STSC9684 STSC0065 STSC0085 STSC9784 STSC9766 STSC9673 Dress: Diane Von Furstenberg Jaleyn Dress  (c/o)  |  Jacket: Vintage  |  Bag: 3.1 Phillip Lim  |  Earring: DIOR  |  Sunglasses: Celine

Finally time for bare legs and I cant even begin to explain how happy that makes me, I really don’t like wearing tights at all, but I don’t have a choice during winter… I love this DVF dress because its simple with a twist. I am all over black and white, something I suffer from but at the same time B&W garments make it possible to combine with everything, which is why I decided to throw a pop of color with the burgundy varsity jacket and I will probably be wearing it with colored blazers this summer.

andy signature


110 Responses

  1. I am all over the B&W trend too, I think it’s great how you can pop colour into it without being too drastic. I am lusting over your vintage jacket, great look :) x

  2. Woow love this look so much! Simple, but definitely amazing and that dress omg love it!!!

    Love xx

  3. Cette robe est superbe avec sa jolie ceinture la veste est magnifique les bottines sont hyper belles les sont hyper jolie les photos sont sublimes

  4. the dress is gorgeous! too bad it’s still too cold to wear it without a jacket. DvF is making beautiful dresses. I really like the cut and print. thanks for sharing!
    Katharina // ktinka

  5. I love the black and white with a pop of colour. Such a simple but effective styling tip that anyone can try.
    Great lip colour as well. Thank goodness the sun has finally come out to play!!