing I guess is there’s always someone selling a bike, and the price is next to nothing. Yeah I miss that place!

  6. Ahhh haha I cannot believe you never cycled! but SO happy you rediscovered it!
    Happy biking dear, just be careful :D

    Have you ever visited the Sunday Market? It is so fun, lots of cute shops and good food! I’ll be there tomorrow with my shop Life & Lemons :)
    XO Laura

  7. Hi Andy! I live in London and I’d love to cycle to work but I’m a little concerned about timing. Could you give any general tips?

  8. I’ve started to bike to work about 5 weeks ago and it’s been absolutely amazing! although I do live 27 km away from work so not sure how long I can keep up with 54 km biking every day, but so far so good!

  9. I’m so glad I grew up in the Netherlands and can’t think of not having a bike! Always fun to be reminded by ‘foreigners’ that it’s typical Dutch.

    Ejoy cycling through Amsterdam, most fun city to cycle through! (I’m a country girl, but love Amsterdam!!)

  10. I love netherlands and I love cycling. I think it is a good thing to take the bike instead of a car and it is much more fun :)!

  11. That sounds like so much fun! I wish I could cycle everywhere but it is kind of dangerous in Sydney and if I were to cycle every day it would take me forever because I would have to cycle 50km a day!
    If I ever live in Holland, I’ll make sure I cycle regularly.
