AndyTorresBirthdayAndyTorresBirthday3 AndyTorresBirthday6 AndyTorresBirthday2

On a day like today but across the pond in the beautiful City of Guadalajara in Mexico, I was born. Few years later, I managed to scratch a ton of things off my bucket list, travel the world, make a few dreams come true and I’m celebrating it today in Paris.
I feel so happy, so overwhelmed and so grateful.


andy signature


158 Responses

  1. You’re pictures are giving me ideas for my birthday! I would love to walk around with a bunch of balloons and take pictures. It would be so memorable.

  2. I know my wish came a little late but I would still like to wish you a Happy Birthday! Stay positive and you’re always beautiful =)

  3. Happy Bday, Andy!! u are my first and most inspiration!!
    love ya, and have a blast bday in Paris!!<3
    stay awesome and fabulous!!keep inspiring with ur style <3

    from Indonesia :)

  4. Feliz cumpleaños!!! Mucha felicidad en tu día y en el resto de tus días!

    Que lindas fotos!

  5. Happy birthday, Andy!!! I love your blog so and wish you a lot of new projects!! :) Andy be happy and shine because today all stars shine for you!!! Happy birthday!! :)

  6. Happy birthday! Today I watched a TED talk with you and you are a great inspiration and example in life! Wish you amazing birthday evening! Love your blog and what you are doing!Keep on shining!

  7. Happy birthday andy. wishing you all the way from India. I adore your fashion sense and above all i feel you are way too humble. Lots of love and wishes. I hope i see you someday :)

  8. Happy birthday gorgeous!
    I hope you keep your best style for many years!
    We need you! Enjoy your day, a new year… healthily with your best smile!
    Love you*

  9. Happy Birthday, Andy! I’m not a fashion blogger but I stumbled upon your blog months ago and I love it. It seams that behind your success is that you are not just a fashion blogger, you have a story to tell. Wonderful!!!

  10. Happy Birthday Andy!!! Enjoy your day in Paris & ALL THE BEST to you!!! xoxo
    Your smile always make me feel so happy!!! :D

  11. Happy Birthday!! My birthday just passed about a week and a half ago and I had a shoot with some balloons as well. Can’t go wrong! Jealous you are spending yours in Paris, though…what I wouldn’t give to spend mine there!!

    xo, grace (

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY! Hope your day goes amazing and just wanted to say that a lot of the posts on your blog are amazing <3

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY! Hope your day goes amazing and just wanted to say that a lot of the posts on your blog are amazing <3