AndyTorresCollinsRoad AndyTorresCollinsRoad2 AndyTorresCollinsRoad3I’M WEARING >> Shirt: Ganni  |  Skirt: ZARA  |  Shoes: Vans  |  Bag: Neri Karra  |  Sunglasses: Pull & Bear/p>

Damn, I often wonder why I get so emotionally attached to situations, places, people, experiences. I guess thats what makes me human, but I gotta be honest, sometimes I wish it wasn’t so, at least not as much as it does now. I have been flooded with emotions lately, all sorts and all kinds and it has made me think a lot. About whats important, about which steps I want to take next, about who is really there for me, who REALLY cares about me.
I am back from Miami and damn, I miss being there so much. I miss my little routine of getting up extremely early to shoot, then have breakfast by 8:00am, get ready to go score the best spot at my hotels beach club and sit there for hours, spending ages rubbing SPF 50 sunblock all over myself. Trying to find the best places to have lunch, walking around loud and overwhelming Ocean Drive and going for Sushi at Sushi Samba on Lincoln Road at night.
Sometimes I wish I was a little more adventurous and just say; Fuck it! Im just gonna move to some place else for a few months, see what happens.

Its been sort of refreshing and in all ways strange not being glued to the internet 24/7 in the past week. I guess I forgot that side of me, who really stood and smelled the roses for a bit or in this case, stared at the ocean, instead of an iPhone screen , MacBook and so on. I liked it, I liked living life without those attachments for a while, but now I am back.

I discovered a lot of new music while I was gone, a lot of great songs that now remind me of moments or people and which I have been playing on repeat, as I always do, that will never change. I’ll get some of them on a playlist and share with you soon though. Happy Sunday and thank you for not disappearing, thank you for being there, it means the world to me.

andy signature


102 Responses

  1. Hi, dear Andy! I just want to say that the words you’ve written are the most beautiful and the most honest words I’ve read and heard in the past few months. I love the way you are talking to us, love how you are trying to stay connected. You seem to be such a nice person to me. It would mean a world to me if I could meet you one day:)
    Please, don’t change! You are helping people you don’t even know and thats awesome:)
    Kisses, Lucia.

    1. That’s very sweet Lucia and I am so happy you notice because even if I have been blogging for almost 7 years, the core and the substance is still the same. I want it to be personal and I do love the fact that I can have that direct connection with you who reads my blog because it’s you who guys make this all worth it. <3

  2. i love this. you are human and it’s important to remind ourselves of it. watching the ocean instead of our phones is kind of a day at the spa.
    glad you enjoyed miami! :)
    Xo, Belen

  3. Gosh, I love these pictures, they’re just bursting with energy! Your outfit is perfect as well, and I keep getting inspired by how well you mix expensive brands with cheaper ones. As for wanting to be more adventurous, I totally get that! If I wasn’t such a wussy, I’d be living in London right now. On the other hand I sometimes think, if we REALLY wanted to move, we’d just do it, no?

  4. I love reading your posts and traveling vicariously through you. :) … you are true globetrotter
    Your post caught my eye because I have that same skirt you are wearing, however what you were writing is what really resonated with me.
    In this day and age, as you said, a lot of us are just glued to our phones and laptops, letting life just pass us by. And sometimes you need a trip, a moment, an experience to make you question the way you are doing things. At least that happens to me from time to time. Moments like this are good, they make you re-evaluate things, they make you stronger :)
    Take everyday as it comes and make the most of it… as they say in spanish, hay que tomar el toro por los cuernos
    Keep doing what you do. :)

    Ana x

  5. I am glad for you, but whatever you will do, I am sure you will do it greatly! I have been reading your blog about 3 years EVERY single day and I love it very very much!!! Can’t wait to listen to your playlist, I love your taste of music :)
    thank you for being such a great inspiration <3

  6. I read ALL the posts on your blog, watched your photoes and found out how much deep you are. You listen to a kind of music that drives me crazy, and have such a stunning view of life, colours, fashion.
    Being deeply attached to things is an amazing thing, think how grey the world would be if we didn’t feel emotions : happiness, joy, desperatiom, worry.
    Everything would be so…dreary.
    And you are NOT dreary.

  7. Referring to what you wrote about emotions making us human – definitely true and this has its downside such as caring too much and then possibly being hurt or disappointed. But you mustn’t forget this is also what allows you to enjoy life and discover the happy moments – such as Miami’s sunny beach and lunch places ;)
    And you don’t need to be extremely adventurous or spontaneous to experience good moments – but you, Andy, definitely travel to many wonderful places; just look back at all of them, aren’t these travels what adds to your happiness? :) If so, try never to forget about it. After all, travelling definitely is adventurous!

    (I’ve considered writing this comment in Spanish but I’m still learning so maybe next time!)

  8. Love the cute black and white outfit!
    Great to see that you had a good time in Miami. It is nice being away from technology sometimes. It really helps you appreciate the things you have.


  9. Nice skirt :). Yes, I´ve been flooded with emotions lately too…and thinking about my life, friends and so on…

  10. ahh i saw this look on one of your instagram pictures and i really hoped you had shot some more for your blog!! i love it :)

    also, i can SO relate about what you said on being away from screens and technology for a few days, looking forward to my holidays at the beach in a few weeks so that i can do the same! it’s hard to do such things as bloggers but i think it can definitely do us some good :)

    anyway, enjoy your day andy!

    xo tiphaine

  11. You’re amazing A. I am so in love with this outfit and post. Great skirt and I love how you paired it with the rest of the outfit xx