STSC9071 STSC8682STSC8859 STSC8717 STSC9074 STSC8863 STSC9085 STSC8870 STSC8837I’M WEARING >>  Dress: H&M  |  Bag: Neri Karra  |  Sandals: ZARA  |  Rings: Tom Wood

I am finding it a little hard to spend any time on the internet at all these days, maybe its just exactly what I needed.I guess these photos really reflect how I am feeling at the moment. I hope you are too…

andy signature

96 Responses

  1. Andy, descubrí tu blog hace poco tiempo, y la verdad me dio pena, me sentí malinchista al no conocerte, siendo tu, una de las pocas bloggers mexicanas con suceso y tan conocida.. MUCHISIMAS FELICIDADES por tu trabajo, y por demostrar lo que podemos lograr con perseverancia.. Me encanta tu estilo!

  2. Did you just buy that dress? Or is it vintage. I love it and want to buy it, pleaseeee tell me!

      1. Andy, where did you get those earrings? they look great on you! Also, do you ever wear the same outfit twice?

  3. Great look and love the setting of these pics! Very American. Time is just flying by isn’t it? I can’t believe it is nearly June!! Being Irish I can completely relate to you feeling pale too… I just want some sun :). by the way i like the skirt print and the fabric. So amazing

  4. If I had a long vacation of more than 10 days, I would like to just sit on the beach, staring at the sea and doing nothing at all. And your chiffon dress is such a perfect fit for the beach.

  5. Hola!

    Definitivamente me encanta este post es muy divertido y motivante, ya casi es verano y créeme que me has inspirado a viajar a la playa, que nervios. Muchas felicidades por tu blog, ya tengo 3 años siguiéndote y me encanta tu trabajo :D

  6. Since you’ve said you always read your comments, I thought I take my time to comment. You’re photos are honestly the best from all the “big” bloggers. I think you’re so unique. Keep doing what you doing girl, you’re one of my favorites of all time.

  7. Your look is so flirty and makes me long for summer even more. Very nicely done on that location, it fits your outfit perfectly with the breezy hair :)

  8. Such a gorgeous summery location! You look wonderful in the flowy dress.


  9. If these photos are a reflection of how you’re feeling it must be absolutely wonderful. I can definitely understand a breather from the constant buzz of the internet and I absolutely love it when I can get away for a while, sometimes on accident and sometimes on purpose. I just feel so refreshed and so much more appreciative of the natural world and the little moments in life.
