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As part of this mini world tour I have been doing for the past 2 weeks -or it surely feels like it-, I managed to squeeze 2 days in Milan to drink some cocktails and spend time with some friends. Sounds pretty good, I know.
Disaronno arranged for me and my friends Gabi and Mike -better known as Cup Of Couple– to spend 2 days discovering Design Week in Milan and trying some of their Disaronno Sour cocktails.
The guys from GnamBox kindly hosted us on the first night with some bites and drinks, but of course, I spent half of the time making names with the letter soup (see photos 1 and 6 for proof :P) and laughing my ass off despite the fact that I lost my voice -and still havent got it back- due to all the air conditioning in Brazil (See picture 2 for proof of this particular scenario).
I had a great time and it sadly ended too soon. Perfect Milanese weather, amazing company, Italian food, great drinks, what more can a girl ask for?

Now, its time to go home…Finally.

andy signature


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