AndyTorresPier8 AndyTorresPier5AndyTorresPier AndyTorresPier2 AndyTorresPier4 AndyTorresPier3 AndyTorresPier7 AndyTorresPier6I’M WEARING  >>  Skirt: & Other Stories  |  Shirt: ACNE  |  Sunglasses: Celine

I am not a morning person -at all-, yet whenever I am on holiday, I wake up as early as possible to make sure my day is as long as it can be. When I found that I was going to spend a few days at Forte Village in Sardinia, I immediately thought: “6:00 sunrise shoots at the beach!!!” and I do anything I can to make it happen. Morning light is unlike anything else, the only problem is that it changes rapidly as the sun rises very quickly. I didn’t quite get the light I wanted but hey, at least I started my day extremely early and managed to enjoy from the sea just a little bit longer ;)

andy signature


105 Responses

  1. I’m like you when it comes to holiday. I’m not a morning person too but I think 6am is still pushing it for me. Maybe 9am to start sounds comfortable for me. LOL!! I really like your skirt and I’m glad to see you enjoying some time in the sun =)

  2. Very nice photos, you’re beautiful :)
    The sunrise is awesome, it’s good that you woke up early and went to the beach at the morning.

  3. As much as I’d like to wake up early to make the most out of a vacation, I tend to sleep in since I hardly get a chance to do that during a work week…
    Love the skirt, glad you woke up to take pics :P

  4. Estás muy guapa Andy, te comento poco pero trato de hacerlo de vez en cuando para recordarte lo mucho que te sigo :)
    Creí que vendrías para el 080 pero estás con otras cosas, espero que sea para el próximo

  5. Always the best blogger in the world. Love the photograph but also the outfits!

    Love from Spain.

  6. Very nice print shirt. Love the skirt!

    CHECK OUT MY NEW POST sapphire-brushstrokes.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/beach-kimonos.html?m=1

  7. the pictures are awesome! <3 and if i could force myself to stand up so early, i would be really happy, but i think i'm just so not a morning person :D

  8. Lovely photos. I am the same when I go on holiday – I need to get up as early as possible.

